44 'LANG_NAME' =>
45 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 =>
'#', 2 =>
48 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(),
50 'QUOTEMARKS' => array(),
52 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
60 3 =>
65 4 =>
70 5 =>
74 6 =>
76 7 =>
87 'break',
88 'end_try_catch',
89 'endif',
90 'if',
91 'switch',
92 'unwind_protect_cleanup',
'while' 96 'global',
'static' 104 'cell',
105 'int8',
'struct' 109 'P_tmpdir',
110 'add_input_event_hook',
111 'all',
112 'arg',
113 'atan2',
114 'beep_on_error',
115 'builtin',
116 'cell2struct',
117 'clear',
118 'completion_matches',
119 'cos',
120 'cumprod',
121 'dbquit',
122 'dbwhere',
123 'default_save_options',
124 'disp',
125 'doc_cache_file',
126 'echo_executing_commands',
127 'erfcx',
128 'exec',
129 'fclose',
130 'fgetl',
131 'filemarker',
132 'fixed_point_format',
133 'format',
134 'frewind',
135 'functions',
136 'get_help_text',
137 'geteuid',
138 'getuid',
139 'history_size',
140 'hypot',
141 'inferiorto',
142 'intmax',
143 'is_absolute_filename',
144 'is_rooted_relative_filename',
145 'isargout',
146 'iscntrl',
147 'isfield',
148 'isieee',
149 'islower',
150 'isnumeric',
151 'isspace',
152 'kbhit',
153 'ldivide',
154 'list_in_columns',
155 'log1p',
156 'make_absolute_filename',
157 'merge',
158 'missing_function_hook',
159 'mlock',
160 'nargin',
161 'nfields',
162 'octave_config_info',
163 'octave_core_file_name',
164 'octave_tmp_file_name',
165 'optimize_subsasgn_calls',
166 'output_precision',
167 'path',
168 'popen',
169 'print_struct_array_contents',
170 'program_invocation_name',
171 'quit',
172 'read_readline_init_file',
173 'realmin',
174 'remove_input_event_hook',
175 'resize',
176 'rmpath',
177 'save_header_format_string',
178 'scanf',
179 'sigterm_dumps_octave_core',
180 'sinh',
181 'source',
182 'split_long_rows',
183 'stderr',
184 'string_fill_char',
185 'struct_levels_to_print',
186 'sumsq',
187 'system',
188 'times',
189 'transpose',
190 'umask',
191 'uplus',
192 'waitfor',
193 'whos_line_format',
'zeros' 197 'accumarray',
198 'acscd',
199 'ancestor',
200 'area',
201 'assert',
202 'axes',
203 'base2dec',
204 'betainc',
205 'bicgstab',
206 'binopdf',
207 'blanks',
208 'bug_report',
209 'cast',
210 'caxis',
211 'center',
212 'chisquare_test_homogeneity',
213 'chop',
214 'cloglog',
215 'colorbar',
216 'comma',
217 'compare_versions',
218 'contour',
219 'conv2',
220 'cor_test',
221 'cplxpair',
222 'csvread',
223 'daspect',
224 'datetick',
225 'dec2base',
226 'delaunay3',
227 'diffpara',
228 'discrete_pdf',
229 'dlmread',
230 'dsearchn',
231 'edit',
232 'empirical_pdf',
233 'etime',
234 'exprnd',
235 'ezplot3',
236 'fact',
237 'fft2',
238 'fileattrib',
239 'find',
240 'fliplr',
241 'fractdiff',
242 'fullfile',
243 'gampdf',
244 'gen_doc_cache',
245 'get_first_help_sentence',
246 'getpref',
247 'gls',
248 'gradient',
249 'griddata',
250 'guihandles',
251 'hanning',
252 'hilb',
253 'hotelling_test_2',
254 'hygeinv',
255 'imagesc',
256 'ind2rgb',
257 'interp1',
258 'intersect',
259 'is_leap_year',
260 'isa',
261 'isequal',
262 'ishghandle',
263 'isonormals',
264 'isrow',
265 'isunix',
266 'kolmogorov_smirnov_test',
267 'kruskal_wallis_test',
268 'laplace_inv',
269 'legendre',
270 'loadaudio',
271 'logistic_pdf',
272 'loglog',
273 'lognrnd',
274 'lsode',
275 'mat2str',
276 'md5sum',
277 'meshgrid',
278 'mode',
279 'nargchk',
280 'nbinrnd',
281 'nonzeros',
282 'now',
283 'ocean',
284 'orient',
285 'patch',
286 'peaks',
287 'pink',
288 'plotmatrix',
289 'poissrnd',
290 'polyder',
291 'polyreduce',
292 'ppder',
293 'prctile',
294 'print_usage',
295 'profshow',
296 'quadcc',
297 'qz',
298 'rat',
299 'rectangle',
300 'regexptranslate',
301 'rgb2ind',
302 'roots',
303 'run_count',
304 'saveas',
305 'scatter3',
306 'semilogxerr',
307 'setdiff',
308 'shg',
309 'sinetone',
310 'spaugment',
311 'spectral_xdf',
312 'sph2cart',
313 'sprand',
314 'sqrtm',
315 'stdnormal_inv',
316 'stft',
317 'strfind',
318 'strtrim',
319 'subplot',
320 'surf',
321 'swapbytes',
322 'symvar',
323 'table',
324 'textread',
325 'trace',
326 'triplequad',
327 'type',
328 'uigetdir',
329 'uiputfile',
330 'unidcdf',
331 'unifpdf',
332 'unmkpp',
333 'urlwrite',
334 'var_test',
335 'waitbar',
336 'wblcdf',
337 'welch_test',
338 'white',
339 'xlabel',
340 'z_test_2',
341 'besselh',
342 'blkmm',
343 'cholinsert',
344 'csymamd',
345 'dassl_options',
346 'getgrnam',
347 'ifft2',
348 'luupdate',
349 'num2cell',
350 'quad_options',
351 'regexpi',
352 'strftime',
357 '__accumarray_max__',
358 '__accumdim_sum__',
359 '__current_scope__',
360 '__end__',
361 '__go_delete__',
362 '__go_figure_handles__',
363 '__go_image__',
364 '__go_text__',
365 '__go_uimenu__',
366 '__go_uitoggletool__',
367 '__image_pixel_size__',
368 '__keywords__',
369 '__operators__',
370 '__pathorig__',
371 '__profiler_reset__',
372 '__token_count__',
'__which__' 376 '__all_opts__',
377 '__dsearchn__',
378 '__glpk__',
379 '__init_gnuplot__',
380 '__makeinfo__',
381 '__voronoi__',
382 '__ftp_ascii__',
383 '__ftp_delete__',
384 '__ftp_mode__',
385 '__ftp_rmdir__',
390 'EDITOR',
391 'F_SETFL',
394 'PAGER',
395 'SEEK_SET',
396 'S_ISLNK',
'WUNTRACED' 402 'e',
409 '!',
410 '<',
'>=' 414 '*',
"'" 418 '.*',
".'" 422 '*=',
423 '.*=',
'=' 434 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
451 4 =>
452 5 =>
453 6 =>
456 9 =>
457 10 =>
460 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
463 'REGEXPS' => array(),
465 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(),
466 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(),
469 1 =>
'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;',
470 2 =>
'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;',
471 3 =>
'color: #FF00FF; font-style: italic;',
472 4 =>
'color: #FF00FF; font-style: italic;',
473 5 =>
'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;',
474 6 =>
'color: #996600; font-weight:bold;',
475 7 =>
'color: #006600; font-weight:bold;',
476 'MULTI' =>
'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;',
479 1 =>
'color: #990000; font-weight:bold;',
480 2 =>
'color: #2E8B57;',
481 3 =>
'color: #0000FF; font-weight:bold;',
482 4 =>
'color: #2E8B57; font-weight:bold;',
483 5 =>
'color: #008A8C; font-weight:bold;',
484 6 =>
'color: #008A8C;',
485 9 =>
'color: #000000; font-weight:bold;',
486 10 =>
'color: #008A8C; font-weight:bold;',
488 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(),
496 0 =>
'color: #cc66cc;',
501 'METHODS' => array(),
503 0 =>
'color: #FF9696; font-weight:bold;',
504 1 =>
'color: #CC0000; font-weight:bold;',
505 2 =>
'color: #993333; font-weight:bold;',
506 3 =>
'color: #FF0000; font-weight:bold;',
510 'REGEXPS' => array(),
Number format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and requir...
Used in language files to mark comments.
Number format to highlight hex numbers with a prefix 0x.
#+ private
Basic number format for integers.
Lowercase keywords found.
Number format to highlight octal numbers with a leading zero.