Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
Class ilObjTestGUI. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjTestGUI () | |
Constructor public. | |
executeCommand () | |
execute command | |
runObject () | |
outEvaluationObject () | |
importFileObject () | |
form for new test object import | |
addDidacticTemplateOptions (array &$a_options) | |
Add custom templates. | |
afterSave (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
save object public | |
backToRepositoryObject () | |
backToCourseObject () | |
exportObject () | |
createTestExportObject () | |
create test export file | |
createTestResultsExportObject () | |
create results export file | |
downloadExportFileObject () | |
download export file | |
confirmDeleteExportFileObject () | |
confirmation screen for export file deletion | |
cancelDeleteExportFileObject () | |
cancel deletion of export files | |
deleteExportFileObject () | |
delete export files | |
uploadTstObject () | |
imports test and question(s) | |
importVerifiedFileObject () | |
imports question(s) into the questionpool (after verification) | |
uploadObject ($redirect=true) | |
display status information or report errors messages in case of error | |
confirmChangeProperties ($direction=self::SWITCH_RANDOM_TEST_SETTING_TO_DISABLED, $confirmCmd= 'saveProperties', $cancelCmd= 'properties') | |
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties. | |
saveScoringObject () | |
Save the form input of the scoring form. | |
scoringObject ($checkonly=FALSE) | |
Display and fill the scoring settings form of the test. | |
propertiesObject ($checkonly=FALSE) | |
Display and fill the properties form of the test. | |
savePropertiesObject () | |
Save the form input of the properties form. | |
downloadFileObject () | |
download file | |
fullscreenObject () | |
show fullscreen view | |
download_paragraphObject () | |
download source code paragraph | |
filterObject () | |
Sets the filter for the question browser. | |
resetFilterObject () | |
Resets the filter for the question browser. | |
backObject () | |
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed. | |
createQuestionPool ($name="dummy", $description="") | |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id. | |
randomselectObject () | |
Creates a form for random selection of questions. | |
cancelRandomSelectObject () | |
Cancels the form for random selection of questions. | |
createRandomSelectionObject () | |
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test. | |
insertRandomSelectionObject () | |
Inserts a random selection into the test. | |
addQuestionpoolObject () | |
writeRandomQuestionInput ($always=false) | |
Evaluates a posted random question form and saves the form data. | |
saveRandomQuestionsObject () | |
addsourceObject () | |
removesourceObject () | |
randomQuestionsObject () | |
saveQuestionSelectionModeObject () | |
browseForQuestionsObject () | |
executeCreateQuestionObject () | |
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation. | |
cancelCreateQuestionObject () | |
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled. | |
createQuestionObject () | |
Called when a new question should be created from a test. | |
confirmRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Remove questions from the test after confirmation. | |
cancelRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Cancels the removal of questions from the test. | |
removeQuestionsForm ($checked_questions) | |
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test. | |
removeQuestionsObject () | |
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test. | |
moveQuestionsObject () | |
Marks selected questions for moving. | |
insertQuestionsBeforeObject () | |
Insert checked questions before the actual selection. | |
insertQuestionsAfterObject () | |
Insert checked questions after the actual selection. | |
insertQuestionsObject () | |
Insert questions from the questionbrowser into the test. | |
filterAvailableQuestionsObject () | |
resetfilterAvailableQuestionsObject () | |
questionBrowser () | |
Creates a form to select questions from questionpools to insert the questions into the test. | |
questionsObject () | |
takenObject () | |
addMarkStepObject () | |
Add a new mark step to the tests marks. | |
saveMarkSchemaFormData () | |
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted. | |
addSimpleMarkSchemaObject () | |
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks. | |
deleteMarkStepsObject () | |
Delete selected mark steps. | |
cancelMarksObject () | |
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form. | |
saveMarksObject () | |
Save the mark schema. | |
marksObject () | |
confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject () | |
Deletes all user data for the test object. | |
confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Deletes the selected user data for the test object. | |
cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object. | |
deleteAllUserDataObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object. | |
deleteAllUserResultsObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object. | |
deleteSingleUserResultsObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object. | |
historyObject () | |
Creates the change history for a test. | |
initImportForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object import form. | |
participantsActionObject () | |
Evaluates the actions on the participants page. | |
participantsObject () | |
Creates the output of the test participants. | |
applyFilterCriteria ($in_rows) | |
fpSetFilterObject () | |
fpResetFilterObject () | |
npSetFilterObject () | |
npResetFilterObject () | |
showDetailedResultsObject () | |
Shows the pass overview and the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass. | |
showUserAnswersObject () | |
Shows the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass. | |
showPassOverviewObject () | |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users. | |
showUserResults ($show_pass_details, $show_answers, $show_reached_points=FALSE) | |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users. | |
removeParticipantObject () | |
saveClientIPObject () | |
printobject () | |
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions. | |
addParticipantsObject ($a_user_ids=array()) | |
defaultsObject () | |
Displays the settings page for test defaults. | |
deleteDefaultsObject () | |
Deletes selected test defaults. | |
applyDefaultsObject ($confirmed=false) | |
Applies the selected test defaults. | |
addDefaultsObject () | |
Adds the defaults of this test to the defaults. | |
infoScreenObject () | |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed | |
redirectToInfoScreenObject () | |
infoScreen ($session_lock="") | |
show information screen | |
addLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
getBrowseForQuestionsTab (&$tabs_gui) | |
getRandomQuestionsTab (&$tabs_gui) | |
statisticsObject () | |
certificateObject () | |
Shows the certificate editor. | |
getQuestionsSubTabs () | |
getStatisticsSubTabs () | |
getSettingsSubTabs ($hiddenTabs=array()) | |
getTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
adds tabs to tab gui object | |
_goto ($a_target) | |
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id. | |
buildPageViewToolbar ($qid=0) | |
Questions per page. | |
copyQuestionsToPoolObject ($returnResult=false) | |
copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject () | |
copyToQuestionpoolObject () | |
copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject () | |
createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject () | |
createQuestionpoolTargetObject ($cmd) | |
Called when a new question should be created from a test Important: $cmd may be overwritten if no question pool is available. | |
confirmResetTemplateObject () | |
Enable all settings - Confirmation. | |
resetTemplateObject () | |
Enable all settings - remove template. | |
saveOrderAndObligationsObject () | |
movePageObject () | |
showPageObject () | |
copyQuestionObject () | |
![]() | |
ilObjectGUI ($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
setCreationMode ($a_mode=true) | |
if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui | |
getCreationMode () | |
get creation mode | |
getAdminTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
administration tabs show only permissions and trash folder | |
getHTML () | |
confirmedDeleteObject () | |
confirmed deletion of object -> objects are moved to trash or deleted immediately, if trash is disabled | |
cancelDeleteObject () | |
cancel deletion of object | |
cancelObject ($in_rep=false) | |
cancel action and go back to previous page public | |
createObject () | |
create new object form | |
cancelCreation () | |
cancel create action and go back to repository parent | |
saveObject () | |
save object | |
editObject () | |
edit object | |
updateObject () | |
updates object entry in object_data | |
getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="") | |
get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type) | |
viewObject () | |
list childs of current object | |
deleteObject ($a_error=false) | |
Display deletion confirmation screen. | |
cloneAllObject () | |
Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _deleteLpMarksForUsers ($a_obj_id, array $a_user_ids) |
static | _deleteReadEventsForUsers ($a_obj_id, array $a_user_ids) |
![]() | |
static | _gotoRepositoryRoot ($a_raise_error=false) |
Goto repository root. | |
static | _gotoRepositoryNode ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="frameset") |
Goto repository root. |
Data Fields | |
$object = null | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$objDefinition | |
$tpl | |
$tree | |
$lng | |
$data | |
$object | |
$ref_id | |
$obj_id | |
$maxcount | |
$formaction | |
$return_location | |
$target_frame | |
$tab_target_script | |
$actions | |
$sub_objects | |
$omit_locator = false | |
const | CFORM_NEW = 1 |
const | CFORM_IMPORT = 2 |
const | CFORM_CLONE = 3 |
Protected Member Functions | |
movePageFormObject () | |
Move current page. | |
![]() | |
assignObject () | |
prepareOutput () | |
prepare output | |
setTitleAndDescription () | |
called by prepare output | |
initHeaderAction ($a_sub_type=null, $a_sub_id=null) | |
Add header action menu. | |
insertHeaderAction ($a_list_gui) | |
Insert header action into main template. | |
addHeaderAction () | |
Add header action menu. | |
redrawHeaderActionObject () | |
Ajax call: redraw action header only. | |
setTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setAdminTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setLocator () | |
set Locator | |
omitLocator ($a_omit=true) | |
addAdminLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
initCreationForms ($a_new_type) | |
Init creation froms. | |
getCreationFormsHTML (array $a_forms) | |
Get HTML for creation forms (accordion) | |
initCreateForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object creation form. | |
initDidacticTemplate (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) | |
Show didactic template types. | |
getDidacticTemplateVar ($a_type) | |
Get didactic template setting from creation screen. | |
putObjectInTree (ilObject $a_obj, $a_parent_node_id=null) | |
Add object to tree at given position. | |
initEditForm () | |
Init object edit form. | |
initEditCustomForm (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Add custom fields to update form. | |
getEditFormValues () | |
Get values for edit form. | |
getEditFormCustomValues (array &$a_values) | |
Add values to custom edit fields. | |
updateCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Insert custom update form values into object. | |
afterUpdate () | |
Post (successful) object update hook. | |
importFileObject ($parent_id=null) | |
Import. | |
afterImport (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
Post (successful) object import hook. | |
setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction) | |
set specific form action for command | |
getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="") | |
get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location) | |
set specific return location for command | |
getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="") | |
get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame) | |
set specific target frame for command | |
showPossibleSubObjects () | |
show possible subobjects (pulldown menu) | |
getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="") | |
get a template blockfile format: tpl. | |
getTitlesByRefId ($a_ref_ids) | |
get Titles of objects this method is used for error messages in methods cut/copy/paste | |
__showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target= '') | |
hitsperpageObject () | |
& | __initTableGUI () |
__setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="") | |
standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table | |
__showClipboardTable ($a_result_set, $a_from="") | |
redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="") | |
redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value | |
fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type) | |
Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning. | |
getCenterColumnHTML () | |
Get center column. | |
getRightColumnHTML () | |
Display right column. | |
setColumnSettings ($column_gui) | |
May be overwritten in subclasses. | |
checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission and redirect on error. | |
checkPermissionBool ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission. |
Private Member Functions | |
prepareSubGuiOutput () | |
prepares ilias to get output rendered by sub gui class | |
fixPostValuesForInconsistentFormObjectTree (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) | |
confirmedApplyDefaultsObject () | |
getQuestionpoolCreationForm () | |
applyTemplate ($templateData, $object) | |
formShowGeneralSection ($templateData) | |
formShowBeginningEndingInformation ($templateData) | |
formShowPresentationSection ($templateData) | |
formShowSequenceSection ($templateData) | |
formShowKioskSection ($templateData) | |
formShowSessionSection ($templateData) | |
formShowParticipantSection ($templateData) | |
formShowNotificationSection ($templateData) | |
formsectionHasVisibleFields ($templateData, $fields) | |
isRandomTestSettingSwitched ($random_test) |
Class ilObjTestGUI.
ilObjTestGUI: ilObjCourseGUI, ilMDEditorGUI, ilTestOutputGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestEvaluationGUI, ilPermissionGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilInfoScreenGUI, ilLearningProgressGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilCertificateGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestScoringGUI, ilShopPurchaseGUI, ilObjectCopyGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilRepositorySearchGUI ilObjTestGUI: assMultipleChoiceGUI, assClozeTestGUI, assMatchingQuestionGUI ilObjTestGUI: assOrderingQuestionGUI, assImagemapQuestionGUI, assJavaAppletGUI ilObjTestGUI: assNumericGUI, assErrorTextGUI ilObjTestGUI: assTextSubsetGUI, assOrderingHorizontalGUI ilObjTestGUI: assSingleChoiceGUI, assFileUploadGUI ilObjTestGUI: assTextQuestionGUI, assFlashQuestionGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI, ilPageEditorGUI, ilPageObjectGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilObjQuestionPoolGUI, ilEditClipboardGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilAssQuestionHintsGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestToplistGUI
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
static |
Definition at line 3671 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject(), and confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject().
static |
Definition at line 3680 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject(), and confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject().
ilObjTestGUI::_goto | ( | $a_target | ) |
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id.
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id
integer | $a_target | The reference id of the test public |
Definition at line 5421 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\_gotoRepositoryRoot(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), exit, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addDefaultsObject | ( | ) |
Adds the defaults of this test to the defaults.
Definition at line 4565 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, defaultsObject(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addDidacticTemplateOptions | ( | array & | $a_options | ) |
Add custom templates.
array | $a_options |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 551 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $row, and ilSettingsTemplate\getAllSettingsTemplates().
ilObjTestGUI::addLocatorItems | ( | ) |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 4913 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET.
ilObjTestGUI::addMarkStepObject | ( | ) |
Add a new mark step to the tests marks.
Add a new mark step to the tests marks
Definition at line 3376 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References marksObject(), and saveMarkSchemaFormData().
ilObjTestGUI::addParticipantsObject | ( | $a_user_ids = array() | ) |
Definition at line 4343 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addQuestionpoolObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2584 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References randomQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::addSimpleMarkSchemaObject | ( | ) |
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks.
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks
Definition at line 3422 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References marksObject().
ilObjTestGUI::addsourceObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2631 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, randomQuestionsObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::afterSave | ( | ilObject | $a_new_object | ) |
save object public
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 582 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjTest\_getTestDefaults(), applyTemplate(), ilObjectGUI\getDidacticTemplateVar(), ilObject\getRefId(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig(), ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::applyDefaultsObject | ( | $confirmed = false | ) |
Applies the selected test defaults.
Definition at line 4480 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, confirmChangeProperties(), defaultsObject(), isRandomTestSettingSwitched(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
Referenced by confirmedApplyDefaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::applyFilterCriteria | ( | $in_rows | ) |
Definition at line 4054 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, $result, and $row.
Referenced by participantsObject().
private |
Definition at line 5823 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $object.
Referenced by afterSave().
ilObjTestGUI::backObject | ( | ) |
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed.
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed
Definition at line 2413 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject(), copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), and copyQuestionsToPoolObject().
ilObjTestGUI::backToCourseObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 622 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), and ilUtil\redirect().
ilObjTestGUI::backToRepositoryObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 615 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $path, ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), and ilUtil\redirect().
ilObjTestGUI::browseForQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2755 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
ilObjTestGUI::buildPageViewToolbar | ( | $qid = 0 | ) |
Questions per page.
@return |
Definition at line 5455 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $si, $total, ilObjTestAccess\_lookupOnlineTestAccess(), and getQuestionsSubTabs().
Referenced by executeCommand().
ilObjTestGUI::cancelCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled.
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled
Definition at line 2820 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
cancel deletion of export files
Definition at line 785 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object.
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object
Definition at line 3740 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelMarksObject | ( | ) |
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form.
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form
Definition at line 3459 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelRandomSelectObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the form for random selection of questions.
Cancels the form for random selection of questions
Definition at line 2484 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the removal of questions from the test.
Cancels the removal of questions from the test
Definition at line 2970 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
ilObjTestGUI::certificateObject | ( | ) |
Shows the certificate editor.
Definition at line 5004 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::confirmChangeProperties | ( | $direction = self::SWITCH_RANDOM_TEST_SETTING_TO_DISABLED , |
$confirmCmd = 'saveProperties' , |
$cancelCmd = 'properties' |
) |
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties.
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties when already defined questions or question pools get lost after saving
int | $direction | Direction of the change (0 = from random test to standard, anything else = from standard to random test) |
string | $confirmCmd | |
string | $cancelCmd | private |
Definition at line 1079 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST.
Referenced by applyDefaultsObject(), and savePropertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Deletes all user data for the test object.
Deletes all user data for the test object
Definition at line 3647 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$lng, _deleteLpMarksForUsers(), _deleteReadEventsForUsers(), ilLPStatusWrapper\_refreshStatus(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
confirmation screen for export file deletion
Definition at line 743 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Deletes the selected user data for the test object.
Deletes the selected user data for the test object
Definition at line 3696 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$lng, _deleteLpMarksForUsers(), _deleteReadEventsForUsers(), ilLPStatusWrapper\_refreshStatus(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
private |
Definition at line 4472 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References applyDefaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Remove questions from the test after confirmation.
Definition at line 2899 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_REQUEST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmResetTemplateObject | ( | ) |
Enable all settings - Confirmation.
Definition at line 5940 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5651 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $result, assQuestion\_instanciateQuestion(), backObject(), and copyQuestionsToPoolObject().
Referenced by createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject().
ilObjTestGUI::copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5698 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, ilObjectGUI\$lng, assQuestion\_instanciateQuestion(), ilObject\_lookupType(), backObject(), createQuestionpoolTargetObject(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
Referenced by createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject().
ilObjTestGUI::copyQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6070 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $title, assQuestion\_instanciateQuestionGUI(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::copyQuestionsToPoolObject | ( | $returnResult = false | ) |
Definition at line 5629 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $result, ilObjQuestionPool\_lookupOnline(), and backObject().
Referenced by copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject().
ilObjTestGUI::copyToQuestionpoolObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5693 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References createQuestionpoolTargetObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when a new question should be created from a test.
Called when a new question should be created from a test
Definition at line 2832 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), ilUtil\redirect(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired(), ilTextInputGUI\setSize(), and ilRadioOption\setValue().
Referenced by executeCreateQuestionObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionPool | ( | $name = "dummy" , |
$description = "" |
) |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id.
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id
Definition at line 2426 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$tree.
Referenced by createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject(), and executeCreateQuestionObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5723 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, ilObjectGUI\$ref_id, $title, copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject(), copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), createQuestionPool(), getQuestionpoolCreationForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionpoolTargetObject | ( | $cmd | ) |
Called when a new question should be created from a test Important: $cmd may be overwritten if no question pool is available.
Definition at line 5754 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $cmd, $ilUser, getQuestionpoolCreationForm(), and getQuestionsSubTabs().
Referenced by copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), and copyToQuestionpoolObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createRandomSelectionObject | ( | ) |
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test.
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test
Definition at line 2496 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, assQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName(), and getQuestionsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::createTestExportObject | ( | ) |
create test export file
Definition at line 667 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::createTestResultsExportObject | ( | ) |
create results export file
Definition at line 687 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::defaultsObject | ( | ) |
Displays the settings page for test defaults.
Definition at line 4381 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, $row, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by addDefaultsObject(), applyDefaultsObject(), and deleteDefaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteAllUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object.
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object
Definition at line 3754 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteAllUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object.
Definition at line 3772 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::deleteDefaultsObject | ( | ) |
Deletes selected test defaults.
Definition at line 4460 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and defaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
delete export files
Definition at line 802 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $file, ilUtil\delDir(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteMarkStepsObject | ( | ) |
Delete selected mark steps.
Delete selected mark steps
Definition at line 3435 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, marksObject(), saveMarkSchemaFormData(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteSingleUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object.
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object
Definition at line 3792 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjUser\_lookupName(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::download_paragraphObject | ( | ) |
download source code paragraph
Definition at line 2374 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::downloadExportFileObject | ( | ) |
download export file
Definition at line 708 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $file, $filename, ilUtil\deliverFile(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::downloadFileObject | ( | ) |
ilObjTestGUI::executeCommand | ( | ) |
execute command
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 72 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $cmd, $ilCtrl, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, $ilUser, $object, $ret, assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), ilPaymentObject\_requiresPurchaseToAccess(), ilObjectGUI\addHeaderAction(), ilMDEditorGUI\addObserver(), buildPageViewToolbar(), exit, ilObjStyleSheet\getContentStylePath(), ilObjectGUI\getCreationMode(), ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI\getInstanceFromAjaxCall(), assQuestion\getQuestionTypeFromDb(), ilObjStyleSheet\getSyntaxStylePath(), infoScreen(), LP_MODE_REPOSITORY, ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput(), prepareSubGuiOutput(), questionBrowser(), questionsObject(), and ilObjectGUI\setLocator().
ilObjTestGUI::executeCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation.
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation
Definition at line 2767 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_REQUEST, $_SESSION, createQuestionObject(), createQuestionPool(), exit, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::exportObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 631 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, ilObjectGUI\$tree, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::filterAvailableQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3174 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::filterObject | ( | ) |
Sets the filter for the question browser.
Sets the filter for the question browser
Definition at line 2389 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
private |
Definition at line 2051 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilPropertyFormGUI\getItemByPostVar().
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5924 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by formShowKioskSection(), formShowNotificationSection(), and formShowParticipantSection().
private |
Definition at line 5880 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5875 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5895 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References formsectionHasVisibleFields().
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5916 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References formsectionHasVisibleFields().
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5907 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References formsectionHasVisibleFields().
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5885 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5890 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by propertiesObject().
private |
Definition at line 5902 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by propertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::fpResetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4107 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References participantsObject(), and ilTable2GUI\resetFilter().
ilObjTestGUI::fpSetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4098 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References participantsObject(), and ilTable2GUI\writeFilterToSession().
ilObjTestGUI::fullscreenObject | ( | ) |
show fullscreen view
Definition at line 2362 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET.
ilObjTestGUI::getBrowseForQuestionsTab | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
Definition at line 4966 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by getTabs().
private |
Definition at line 5665 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and $title.
Referenced by createQuestionPoolAndCopyObject(), and createQuestionpoolTargetObject().
ilObjTestGUI::getQuestionsSubTabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5012 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $ilCtrl, and ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig().
Referenced by buildPageViewToolbar(), createQuestionObject(), createQuestionpoolTargetObject(), createRandomSelectionObject(), printobject(), questionsObject(), randomselectObject(), and removeQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::getRandomQuestionsTab | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
Definition at line 4982 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::getSettingsSubTabs | ( | $hiddenTabs = array() | ) |
Definition at line 5084 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$ilias, and ilCertificate\isActive().
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::getStatisticsSubTabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5060 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::getTabs | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
adds tabs to tab gui object
object | $tabs_gui | ilTabsGUI object |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 5146 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getManualScoring(), ilLearningProgressAccess\checkAccess(), getBrowseForQuestionsTab(), getSettingsSubTabs(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig(), and getStatisticsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::historyObject | ( | ) |
Creates the change history for a test.
Creates the change history for a test
Definition at line 3849 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $log, and ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLog().
ilObjTestGUI::ilObjTestGUI | ( | ) |
Constructor public.
Definition at line 54 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilObjectGUI\ilObjectGUI().
ilObjTestGUI::importFileObject | ( | ) |
form for new test object import
Definition at line 537 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, initImportForm(), and uploadTstObject().
ilObjTestGUI::importVerifiedFileObject | ( | ) |
imports question(s) into the questionpool (after verification)
Definition at line 990 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $result, $results, ilObjTest\_getImportDirectory(), ilUtil\delDir(), IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::infoScreen | ( | $session_lock = "" | ) |
show information screen
Definition at line 4600 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by executeCommand(), infoScreenObject(), and redirectToInfoScreenObject().
ilObjTestGUI::infoScreenObject | ( | ) |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed
Definition at line 4583 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References infoScreen().
ilObjTestGUI::initImportForm | ( | $a_new_type | ) |
Init object import form.
string | new type |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 3860 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilFileInputGUI\setSuffixes().
Referenced by importFileObject().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsAfterObject | ( | ) |
Insert checked questions after the actual selection.
Definition at line 3114 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsBeforeObject | ( | ) |
Insert checked questions before the actual selection.
Definition at line 3089 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions from the questionbrowser into the test.
Definition at line 3140 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, assQuestion\_needsManualScoring(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertRandomSelectionObject | ( | ) |
Inserts a random selection into the test.
Inserts a random selection into the test
Definition at line 2554 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
private |
Definition at line 6125 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by applyDefaultsObject(), and savePropertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::marksObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3529 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by addMarkStepObject(), addSimpleMarkSchemaObject(), deleteMarkStepsObject(), and saveMarksObject().
protected |
Move current page.
Definition at line 6007 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().
ilObjTestGUI::movePageObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6050 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and showPageObject().
ilObjTestGUI::moveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Marks selected questions for moving.
Definition at line 3070 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::npResetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4126 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References participantsObject(), and ilTable2GUI\resetFilter().
ilObjTestGUI::npSetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4116 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References participantsObject(), and ilTable2GUI\writeFilterToSession().
ilObjTestGUI::outEvaluationObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 529 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::participantsActionObject | ( | ) |
Evaluates the actions on the participants page.
Definition at line 3905 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST.
ilObjTestGUI::participantsObject | ( | ) |
Creates the output of the test participants.
Definition at line 3925 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), applyFilterCriteria(), ilRepositorySearchGUI\fillAutoCompleteToolbar(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilTable2GUI\setFilterCommand().
Referenced by fpResetFilterObject(), fpSetFilterObject(), npResetFilterObject(), and npSetFilterObject().
private |
prepares ilias to get output rendered by sub gui class
ilLocator $ilLocator ilTemplate $tpl ilObjUser $ilUser
Definition at line 500 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $ilUser, ilDAVServer\_isActive(), ilUtil\infoPanel(), ilObjectGUI\setLocator(), ilObjectGUI\setTitleAndDescription(), and ilObjectGUI\showMountWebfolderIcon().
Referenced by executeCommand().
ilObjTestGUI::printobject | ( | ) |
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions.
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions
Definition at line 4268 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, $ilUser, ilUtil\getHtmlPath(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilRPCServerSettings\getInstance(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::propertiesObject | ( | $checkonly = FALSE | ) |
Display and fill the properties form of the test.
Definition at line 1444 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $errors, $section, $title, $total, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilCheckboxGroupInputGUI\addOption(), fixPostValuesForInconsistentFormObjectTree(), formShowBeginningEndingInformation(), formShowGeneralSection(), formShowKioskSection(), formShowNotificationSection(), formShowParticipantSection(), formShowPresentationSection(), formShowSequenceSection(), formShowSessionSection(), ilMD\getGeneral(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setChecked(), ilTextAreaInputGUI\setCols(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setDisabled(), ilRadioOption\setInfo(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilDateTimeInputGUI\setShowTime(), ilTextInputGUI\setSize(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), ilRadioOption\setValue(), ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue(), ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION, and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_DEACTIVATED.
Referenced by savePropertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::questionBrowser | ( | ) |
Creates a form to select questions from questionpools to insert the questions into the test.
Definition at line 3195 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data.
Referenced by browseForQuestionsObject(), executeCommand(), filterObject(), and resetFilterObject().
ilObjTestGUI::questionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3216 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $total, ilObjQuestionPool\_getQuestionTypes(), ilObjTestAccess\_lookupOnlineTestAccess(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), randomQuestionsObject(), ilUtil\redirect(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().
Referenced by executeCommand().
ilObjTestGUI::randomQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2647 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $errors, $ilUser, $total, ilRandomTestInputGUI\setUseEqualPointsOnly(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), ilNumberInputGUI\setValue(), and ilRandomTestROInputGUI\setValues().
Referenced by addQuestionpoolObject(), addsourceObject(), questionsObject(), removesourceObject(), saveQuestionSelectionModeObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::randomselectObject | ( | ) |
Creates a form for random selection of questions.
Definition at line 2447 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilUser, and getQuestionsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::redirectToInfoScreenObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4590 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, and infoScreen().
ilObjTestGUI::removeParticipantObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4229 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::removeQuestionsForm | ( | $checked_questions | ) |
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test.
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test
Definition at line 2988 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, $total, and assQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName().
Referenced by removeQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::removeQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test.
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test
Definition at line 3048 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, getQuestionsSubTabs(), removeQuestionsForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::removesourceObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2639 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, randomQuestionsObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::resetfilterAvailableQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3182 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::resetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Resets the filter for the question browser.
Resets the filter for the question browser
Definition at line 2401 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
ilObjTestGUI::resetTemplateObject | ( | ) |
Enable all settings - remove template.
Definition at line 5954 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::runObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 524 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::saveClientIPObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4245 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::saveMarkSchemaFormData | ( | ) |
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted.
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted
Definition at line 3390 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
Referenced by addMarkStepObject(), deleteMarkStepsObject(), and saveMarksObject().
ilObjTestGUI::saveMarksObject | ( | ) |
Save the mark schema.
Save the mark schema
Definition at line 3471 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, marksObject(), saveMarkSchemaFormData(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjTestGUI::saveOrderAndObligationsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5963 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, $ilCtrl, ilObjTest\isQuestionObligationPossible(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::savePropertiesObject | ( | ) |
Save the form input of the properties form.
Definition at line 2076 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTagsAsString(), confirmChangeProperties(), ilFormat\dateDB2timestamp(), ilMD\getGeneral(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, isRandomTestSettingSwitched(), propertiesObject(), ilMDBase\save(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), ilUtil\stripSlashes(), ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION, and ilMDBase\update().
ilObjTestGUI::saveQuestionSelectionModeObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2739 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilUser, and randomQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::saveRandomQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2619 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::saveScoringObject | ( | ) |
Save the form input of the scoring form.
I introduced a single setter for instant_feedback options
Definition at line 1136 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, REPORT_AFTER_DATE, scoringObject(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::scoringObject | ( | $checkonly = FALSE | ) |
Display and fill the scoring settings form of the test.
Definition at line 1217 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $errors, $total, ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilCheckboxGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\getSettingsTemplateConfig(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setChecked(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), and ilRadioOption\setValue().
Referenced by saveScoringObject().
ilObjTestGUI::showDetailedResultsObject | ( | ) |
Shows the pass overview and the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass.
Definition at line 4141 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showPageObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6063 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST, and $ilCtrl.
Referenced by movePageObject().
ilObjTestGUI::showPassOverviewObject | ( | ) |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users.
Definition at line 4169 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showUserAnswersObject | ( | ) |
Shows the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass.
Definition at line 4155 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showUserResults | ( | $show_pass_details, | |
$show_answers, | |||
$show_reached_points = FALSE |
) |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users.
Definition at line 4183 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, $results, ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by showDetailedResultsObject(), showPassOverviewObject(), and showUserAnswersObject().
ilObjTestGUI::statisticsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4997 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::takenObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3366 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::uploadObject | ( | $redirect = true | ) |
display status information or report errors messages in case of error
Definition at line 1063 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References uploadTstObject().
ilObjTestGUI::uploadTstObject | ( | ) |
imports test and question(s)
Definition at line 840 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $file, $result, ilObjTest\_createImportDirectory(), ilObjTest\_getImportDirectory(), ilObjTest\_setImportDirectory(), ilObjectGUI\createObject(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), IL_MO_VERIFY_QTI, ilUtil\moveUploadedFile(), QT_CLOZE, QT_IMAGEMAP, QT_JAVAAPPLET, QT_MATCHING, QT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_MR, QT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SR, QT_NUMERIC, QT_ORDERING, QT_TEXT, QT_TEXTSUBSET, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\unzip().
Referenced by importFileObject(), and uploadObject().
ilObjTestGUI::writeRandomQuestionInput | ( | $always = false | ) |
Evaluates a posted random question form and saves the form data.
Definition at line 2595 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilUser, and randomQuestionsObject().
Referenced by addsourceObject(), removesourceObject(), and saveRandomQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::$object = null |
Definition at line 48 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by applyTemplate(), and executeCommand().
Definition at line 42 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Definition at line 43 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.