release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
Class ilPageObject. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($a_id=0, $a_old_nr=0, $a_lang="-") | |
Constructor public. More... | |
afterConstructor () | |
After constructor. More... | |
getParentType () | |
Get parent type. More... | |
initPageConfig () | |
Init page config. More... | |
setLanguage ($a_val) | |
Set language. More... | |
getLanguage () | |
Get language. More... | |
setPageConfig ($a_val) | |
Set page config object. More... | |
getPageConfig () | |
Get page config object. More... | |
setRenderMd5 ($a_rendermd5) | |
Set Render MD5. More... | |
getRenderMd5 () | |
Get Render MD5. More... | |
setRenderedContent ($a_renderedcontent) | |
Set Rendered Content. More... | |
getRenderedContent () | |
Get Rendered Content. More... | |
setRenderedTime ($a_renderedtime) | |
Set Rendered Time. More... | |
getRenderedTime () | |
Get Rendered Time. More... | |
setLastChange ($a_lastchange) | |
Set Last Change. More... | |
getLastChange () | |
Get Last Change. More... | |
setLastChangeUser ($a_val) | |
Set last change user. More... | |
getLastChangeUser () | |
Get last change user. More... | |
setShowActivationInfo ($a_val) | |
Set show page activation info. More... | |
getShowActivationInfo () | |
Get show page activation info. More... | |
read () | |
Read page data. More... | |
buildDom ($a_force=false) | |
freeDom () | |
getDom () | |
Deprecated php4DomDocument. More... | |
getDomDoc () | |
Get dom doc (php5 dom document) More... | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set id More... | |
getId () | |
setParentId ($a_id) | |
getParentId () | |
addUpdateListener (&$a_object, $a_method, $a_parameters="") | |
callUpdateListeners () | |
setActive ($a_active) | |
set activation More... | |
getActive ($a_check_scheduled_activation=false) | |
get activation More... | |
setActivationStart ($a_activationstart) | |
Set Activation Start. More... | |
getActivationStart () | |
Get Activation Start. More... | |
setActivationEnd ($a_activationend) | |
Set Activation End. More... | |
getActivationEnd () | |
Get Activation End. More... | |
getContentObject ($a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") | |
Get a content object of the page. More... | |
& | getContentNode ($a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") |
Get content node from dom. More... | |
checkForTag ($a_content_tag, $a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") | |
Get content node from dom. More... | |
lookforhier ($a_hier_id) | |
& | getNode () |
setXMLContent ($a_xml, $a_encoding="UTF-8") | |
set xml content of page, start with <PageObject...>, end with </PageObject>, comply with ILIAS DTD, omit MetaData, use utf-8! More... | |
appendXMLContent ($a_xml) | |
append xml content to page setXMLContent must be called before and the same encoding must be used More... | |
getXMLContent ($a_incl_head=false) | |
get xml content of page More... | |
copyXmlContent ($a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Copy content of page; replace page components with copies where necessary (e.g. More... | |
handleCopiedContent ($a_dom, $a_self_ass=true, $a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Handle copied content. More... | |
newIIMCopies ($temp_dom) | |
Replaces media objects in interactive images with copies of the interactive images. More... | |
newMobCopies ($temp_dom) | |
Replaces media objects with copies. More... | |
newQuestionCopies (&$temp_dom) | |
Replaces existing question content elements with new copies. More... | |
removeQuestions (&$temp_dom) | |
Remove questions from document. More... | |
countPageContents () | |
Remove questions from document. More... | |
getXMLFromDom ( $a_incl_head=false, $a_append_mobs=false, $a_append_bib=false, $a_append_str="", $a_omit_pageobject_tag=false) | |
get xml content of page from dom (use this, if any changes are made to the document) More... | |
getLanguageVariablesXML () | |
Get language variables as XML. More... | |
appendLangVarXML (&$xml, $var) | |
getFirstParagraphText () | |
setParagraphContent ($a_hier_id, $a_content) | |
Set content of paragraph. More... | |
setContainsIntLink ($a_contains_link) | |
lm parser set this flag to true, if the page contains intern links (this method should only be called by the import parser) More... | |
containsIntLink () | |
returns true, if page was marked as containing an intern link (via setContainsIntLink) (this method should only be called by the import parser) More... | |
setImportMode ($a_val) | |
Set import mode. More... | |
getImportMode () | |
Get import mode. More... | |
needsImportParsing ($a_parse="") | |
setContainsQuestion ($a_val) | |
Set contains question. More... | |
getContainsQuestion () | |
Get contains question. More... | |
collectMediaObjects ($a_inline_only=true) | |
get all media objects, that are referenced and used within the page More... | |
getInternalLinks ($a_cnt_multiple=false) | |
get all internal links that are used within the page More... | |
getMultimediaXML () | |
get a xml string that contains all media object elements, that are referenced by any media alias in the page More... | |
getMediaAliasElement ($a_mob_id, $a_nr=1) | |
get complete media object (alias) element More... | |
validateDom () | |
Validate the page content agains page DTD. More... | |
addHierIDs () | |
Add hierarchical ID (e.g. More... | |
getHierIds () | |
get all hierarchical ids More... | |
getFirstRowIds () | |
get ids of all first table rows More... | |
getFirstColumnIds () | |
get ids of all first table columns More... | |
getListItemIds () | |
get ids of all list items More... | |
getFileItemIds () | |
get ids of all file items More... | |
stripHierIDs () | |
strip all hierarchical id attributes out of the dom tree More... | |
getHierIdsForPCIds ($a_pc_ids) | |
Get hier ids for a set of pc ids. More... | |
addFileSizes () | |
add file sizes More... | |
resolveIntLinks ($a_link_map=null) | |
Resolves all internal link targets of the page, if targets are available (after import) More... | |
resolveMediaAliases ($a_mapping, $a_reuse_existing_by_import=false) | |
Resolve media aliases (after import) More... | |
resolveIIMMediaAliases ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve iim media aliases (in ilContObjParse) More... | |
resolveFileItems ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve file items (after import) More... | |
resolveQuestionReferences ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve all quesion references (after import) More... | |
moveIntLinks ($a_from_to) | |
Move internal links from one destination to another. More... | |
handleImportRepositoryLink ($a_rep_import_id, $a_rep_type, $a_rep_ref_id) | |
handleRepositoryLinksOnCopy ($a_mapping, $a_source_ref_id) | |
Handle repository links on copy process. More... | |
createFromXML () | |
Create new page object with current xml content. More... | |
updateFromXML () | |
Updates page object with current xml content. More... | |
afterUpdate () | |
After update. More... | |
update ($a_validate=true, $a_no_history=false) | |
update complete page content in db (dom xml content is used) More... | |
delete () | |
delete page object More... | |
saveStyleUsage ($a_domdoc, $a_old_nr=0) | |
Save all style class/template usages. More... | |
deleteStyleUsages ($a_old_nr=0) | |
Delete style usages. More... | |
getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements () | |
Get last update of included elements (media objects and files). More... | |
deleteInternalLinks () | |
Delete internal links. More... | |
saveInternalLinks ($a_domdoc) | |
save internal links of page More... | |
create () | |
create new page (with current xml data) More... | |
deleteContent ($a_hid, $a_update=true, $a_pcid="") | |
delete content object with hierarchical id $a_hid More... | |
deleteContents ($a_hids, $a_update=true, $a_self_ass=false) | |
Delete multiple content objects. More... | |
cutContents ($a_hids) | |
Copy contents to clipboard and cut them from the page. More... | |
copyContents ($a_hids) | |
Copy contents to clipboard. More... | |
pasteContents ($a_hier_id, $a_self_ass=false) | |
Paste contents from pc clipboard. More... | |
switchEnableMultiple ($a_hids, $a_update=true, $a_self_ass=false) | |
(De-)activate elements More... | |
deleteContentFromHierId ($a_hid, $a_update=true) | |
delete content object with hierarchical id >= $a_hid More... | |
deleteContentBeforeHierId ($a_hid, $a_update=true) | |
delete content object with hierarchical id < $a_hid More... | |
insertContent (&$a_cont_obj, $a_pos, $a_mode=IL_INSERT_AFTER, $a_pcid="") | |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent More... | |
insertContentNode (&$a_cont_node, $a_pos, $a_mode=IL_INSERT_AFTER, $a_pcid="") | |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent More... | |
moveContentBefore ($a_source, $a_target, $a_spcid="", $a_tpcid="") | |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids) More... | |
moveContentAfter ($a_source, $a_target, $a_spcid="", $a_tpcid="") | |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids) More... | |
bbCode2XML (&$a_content) | |
transforms bbCode to corresponding xml More... | |
insertInstIntoIDs ($a_inst, $a_res_ref_to_obj_id=true) | |
inserts installation id into ids (e.g. More... | |
checkPCIds () | |
Check, whether (all) page content hashes are set. More... | |
getAllPCIds () | |
Get all pc ids. More... | |
existsPCId ($a_pc_id) | |
existsPCId More... | |
generatePcId ($a_pc_ids=false) | |
Generate new pc id. More... | |
insertPCIds () | |
Insert Page Content IDs. More... | |
getPageContentsHashes () | |
Get page contents hashes. More... | |
getQuestionIds () | |
Get question ids. More... | |
send_paragraph ($par_id, $filename) | |
getFO () | |
get fo page content More... | |
registerOfflineHandler ($handler) | |
getOfflineHandler () | |
Get offline handler. More... | |
containsDeactivatedElements ($a_content) | |
Check whether content contains deactivated elements. More... | |
getHistoryEntries () | |
Get History Entries. More... | |
getHistoryEntry ($a_old_nr) | |
Get History Entry. More... | |
getHistoryInfo ($a_nr) | |
Get information about a history entry, its predecessor and its successor. More... | |
addChangeDivClasses ($a_hashes) | |
compareVersion ($a_left, $a_right) | |
Compares to revisions of the page. More... | |
increaseViewCnt () | |
Increase view cnt. More... | |
writeRenderedContent ($a_content, $a_md5) | |
Write rendered content. More... | |
containsIntLinks ($a_content) | |
Check whether content contains internal links. More... | |
performAutomaticModifications () | |
Perform automatic modifications (may be overwritten by sub classes) More... | |
saveInitialOpenedContent ($a_type, $a_id, $a_target) | |
Save initial opened content. More... | |
getInitialOpenedContent () | |
Get initial opened content. More... | |
beforePageContentUpdate ($a_page_content) | |
Before page content update. More... | |
copy ($a_id, $a_parent_type="", $a_parent_id=0, $a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Copy page. More... | |
copyPageToTranslation ($a_target_lang) | |
Copy page to translation. More... | |
getEditLock () | |
Get page lock. More... | |
releasePageLock () | |
Release page lock. More... | |
getEditLockInfo () | |
Get edit lock info. More... | |
getContentTemplates () | |
Get content templates. More... | |
getEffectiveEditLockTime () | |
getAllFileObjIds () | |
Get all file object ids. More... | |
resolveResources ($ref_mapping) | |
Resolve resources. More... | |
getRepoObjId () | |
Get object id of repository object that contains this page, return 0 if page does not belong to a repo object. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _exists ($a_parent_type, $a_id, $a_lang="", $a_no_cache=false) |
Checks whether page exists. More... | |
static | _existsAndNotEmpty ($a_parent_type, $a_id, $a_lang="-") |
Checks whether page exists and is not empty (may return true on some empty pages) More... | |
static | preloadActivationDataByParentId ($a_parent_id) |
Preload activation data by Parent Id. More... | |
static | _lookupActive ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_check_scheduled_activation=false, $a_lang="-") |
lookup activation status More... | |
static | _isScheduledActivation ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") |
Check whether page is activated by time schedule. More... | |
static | _writeActive ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_active, $a_reset_scheduled_activation=true, $a_lang="-") |
write activation status More... | |
static | _lookupActivationData ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") |
Lookup activation data. More... | |
static | lookupParentId ($a_id, $a_type) |
Lookup parent id. More... | |
static | _writeParentId ($a_parent_type, $a_pg_id, $a_par_id) |
Write parent id. More... | |
static | _handleImportRepositoryLinks ($a_rep_import_id, $a_rep_type, $a_rep_ref_id) |
Change targest of repository links. More... | |
static | _moveContentAfterHierId (&$a_source_page, &$a_target_page, $a_hid) |
move content of hierarchical id >= $a_hid to other page More... | |
static | _lookupContainsDeactivatedElements ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") |
lookup whether page contains deactivated elements More... | |
static | getRecentChanges ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_period=30, $a_lang="") |
Get recent pages changes for parent object. More... | |
static | getAllPages ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all pages for parent object. More... | |
static | getNewPages ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get new pages. More... | |
static | getParentObjectContributors ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all contributors for parent object. More... | |
static | getPageContributors ($a_parent_type, $a_page_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all contributors for parent object. More... | |
static | getPagesWithLinks ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all pages for parent object that contain internal links. More... | |
static | lookupTranslations ($a_parent_type, $a_id) |
Lookup translations. More... | |
static | truncateHTML ($a_text, $a_length=100, $a_ending='...', $a_exact=false, $a_consider_html=true) |
Truncate (html) string. More... | |
static | getLastChangeByParent ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="") |
Get all pages for parent object. More... | |
Data Fields | |
$dom | |
$xml | |
$encoding | |
$node | |
$cur_dtd = "ilias_pg_5_4.dtd" | |
$contains_int_link | |
$needs_parsing | |
$parent_type | |
$parent_id | |
$update_listeners | |
$update_listener_cnt | |
$offline_handler | |
$dom_builded | |
$history_saved | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static | $exists = array() |
Protected Member Functions | |
__afterUpdate ($a_domdoc, $a_xml, $a_creation=false, $a_empty=false) | |
After update event handler (internal). More... | |
__beforeDelete () | |
Before deletion handler (internal). More... | |
__afterHistoryEntry ($a_old_domdoc, $a_old_content, $a_old_nr) | |
Before deletion handler (internal). More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$obj_definition | |
$db | |
$user | |
$lng | |
$tree | |
$id | |
$language = "-" | |
$import_mode = false | |
$log | |
$page_record = array() | |
$active = false | |
$page_config | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static | $activation_data = array() |
Class ilPageObject.
Handles PageObjects of ILIAS Learning Modules (see ILIAS DTD)
Definition at line 48 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
final |
Constructor public.
Definition at line 135 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $DIC, afterConstructor(), ilLoggerFactory\getLogger(), getParentType(), initPageConfig(), read(), setActive(), setLanguage(), and user().
finalprotected |
Before deletion handler (internal).
Definition at line 2824 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $def, ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitions(), ilCOPagePCDef\requirePCClassByName(), and saveStyleUsage().
Referenced by update().
finalprotected |
After update event handler (internal).
The hooks are e.g. for storing any dependent relations/references in the database.
Definition at line 2539 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $def, afterUpdate(), callUpdateListeners(), ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitions(), ilCOPagePCDef\requirePCClassByName(), saveInternalLinks(), and saveStyleUsage().
Referenced by createFromXML(), update(), and updateFromXML().
finalprotected |
Before deletion handler (internal).
Definition at line 2807 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $def, ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitions(), and ilCOPagePCDef\requirePCClassByName().
Referenced by delete().
static |
Checks whether page exists.
string | $a_parent_type | parent type |
int | $a_id | page id |
string | $a_lang | language code, if empty language independent existence is checked |
Definition at line 407 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $DIC, $query, and $row.
Referenced by ilImprintGUI\__construct(), ilInternalLink\_exists(), ilContainer\_exportContainerSettings(), ilObjContentObject\checkStructure(), copy(), ilObjMediaPool\deleteChild(), ilObjContentPage\doDelete(), ilAssQuestionFeedback\ensurePageObjectDeleted(), ilAssQuestionFeedbackPageObjectCommandForwarder\ensurePageObjectExists(), ilContentPagePageCommandForwarder\ensurePageObjectExists(), ilAssQuestionHintPageObjectCommandForwarder\ensurePageObjectExists(), ilAssQuestionFeedback\ensurePageObjectExists(), ilLOEditorGUI\executeCommand(), ilLMPageObjectGUI\executeCommand(), ilContainerStartObjectsGUI\executeCommand(), ilPortfolioHTMLExport\exportHTMLPages(), ilWikiHTMLExport\exportHTMLPages(), ilObjBlogGUI\exportHTMLPages(), ilObjContentObject\exportHTMLPages(), ilObjContentObject\exportXMLPageObjects(), ilLearningModuleImporter\finalProcessing(), ilObjItemGroup\fixContainerItemGroupRefsAfterCloning(), ilObjContentObject\fixTree(), ilAuthLoginPageEditorGUI\forwardToPageObject(), ilContainerGUI\forwardToPageObject(), ilContainer\getCompleteDescriptions(), ilObjectTranslation\getEffectiveContentLang(), ilPageMultiLang\getEffectiveLang(), ilLMPresentationGUI\getLMPage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\getLMPageGUI(), ilContainerExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies(), ilWikiExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies(), ilCOPageImporter\importXmlRepresentation(), ilMediaPoolPage\lookupUsages(), ilObjMediaObject\lookupUsages(), ilPCContentInclude\modifyPageContentPostXsl(), newQuestionCopies(), ilContObjParser\processPagesToParse(), ilWikiPage\rename(), ilPageObjectGUI\switchToLanguage(), ilObjContentObject\validatePages(), ilObjContentPage\writeStyleSheetId(), and ilContainerXmlWriter\writeSubitems().
static |
Checks whether page exists and is not empty (may return true on some empty pages)
string | $a_parent_type | parent type |
int | $a_id | page id |
string | $a_lang | language code ("-" for unknown / not set) |
Definition at line 441 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References ilPageUtil\_existsAndNotEmpty().
static |
Change targest of repository links.
Use full targets in "from" and "to"!!!
array | keys are the old targets, values are the new targets |
Definition at line 2255 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $source, ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), and ilInternalLink\_getSourcesOfTarget().
Referenced by ilObjContentObject\importFromDirectory().
static |
Check whether page is activated by time schedule.
Definition at line 642 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilChapterHierarchyFormGUI\getChildIcon(), ilLMEditorExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), ilPublicSectionExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), and ilLMTOCExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon().
static |
Lookup activation data.
Definition at line 709 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPageObject\_getPresentationTitle(), ilLMTracker\_isNodeVisible(), ilLMPresentationGUI\getSuccessorPage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\ilLMNavigation(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\ilPage().
static |
lookup activation status
Definition at line 603 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $DIC, and ilUtil\now().
Referenced by ilLMPageObject\_getPresentationTitle(), ilLMTracker\_isNodeVisible(), ilStructureObjectGUI\activatePages(), ilObjContentObjectGUI\activatePages(), ilObjBlog\deliverRSS(), ilLMPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjBlogGUI\filterInactivePostings(), ilChapterHierarchyFormGUI\getChildIcon(), ilChapterHierarchyFormGUI\getChildIconAlt(), ilLMPresentationGUI\getCurrentPageId(), ilObjBlogGUI\getKeywords(), ilObjBlogGUI\getListItems(), ilLPStatusVisitedPages\getLMPages(), ilLMTOCExplorerGUI\getNodeHref(), ilLMEditorExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), ilPublicSectionExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), ilLMTOCExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), ilLMEditorExplorerGUI\getNodeIconAlt(), ilLMPresentationGUI\getSuccessorPage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\ilLMNavigation(), ilLMTOCExplorerGUI\isNodeClickable(), ilObjBlogGUI\renderList(), ilObjBlogGUI\renderNavigationByAuthors(), ilObjBlogGUI\renderNavigationByDate(), ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintView(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintViewSelection().
static |
lookup whether page contains deactivated elements
Definition at line 4027 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $DIC, $query, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilLMPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilChapterHierarchyFormGUI\getChildIcon(), ilChapterHierarchyFormGUI\getChildIconAlt(), ilLMEditorExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), ilPublicSectionExplorerGUI\getNodeIcon(), and ilLMEditorExplorerGUI\getNodeIconAlt().
static |
move content of hierarchical id >= $a_hid to other page
string | $a_hid | hierarchical id of content object |
boolean | $a_update | update page in db (note: update deletes all hierarchical ids in DOM!) |
Definition at line 3355 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPageObject\_splitPageNext().
static |
write activation status
Definition at line 677 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilStructureObjectGUI\activatePages(), and ilObjContentObjectGUI\activatePages().
static |
Write parent id.
Definition at line 754 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilContentPageImporter\finalProcessing(), ilContainerImporter\finalProcessing(), ilWikiImporter\finalProcessing(), ilBlogImporter\finalProcessing(), ilPortfolioImporter\finalProcessing(), ilMediaPoolImporter\finalProcessing(), and ilLearningModuleImporter\finalProcessing().
ilPageObject::addChangeDivClasses | ( | $a_hashes | ) |
Definition at line 4181 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $h, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::addFileSizes | ( | ) |
add file sizes
Definition at line 1869 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $id, $path, $res, $size, ilObjFile\_lookupFileSize(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::addHierIDs | ( | ) |
Add hierarchical ID (e.g.
for editing) attributes "HierId" to current dom tree. This attribute will be added to the following elements: PageObject, Paragraph, Table, TableRow, TableData. Only elements of these types are counted as "childs" here.
Hierarchical IDs have the format "x_y_z_...", e.g. "1_4_2" means: second child of fourth child of first child of page.
The PageObject element gets the special id "pg". The first child of the page starts with id 1. The next child gets the 2 and so on.
Another example: The first child of the page is a Paragraph -> id 1. The second child is a table -> id 2. The first row gets the id 2_1, the
Definition at line 1679 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, ilPageContent\incEdId(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by moveIntLinks().
ilPageObject::addUpdateListener | ( | & | $a_object, |
$a_method, | |||
$a_parameters = "" |
) |
Definition at line 532 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $update_listener_cnt.
Referenced by ilBlogPosting\read().
ilPageObject::afterConstructor | ( | ) |
After constructor.
Definition at line 175 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getParentType().
Referenced by __construct().
ilPageObject::afterUpdate | ( | ) |
After update.
Definition at line 2574 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by __afterUpdate().
ilPageObject::appendLangVarXML | ( | & | $xml, |
$var | |||
) |
Definition at line 1368 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $xml.
Referenced by getLanguageVariablesXML().
ilPageObject::appendXMLContent | ( | $a_xml | ) |
append xml content to page setXMLContent must be called before and the same encoding must be used
string | $a_xml | xml content |
Definition at line 1005 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::bbCode2XML | ( | & | $a_content | ) |
transforms bbCode to corresponding xml
Definition at line 3622 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_content.
ilPageObject::beforePageContentUpdate | ( | $a_page_content | ) |
Before page content update.
Note: This one is "work in progress", currently only text paragraphs call this hook It is called before the page content object invokes the update procedure of ilPageObject
Definition at line 4739 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::buildDom | ( | $a_force = false | ) |
Definition at line 447 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References PHPMailer\PHPMailer\$options, $path, $res, domxml_open_mem(), getXMLContent(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by countPageContents(), createFromXML(), delete(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), getInitialOpenedContent(), ilPortfolioTemplatePage\getPageDiskSize(), handleImportRepositoryLink(), handleRepositoryLinksOnCopy(), ilPCVerification\isInPortfolioPage(), moveIntLinks(), ilSCORM2004Page\performAutomaticModifications(), ilSCORM2004Page\removeInvalidLinks(), ilPortfolioPage\renameLinksOnTitleChange(), saveInitialOpenedContent(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::callUpdateListeners | ( | ) |
Definition at line 541 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, and $update_listener_cnt.
Referenced by __afterUpdate().
ilPageObject::checkForTag | ( | $a_content_tag, | |
$a_hier_id, | |||
$a_pc_id = "" |
) |
Get content node from dom.
string | $a_hier_id | hierarchical ID |
string | $a_pc_id | page content ID |
Definition at line 944 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by deleteContents(), and switchEnableMultiple().
ilPageObject::checkPCIds | ( | ) |
Check, whether (all) page content hashes are set.
Definition at line 3735 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by update().
ilPageObject::collectMediaObjects | ( | $a_inline_only = true | ) |
get all media objects, that are referenced and used within the page
Definition at line 1495 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, $target, ilObject\_exists(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by delete(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), and getMultimediaXML().
ilPageObject::compareVersion | ( | $a_left, | |
$a_right | |||
) |
Compares to revisions of the page.
int | $a_left | Nr of first revision |
int | $a_right | Nr of second revision |
Definition at line 4207 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $h, getId(), ilPageObjectFactory\getInstance(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::containsDeactivatedElements | ( | $a_content | ) |
Check whether content contains deactivated elements.
Definition at line 4057 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_content.
Referenced by createFromXML(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::containsIntLink | ( | ) |
returns true, if page was marked as containing an intern link (via setContainsIntLink) (this method should only be called by the import parser)
Definition at line 1432 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $contains_int_link.
ilPageObject::containsIntLinks | ( | $a_content | ) |
Check whether content contains internal links.
Definition at line 4597 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_content.
Referenced by createFromXML(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::copy | ( | $a_id, | |
$a_parent_type = "" , |
$a_parent_id = 0 , |
$a_clone_mobs = false |
) |
Copy page.
int | $a_id | target page id |
string | $a_parent_type | target parent type |
int | $a_parent_id | target parent id |
Definition at line 4750 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $l, _exists(), getId(), ilPageObjectFactory\getInstance(), getParentId(), and getParentType().
Referenced by ilDclTableView\cloneStructure().
ilPageObject::copyContents | ( | $a_hids | ) |
Copy contents to clipboard.
string | $a_hids | array of hierarchical ids of content objects |
Definition at line 3159 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $h, $s, $time, $user, getContentNode(), ilEditClipboard\setAction(), and ilPageContent\sortHierIds().
Referenced by cutContents().
ilPageObject::copyPageToTranslation | ( | $a_target_lang | ) |
Copy page to translation.
string | $a_target_lang | target language |
Definition at line 4815 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getActivationEnd(), getActivationStart(), getActive(), getId(), ilPageObjectFactory\getInstance(), getParentId(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::copyXmlContent | ( | $a_clone_mobs = false | ) |
Copy content of page; replace page components with copies where necessary (e.g.
Definition at line 1035 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $xml, DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING, domxml_open_mem(), and handleCopiedContent().
ilPageObject::countPageContents | ( | ) |
Remove questions from document.
Definition at line 1265 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $path, $res, buildDom(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::create | ( | ) |
create new page (with current xml data)
Definition at line 3086 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References createFromXML().
ilPageObject::createFromXML | ( | ) |
Create new page object with current xml content.
Definition at line 2448 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References __afterUpdate(), buildDom(), containsDeactivatedElements(), containsIntLinks(), getActivationEnd(), getActivationStart(), getActive(), getDomDoc(), getId(), getLanguage(), getParentId(), getParentType(), getShowActivationInfo(), getXMLContent(), ilUtil\now(), setXMLContent(), and user().
Referenced by create().
ilPageObject::cutContents | ( | $a_hids | ) |
Copy contents to clipboard and cut them from the page.
string | $a_hids | array of hierarchical ids of content objects |
Definition at line 3148 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References copyContents(), deleteContents(), and getPageConfig().
ilPageObject::delete | ( | ) |
delete page object
Definition at line 2727 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $files, $m, $mobs, __beforeDelete(), ilObjMediaObject\_deleteAllUsages(), ilObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObject\_lookupType(), buildDom(), collectMediaObjects(), deleteInternalLinks(), ilNewsItem\deleteNewsOfContext(), deleteStyleUsages(), getId(), getLanguage(), ilLoggerFactory\getLogger(), getParentId(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::deleteContent | ( | $a_hid, | |
$a_update = true , |
$a_pcid = "" |
) |
delete content object with hierarchical id $a_hid
string | $a_hid | hierarchical id of content object |
boolean | $a_update | update page in db (note: update deletes all hierarchical ids in DOM!) |
Definition at line 3098 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getContentNode(), and update().
Referenced by moveContentAfter(), and moveContentBefore().
ilPageObject::deleteContentBeforeHierId | ( | $a_hid, | |
$a_update = true |
) |
delete content object with hierarchical id < $a_hid
string | $a_hid | hierarchical id of content object |
boolean | $a_update | update page in db (note: update deletes all hierarchical ids in DOM!) |
Definition at line 3327 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getContentNode(), getHierIds(), and update().
ilPageObject::deleteContentFromHierId | ( | $a_hid, | |
$a_update = true |
) |
delete content object with hierarchical id >= $a_hid
string | $a_hid | hierarchical id of content object |
boolean | $a_update | update page in db (note: update deletes all hierarchical ids in DOM!) |
Definition at line 3300 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getContentNode(), getHierIds(), and update().
ilPageObject::deleteContents | ( | $a_hids, | |
$a_update = true , |
$a_self_ass = false |
) |
Delete multiple content objects.
string | $a_hids | array of hierarchical ids of content objects |
boolean | $a_update | update page in db (note: update deletes all hierarchical ids in DOM!) |
Definition at line 3116 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References checkForTag(), getContentNode(), and update().
Referenced by cutContents().
ilPageObject::deleteInternalLinks | ( | ) |
Delete internal links.
Definition at line 2994 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), getId(), getLanguage(), and getParentType().
Referenced by delete(), and saveInternalLinks().
ilPageObject::deleteStyleUsages | ( | $a_old_nr = 0 | ) |
Delete style usages.
Definition at line 2951 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by delete(), and saveStyleUsage().
ilPageObject::existsPCId | ( | $a_pc_id | ) |
Definition at line 3792 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::freeDom | ( | ) |
Definition at line 479 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent().
ilPageObject::generatePcId | ( | $a_pc_ids = false | ) |
Generate new pc id.
array | $a_pc_ids | existing pc ids |
Definition at line 3817 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $id, and getAllPCIds().
ilPageObject::getActivationEnd | ( | ) |
Get Activation End.
Definition at line 808 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by copyPageToTranslation(), createFromXML(), getActive(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::getActivationStart | ( | ) |
Get Activation Start.
Definition at line 785 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by copyPageToTranslation(), createFromXML(), getActive(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::getActive | ( | $a_check_scheduled_activation = false | ) |
get activation
Definition at line 566 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $active, $end, $start, ilDateTime\_after(), ilDateTime\_before(), getActivationEnd(), getActivationStart(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, and IL_CAL_UNIX.
Referenced by ilBlogPosting\checkApproval(), copyPageToTranslation(), createFromXML(), ilBlogPosting\handleNews(), ilBlogPosting\update(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::getAllFileObjIds | ( | ) |
Get all file object ids.
Definition at line 5110 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
static |
Get all pages for parent object.
string | $a_parent_type | |
int | $a_parent_id | |
string | $a_lang |
Definition at line 4340 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilObjContentObject\autoLinkGlossaryTerms(), ilContentPagePageCollector\getAllPageIds(), ilLearningModulePageCollector\getAllPageIds(), and ilCourseExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies().
ilPageObject::getAllPCIds | ( | ) |
Get all pc ids.
Definition at line 3762 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $i, $node, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by generatePcId(), and insertPCIds().
ilPageObject::getContainsQuestion | ( | ) |
Get contains question.
Definition at line 1484 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
& ilPageObject::getContentNode | ( | $a_hier_id, | |
$a_pc_id = "" |
) |
Get content node from dom.
string | $a_hier_id | hierarchical ID |
string | $a_pc_id | page content ID |
Definition at line 912 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $node, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by copyContents(), deleteContent(), deleteContentBeforeHierId(), deleteContentFromHierId(), deleteContents(), getContentObject(), insertContent(), insertContentNode(), setParagraphContent(), and switchEnableMultiple().
ilPageObject::getContentObject | ( | $a_hier_id, | |
$a_pc_id = "" |
) |
Get a content object of the page.
string | hier ID |
string | PC ID |
Definition at line 821 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $tab, ilObject\_exists(), exit, getContentNode(), and ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitionByName().
Referenced by ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), moveContentAfter(), moveContentBefore(), and switchEnableMultiple().
ilPageObject::getContentTemplates | ( | ) |
Get content templates.
Definition at line 5058 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getDom | ( | ) |
Deprecated php4DomDocument.
Definition at line 488 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom.
Referenced by ilPortfolioTemplatePage\getPageDiskSize(), and ilPCVerification\isInPortfolioPage().
ilPageObject::getDomDoc | ( | ) |
Get dom doc (php5 dom document)
Definition at line 499 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom.
Referenced by ilWikiPage\create(), createFromXML(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), ilSCORM2004Page\removeInvalidLinks(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::getEditLock | ( | ) |
Get page lock.
Definition at line 4839 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $user, getEffectiveEditLockTime(), getId(), and getParentType().
Referenced by update().
ilPageObject::getEditLockInfo | ( | ) |
Get edit lock info.
Definition at line 4913 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db.
Referenced by update().
ilPageObject::getEffectiveEditLockTime | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5093 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getPageConfig().
Referenced by getEditLock().
ilPageObject::getFileItemIds | ( | ) |
get ids of all file items
Definition at line 1816 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getFirstColumnIds | ( | ) |
get ids of all first table columns
Definition at line 1798 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getFirstParagraphText | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1377 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $path, $res, $text, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::getFirstRowIds | ( | ) |
get ids of all first table rows
Definition at line 1789 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getFO | ( | ) |
get fo page content
Definition at line 3982 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References PHPMailer\PHPMailer\$params, $xml, getXMLFromDom(), xslt_create(), and xslt_free().
ilPageObject::getHierIds | ( | ) |
get all hierarchical ids
Definition at line 1780 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by deleteContentBeforeHierId(), and deleteContentFromHierId().
ilPageObject::getHierIdsForPCIds | ( | $a_pc_ids | ) |
Get hier ids for a set of pc ids.
Definition at line 1842 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, $ret, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::getHistoryEntries | ( | ) |
Get History Entries.
Definition at line 4068 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, getId(), getLanguage(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::getHistoryEntry | ( | $a_old_nr | ) |
Get History Entry.
Definition at line 4093 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $res, getId(), getLanguage(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::getHistoryInfo | ( | $a_nr | ) |
Get information about a history entry, its predecessor and its successor.
int | $a_nr | Nr of history entry |
Definition at line 4120 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 517 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $id.
Referenced by compareVersion(), copy(), copyPageToTranslation(), ilBlogPosting\create(), ilWikiPage\create(), createFromXML(), ilPortfolioPage\delete(), ilBlogPosting\delete(), ilWikiPage\delete(), delete(), deleteInternalLinks(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXML(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLMetaData(), ilDclDetailedViewDefinition\getAvailablePlaceholders(), getEditLock(), getHistoryEntries(), getHistoryEntry(), getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements(), ilBlogPosting\getMDSection(), ilBlogPosting\getNotificationAbstract(), ilMediaPoolPage\getUsages(), ilBlogPosting\handleNews(), ilWikiStat\handlePageDeletion(), ilWikiStat\handlePageRating(), ilWikiStat\handlePageRead(), ilWikiStat\handlePageUpdated(), ilBlogPosting\read(), ilPortfolioPage\read(), ilWikiPage\read(), ilWikiPage\rename(), resolveMediaAliases(), ilWikiPage\saveInternalLinks(), saveInternalLinks(), saveStyleUsage(), ilBlogPosting\unpublish(), ilBlogPosting\update(), ilPortfolioPage\update(), ilWikiPage\update(), update(), updateFromXML(), ilWikiPage\updateNews(), and writeRenderedContent().
ilPageObject::getImportMode | ( | ) |
Get import mode.
Definition at line 1452 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $import_mode.
ilPageObject::getInitialOpenedContent | ( | ) |
Get initial opened content.
Definition at line 4685 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $id, $path, $res, $target, $type, ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), buildDom(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::getInternalLinks | ( | $a_cnt_multiple = false | ) |
get all internal links that are used within the page
Definition at line 1547 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $id, $key, $links, $path, $res, $target, $type, ilMediaItem\_getMapAreasIntLinks(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::getLanguage | ( | ) |
Get language.
Definition at line 213 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $language.
Referenced by createFromXML(), delete(), deleteInternalLinks(), getHistoryEntries(), getHistoryEntry(), read(), saveInternalLinks(), saveStyleUsage(), update(), updateFromXML(), and writeRenderedContent().
ilPageObject::getLanguageVariablesXML | ( | ) |
Get language variables as XML.
Definition at line 1332 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $def, $xml, appendLangVarXML(), ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitions(), and ilCOPagePCDef\requirePCClassByName().
Referenced by getXMLFromDom().
ilPageObject::getLastChange | ( | ) |
static |
Get all pages for parent object.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
string | $a_lang | language |
Definition at line 5070 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilWikiUserHTMLExport\getProcess().
ilPageObject::getLastChangeUser | ( | ) |
Get last change user.
Definition at line 333 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements | ( | ) |
Get last update of included elements (media objects and files).
This is needed for cache logic, cache must be reloaded if anything has changed.
Definition at line 2972 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $files, $mobs, ilObjFile\_getFilesOfObject(), ilObject\_getLastUpdateOfObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), getId(), and getParentType().
ilPageObject::getListItemIds | ( | ) |
get ids of all list items
Definition at line 1807 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getMediaAliasElement | ( | $a_mob_id, | |
$a_nr = 1 |
) |
get complete media object (alias) element
Definition at line 1635 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::getMultimediaXML | ( | ) |
get a xml string that contains all media object elements, that are referenced by any media alias in the page
Definition at line 1614 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References ilObject\_lookupType(), collectMediaObjects(), and IL_MODE_OUTPUT.
Referenced by getXMLFromDom().
static |
Get new pages.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
Definition at line 4376 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
& ilPageObject::getNode | ( | ) |
Definition at line 979 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $node.
Referenced by insertContent(), and insertContentNode().
ilPageObject::getOfflineHandler | ( | ) |
Get offline handler.
Definition at line 4018 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $offline_handler.
ilPageObject::getPageConfig | ( | ) |
Get page config object.
Definition at line 233 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $page_config.
Referenced by ilLMPage\afterConstructor(), ilSCORM2004Page\afterConstructor(), ilWikiPage\afterConstructor(), cutContents(), getEffectiveEditLockTime(), and insertContent().
ilPageObject::getPageContentsHashes | ( | ) |
Get page contents hashes.
Definition at line 3860 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $i, $path, $res, ilPCParagraph\xml2output(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
static |
Get all contributors for parent object.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
Definition at line 4477 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $c, $db, $DIC, $name, and ilObjUser\_lookupName().
Referenced by ilBlogPostingGUI\postOutputProcessing().
static |
Get all pages for parent object that contain internal links.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
int | $a_period | Time Period |
Definition at line 4560 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPageObject\getPagesWithLinksList().
ilPageObject::getParentId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 527 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $parent_id.
Referenced by ilLMPage\afterConstructor(), ilWikiPage\afterConstructor(), ilSCORM2004Page\afterConstructor(), ilGlossaryDefPage\beforePageContentUpdate(), ilLMPage\beforePageContentUpdate(), copy(), copyPageToTranslation(), createFromXML(), delete(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLMetaData(), ilBlogPosting\getBlogId(), ilGlossaryDefPage\getRepoObjId(), getRepoObjId(), ilWikiPage\getWikiId(), update(), and updateFromXML().
static |
Get all contributors for parent object.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
Definition at line 4414 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $c, $db, $DIC, $name, ilObjUser\_lookupName(), and ilObject\_lookupType().
abstract |
Get parent type.
Referenced by __construct(), afterConstructor(), compareVersion(), copy(), copyPageToTranslation(), createFromXML(), delete(), deleteInternalLinks(), getEditLock(), getHistoryEntries(), getHistoryEntry(), getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements(), initPageConfig(), read(), resolveMediaAliases(), saveInternalLinks(), saveStyleUsage(), update(), updateFromXML(), and writeRenderedContent().
ilPageObject::getQuestionIds | ( | ) |
Get question ids.
Definition at line 3908 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $i, $path, $res, ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
static |
Get recent pages changes for parent object.
string | $a_parent_type | Parent Type |
int | $a_parent_id | Parent ID |
int | $a_period | Time Period |
Definition at line 4278 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $db, $DIC, and ilUtil\sortArray().
Referenced by ilWikiRecentChangesTableGUI\getRecentChanges().
ilPageObject::getRenderedContent | ( | ) |
Get Rendered Content.
Definition at line 273 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getRenderedTime | ( | ) |
Get Rendered Time.
Definition at line 293 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::getRenderMd5 | ( | ) |
ilPageObject::getRepoObjId | ( | ) |
Get object id of repository object that contains this page, return 0 if page does not belong to a repo object.
Definition at line 5139 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getParentId().
ilPageObject::getShowActivationInfo | ( | ) |
Get show page activation info.
Definition at line 353 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by createFromXML(), and update().
ilPageObject::getXMLContent | ( | $a_incl_head = false | ) |
get xml content of page
Definition at line 1014 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $xml.
Referenced by buildDom(), createFromXML(), update(), and updateFromXML().
ilPageObject::getXMLFromDom | ( | $a_incl_head = false , |
$a_append_mobs = false , |
$a_append_bib = false , |
$a_append_str = "" , |
$a_omit_pageobject_tag = false |
) |
get xml content of page from dom (use this, if any changes are made to the document)
Definition at line 1279 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $mobs, $xml, getLanguageVariablesXML(), and getMultimediaXML().
Referenced by ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), getFO(), and update().
ilPageObject::handleCopiedContent | ( | $a_dom, | |
$a_self_ass = true , |
$a_clone_mobs = false |
) |
Handle copied content.
This function copies items, that must be copied, if page content is duplicated.
Definition at line 1064 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $def, $node, $nodes, $path, $res, ilCOPagePCDef\getPCDefinitions(), newIIMCopies(), newMobCopies(), newQuestionCopies(), removeQuestions(), ilCOPagePCDef\requirePCClassByName(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by copyXmlContent(), and pasteContents().
ilPageObject::handleImportRepositoryLink | ( | $a_rep_import_id, | |
$a_rep_type, | |||
$a_rep_ref_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 2288 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, $target, $type, buildDom(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::handleRepositoryLinksOnCopy | ( | $a_mapping, | |
$a_source_ref_id | |||
) |
Handle repository links on copy process.
array | $a_mapping | |
int | $a_source_ref_id |
Definition at line 2317 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $obj_definition, $path, $res, $t, $target, $tree, $type, $url, buildDom(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::increaseViewCnt | ( | ) |
final |
Init page config.
Definition at line 191 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $cfg, ilPageObjectFactory\getConfigInstance(), getParentType(), and setPageConfig().
Referenced by __construct().
ilPageObject::insertContent | ( | & | $a_cont_obj, |
$a_pos, | |||
$a_mode = IL_INSERT_AFTER , |
$a_pcid = "" |
) |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent
Definition at line 3404 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getContentNode(), getNode(), getPageConfig(), IL_INSERT_AFTER, IL_INSERT_BEFORE, and IL_INSERT_CHILD.
Referenced by ilPCLearningHistory\create(), moveContentAfter(), and moveContentBefore().
ilPageObject::insertContentNode | ( | & | $a_cont_node, |
$a_pos, | |||
$a_mode = IL_INSERT_AFTER , |
$a_pcid = "" |
) |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent
Definition at line 3498 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References getContentNode(), getNode(), IL_INSERT_AFTER, IL_INSERT_BEFORE, and IL_INSERT_CHILD.
Referenced by pasteContents().
ilPageObject::insertInstIntoIDs | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_res_ref_to_obj_id = true |
) |
inserts installation id into ids (e.g.
il__pg_4 -> il_23_pg_4) this is needed for xml export of page
Definition at line 3636 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $id, $path, $res, $target, $type, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupType(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent().
ilPageObject::insertPCIds | ( | ) |
Insert Page Content IDs.
Definition at line 3830 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $i, $id, $node, $path, $res, getAllPCIds(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by update().
ilPageObject::lookforhier | ( | $a_hier_id | ) |
Definition at line 966 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
static |
Lookup parent id.
Definition at line 739 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_type, $db, $DIC, and $res.
Referenced by ilObjMediaObject\getParentObjectIdForUsage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\ilPage(), and ilLMPageGUI\processAnswer().
static |
Lookup translations.
string | $a_parent_type | parent type |
int | $a_id | page id |
Definition at line 4791 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLearningModuleExporter\getXmlRepresentation(), ilCOPageExporter\getXmlRepresentation(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
ilPageObject::moveContentAfter | ( | $a_source, | |
$a_target, | |||
$a_spcid = "" , |
$a_tpcid = "" |
) |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids)
Definition at line 3598 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References deleteContent(), getContentObject(), IL_INSERT_AFTER, insertContent(), and update().
ilPageObject::moveContentBefore | ( | $a_source, | |
$a_target, | |||
$a_spcid = "" , |
$a_tpcid = "" |
) |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids)
Definition at line 3574 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References deleteContent(), getContentObject(), IL_INSERT_BEFORE, insertContent(), and update().
ilPageObject::moveIntLinks | ( | $a_from_to | ) |
Move internal links from one destination to another.
This is used for pages and structure links. Just use IDs in "from" and "to".
array | keys are the old targets, values are the new targets |
Definition at line 2100 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $changed, $i, $id, $path, $res, $t, $target, $type, ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), ilLMObject\_lookupType(), addHierIDs(), buildDom(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::needsImportParsing | ( | $a_parse = "" | ) |
ilPageObject::newIIMCopies | ( | $temp_dom | ) |
Replaces media objects in interactive images with copies of the interactive images.
Definition at line 1135 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by handleCopiedContent().
ilPageObject::newMobCopies | ( | $temp_dom | ) |
Replaces media objects with copies.
Definition at line 1168 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by handleCopiedContent().
ilPageObject::newQuestionCopies | ( | & | $temp_dom | ) |
Replaces existing question content elements with new copies.
Definition at line 1202 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, _exists(), ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_extractObjIdOfTarget(), assQuestion\_instantiateQuestion(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by handleCopiedContent().
ilPageObject::pasteContents | ( | $a_hier_id, | |
$a_self_ass = false |
) |
Paste contents from pc clipboard.
Definition at line 3219 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $c, $i, $path, $res, $user, DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING, domxml_open_mem(), handleCopiedContent(), IL_INSERT_AFTER, insertContentNode(), update(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::performAutomaticModifications | ( | ) |
Perform automatic modifications (may be overwritten by sub classes)
Definition at line 4608 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by update().
static |
Preload activation data by Parent Id.
integer | $a_parent_id | parent id |
Definition at line 585 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMExplorerGUI\__construct().
ilPageObject::read | ( | ) |
Read page data.
Definition at line 361 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $query, getLanguage(), getParentType(), setActivationEnd(), setActivationStart(), setActive(), setLastChange(), setParentId(), setRenderedContent(), setRenderedTime(), setRenderMd5(), and setShowActivationInfo().
Referenced by __construct(), and ilWikiPage\createFromXML().
ilPageObject::registerOfflineHandler | ( | $handler | ) |
ilPageObject::releasePageLock | ( | ) |
ilPageObject::removeQuestions | ( | & | $temp_dom | ) |
Remove questions from document.
Definition at line 1245 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by handleCopiedContent().
ilPageObject::resolveFileItems | ( | $a_mapping | ) |
Resolve file items (after import)
array | mapping array |
Definition at line 2046 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $changed, $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::resolveIIMMediaAliases | ( | $a_mapping | ) |
Resolve iim media aliases (in ilContObjParse)
array | mapping array |
Definition at line 2020 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $changed, $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::resolveIntLinks | ( | $a_link_map = null | ) |
Resolves all internal link targets of the page, if targets are available (after import)
Definition at line 1903 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $changed, $i, $path, $res, $target, $type, ilInternalLink\_exists(), ilInternalLink\_extractInstOfTarget(), ilInternalLink\_getIdForImportId(), ilInternalLink\_removeInstFromTarget(), ilMediaItem\_resolveMapAreaLinks(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::resolveMediaAliases | ( | $a_mapping, | |
$a_reuse_existing_by_import = false |
) |
Resolve media aliases (after import)
array | mapping array |
Definition at line 1967 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $changed, $i, $path, $res, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObject\_lookupImportId(), ilObject\_lookupType(), getId(), getParentType(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::resolveQuestionReferences | ( | $a_mapping | ) |
Resolve all quesion references (after import)
Definition at line 2072 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::resolveResources | ( | $ref_mapping | ) |
Resolve resources.
Definition at line 5129 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References ilPCResources\resolveResources().
ilPageObject::saveInitialOpenedContent | ( | $a_type, | |
$a_id, | |||
$a_target | |||
) |
Save initial opened content.
Definition at line 4618 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_type, $i, $path, $res, buildDom(), update(), xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::saveInternalLinks | ( | $a_domdoc | ) |
save internal links of page
string | xml page code |
Definition at line 3011 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $node, $nodes, $target, $target_arr, ilInternalLink\_saveLink(), deleteInternalLinks(), getId(), getLanguage(), and getParentType().
Referenced by __afterUpdate().
ilPageObject::saveStyleUsage | ( | $a_domdoc, | |
$a_old_nr = 0 |
) |
Save all style class/template usages.
string | $a_xml | xml data of page |
Definition at line 2844 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $id, $node, $nodes, $path, $template, deleteStyleUsages(), getId(), getLanguage(), and getParentType().
Referenced by __afterHistoryEntry(), and __afterUpdate().
ilPageObject::send_paragraph | ( | $par_id, | |
$filename | |||
) |
Definition at line 3936 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $dom, $filename, $path, $res, ilUtil\deliverData(), exit, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
ilPageObject::setActivationEnd | ( | $a_activationend | ) |
Set Activation End.
date | $a_activationend | Activation End |
Definition at line 795 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setActivationStart | ( | $a_activationstart | ) |
Set Activation Start.
date | $a_activationstart | Activation Start |
Definition at line 772 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setActive | ( | $a_active | ) |
set activation
boolean | $a_active | true/false for active or not |
Definition at line 556 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by __construct(), read(), and ilBlogPosting\unpublish().
ilPageObject::setContainsIntLink | ( | $a_contains_link | ) |
lm parser set this flag to true, if the page contains intern links (this method should only be called by the import parser)
todo: move to ilLMPageObject !?
boolean | $a_contains_link | true, if page contains intern link tag(s) |
Definition at line 1422 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::setContainsQuestion | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set contains question.
boolean | $a_val | contains question |
Definition at line 1474 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::setId | ( | $a_id | ) |
set id
Definition at line 512 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilSCORM2004PageNode\create(), ilBlogPosting\create(), ilPortfolioPage\create(), and ilWikiPage\create().
ilPageObject::setImportMode | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set import mode.
bool | $a_val | import mode |
Definition at line 1442 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::setLanguage | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set language.
string | $a_val | language code or "-" for unknown / not set |
Definition at line 203 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by __construct().
ilPageObject::setLastChange | ( | $a_lastchange | ) |
Set Last Change.
string | $a_lastchange | Last Change |
Definition at line 303 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setLastChangeUser | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set last change user.
integer | $a_val | last change user |
Definition at line 323 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::setPageConfig | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set page config object.
object | $a_val | page config object |
Definition at line 223 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by initPageConfig().
ilPageObject::setParagraphContent | ( | $a_hier_id, | |
$a_content | |||
) |
Set content of paragraph.
string | $a_hier_id | Hier ID |
string | $a_content | Content |
Definition at line 1402 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_content, $node, and getContentNode().
ilPageObject::setParentId | ( | $a_id | ) |
Definition at line 522 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read(), ilBlogPosting\setBlogId(), and ilWikiPage\setWikiId().
ilPageObject::setRenderedContent | ( | $a_renderedcontent | ) |
Set Rendered Content.
string | $a_renderedcontent | Rendered Content |
Definition at line 263 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setRenderedTime | ( | $a_renderedtime | ) |
Set Rendered Time.
string | $a_renderedtime | Rendered Time |
Definition at line 283 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setRenderMd5 | ( | $a_rendermd5 | ) |
Set Render MD5.
string | $a_rendermd5 | Render MD5 |
Definition at line 243 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setShowActivationInfo | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set show page activation info.
bool | $a_val | show page actication info |
Definition at line 343 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPageObject::setXMLContent | ( | $a_xml, | |
$a_encoding = "UTF-8" |
) |
set xml content of page, start with <PageObject...>, end with </PageObject>, comply with ILIAS DTD, omit MetaData, use utf-8!
string | $a_xml | xml content |
string | $a_encoding | encoding of the content (here is no conversion done! it must be already utf-8 encoded at the time) |
Definition at line 993 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by createFromXML().
ilPageObject::stripHierIDs | ( | ) |
strip all hierarchical id attributes out of the dom tree
Definition at line 1824 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $i, $path, $res, xpath_eval(), and xpath_new_context().
Referenced by validateDom().
ilPageObject::switchEnableMultiple | ( | $a_hids, | |
$a_update = true , |
$a_self_ass = false |
) |
(De-)activate elements
Definition at line 3262 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References checkForTag(), getContentNode(), getContentObject(), and update().
static |
Truncate (html) string.
string | $a_text | |
int | $a_length | |
string | $a_ending | |
bool | $a_exact | |
bool | $a_consider_html |
Definition at line 4943 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $tag, and ilStr\shortenText().
Referenced by ilBlogPostingGUI\getSnippet(), and ilWikiUtil\sendNotification().
ilPageObject::update | ( | $a_validate = true , |
$a_no_history = false |
) |
update complete page content in db (dom xml content is used)
Definition at line 2583 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $errors, $lm_set, __afterHistoryEntry(), __afterUpdate(), checkPCIds(), containsDeactivatedElements(), containsIntLinks(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), getActivationEnd(), getActivationStart(), getActive(), getDomDoc(), getEditLock(), getEditLockInfo(), getId(), getLanguage(), ilUserUtil\getNamePresentation(), getParentId(), getParentType(), getShowActivationInfo(), getXMLContent(), getXMLFromDom(), IL_CAL_UNIX, ILIAS_VERSION_NUMERIC, insertPCIds(), ilUtil\now(), performAutomaticModifications(), user(), and validateDom().
Referenced by deleteContent(), deleteContentBeforeHierId(), deleteContentFromHierId(), deleteContents(), moveContentAfter(), moveContentBefore(), pasteContents(), saveInitialOpenedContent(), and switchEnableMultiple().
ilPageObject::updateFromXML | ( | ) |
Updates page object with current xml content.
This function is currently (4.4.0 alpha) called by:
Definition at line 2495 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References __afterUpdate(), buildDom(), containsDeactivatedElements(), containsIntLinks(), getActivationEnd(), getActivationStart(), getActive(), getDomDoc(), getId(), getLanguage(), getParentId(), getParentType(), getXMLContent(), ilUtil\now(), and user().
ilPageObject::validateDom | ( | ) |
Validate the page content agains page DTD.
Definition at line 1651 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References stripHierIDs().
Referenced by update().
ilPageObject::writeRenderedContent | ( | $a_content, | |
$a_md5 | |||
) |
Write rendered content.
Definition at line 4536 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
References $a_content, $db, $DIC, getId(), getLanguage(), getParentType(), and ilUtil\now().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 104 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
protected |
Definition at line 124 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getActive().
ilPageObject::$contains_int_link |
Definition at line 86 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by containsIntLink().
ilPageObject::$cur_dtd = "ilias_pg_5_4.dtd" |
Definition at line 85 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
protected |
Definition at line 60 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by _exists(), _isScheduledActivation(), _lookupActivationData(), _lookupActive(), _lookupContainsDeactivatedElements(), _writeActive(), _writeParentId(), ilSCORM2004Page\create(), ilBlogPosting\create(), ilPortfolioPage\create(), ilWikiPage\create(), ilWikiPage\createFromXML(), ilMediaPoolPage\delete(), ilSCORM2004Page\delete(), ilPortfolioPage\delete(), ilBlogPosting\delete(), ilWikiPage\delete(), getAllPages(), getEditLock(), getEditLockInfo(), getHistoryEntries(), getHistoryEntry(), getHistoryInfo(), getLastChangeByParent(), getNewPages(), getPageContributors(), getPagesWithLinks(), getParentObjectContributors(), getRecentChanges(), increaseViewCnt(), ilBlogPosting\lookup(), lookupParentId(), lookupTranslations(), preloadActivationDataByParentId(), ilMediaPoolPage\read(), ilSCORM2004Page\read(), ilBlogPosting\read(), ilPortfolioPage\read(), ilWikiPage\read(), releasePageLock(), ilWikiPage\rename(), ilWikiPage\saveInternalLinks(), ilMediaPoolPage\update(), ilSCORM2004Page\update(), ilBlogPosting\update(), ilPortfolioPage\update(), ilWikiPage\update(), and writeRenderedContent().
ilPageObject::$dom |
Definition at line 81 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by checkPCIds(), existsPCId(), getAllPCIds(), getDom(), getDomDoc(), getPageContentsHashes(), ilPortfolioTemplatePage\getPageDiskSize(), getQuestionIds(), insertPCIds(), and send_paragraph().
ilPageObject::$dom_builded |
Definition at line 93 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::$encoding |
Definition at line 83 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
static |
Definition at line 55 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::$history_saved |
Definition at line 94 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
protected |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by addFileSizes(), ilBlogPosting\create(), ilPortfolioPage\create(), ilWikiPage\create(), ilPortfolioPage\delete(), ilBlogPosting\deleteAllBlogPostings(), ilDclDetailedViewDefinition\exists(), generatePcId(), getId(), getInitialOpenedContent(), getInternalLinks(), insertInstIntoIDs(), insertPCIds(), ilDclDetailedViewDefinition\isActive(), moveIntLinks(), saveStyleUsage(), and ilPortfolioPage\update().
protected |
Definition at line 109 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getImportMode().
protected |
Definition at line 99 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getLanguage().
protected |
Definition at line 70 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilPortfolioPage\getAllPortfolioPages(), ilPortfolioPage\getTitle(), and ilBlogPosting\handleNews().
protected |
Definition at line 114 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::$needs_parsing |
Definition at line 87 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by needsImportParsing().
ilPageObject::$node |
Definition at line 84 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getAllPCIds(), getContentNode(), getNode(), ilPortfolioTemplatePage\getPageDiskSize(), handleCopiedContent(), insertPCIds(), ilSCORM2004Page\removeInvalidLinks(), saveInternalLinks(), saveStyleUsage(), and setParagraphContent().
protected |
Definition at line 53 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by handleRepositoryLinksOnCopy().
ilPageObject::$offline_handler |
Definition at line 92 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getOfflineHandler().
protected |
Definition at line 129 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getPageConfig().
protected |
Definition at line 119 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
ilPageObject::$parent_id |
Definition at line 89 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by getParentId().
ilPageObject::$parent_type |
Definition at line 88 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
protected |
Definition at line 75 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by handleRepositoryLinksOnCopy().
ilPageObject::$update_listener_cnt |
Definition at line 91 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by addUpdateListener(), and callUpdateListeners().
ilPageObject::$update_listeners |
Definition at line 90 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
protected |
Definition at line 65 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by copyContents(), getEditLock(), ilBlogPosting\handleNews(), pasteContents(), releasePageLock(), ilBlogPosting\updateKeywords(), and ilWikiPage\updateNews().
ilPageObject::$xml |
Definition at line 82 of file class.ilPageObject.php.
Referenced by ilWikiPage\afterUpdate(), appendLangVarXML(), copyXmlContent(), ilSCORM2004Page\exportXMLPageContent(), getFO(), getLanguageVariablesXML(), getXMLContent(), getXMLFromDom(), and ilWikiPage\saveInternalLinks().