ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
ilLPTableBaseGUI Class Reference

TableGUI class for learning progress. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilLPTableBaseGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilLPTableBaseGUI:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd="", $a_template_context="")
 executeCommand ()
 searchFilterListener ($a_ref_id, $a_data)
 Listener for SearchResultFilter Checks wheather the object is hidden and mode is not LP_MODE_DEACTIVATED public. More...
 initBaseFilter ($a_split_learning_resources=false, $a_include_no_status_filter=true)
 Init filter. More...
 getCurrentFilter ($as_query=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
 __construct ($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd="", $a_template_context="")
 Constructor. More...
 setOpenFormTag ($a_val)
 Set open form tag. More...
 getOpenFormTag ()
 Get open form tag. More...
 setCloseFormTag ($a_val)
 Set close form tag. More...
 getCloseFormTag ()
 Get close form tag. More...
 determineLimit ()
 Determine the limit. More...
 getSelectableColumns ()
 Get selectable columns. More...
 determineSelectedColumns ()
 Determine selected columns. More...
 isColumnSelected ($a_col)
 Is given column selected? More...
 getSelectedColumns ()
 Get selected columns. More...
 executeCommand ()
 Execute command. More...
 resetOffset ($a_in_determination=false)
 Reset offset. More...
 initFilter ()
 Init filter. More...
 getParentObject ()
 Get parent object. More...
 getParentCmd ()
 Get parent command. More...
 setTopAnchor ($a_val)
 Set top anchor. More...
 getTopAnchor ()
 Get top anchor. More...
 setNoEntriesText ($a_text)
 Set text for an empty table. More...
 getNoEntriesText ()
 Get text for an empty table. More...
 setIsDataTable ($a_val)
 Set is data table. More...
 getIsDataTable ()
 Get is data table. More...
 setEnableTitle ($a_enabletitle)
 Set Enable Title. More...
 getEnableTitle ()
 Get Enable Title. More...
 setEnableHeader ($a_enableheader)
 Set Enable Header. More...
 getEnableHeader ()
 Get Enable Header. More...
 setEnableNumInfo ($a_val)
 Set enable num info. More...
 getEnableNumInfo ()
 Get enable num info. More...
 setTitle ($a_title, $a_icon=0, $a_icon_alt=0)
 Set title and title icon. More...
 setDescription ($a_val)
 Set description. More...
 getDescription ()
 Get description. More...
 setOrderField ($a_order_field)
 set order column More...
 getOrderField ()
 setData ($a_data)
 getData ()
 dataExists ()
 setPrefix ($a_prefix)
 getPrefix ()
 addFilterItem ($a_input_item, $a_optional=false)
 Add filter item. More...
 addFilterItemByMetaType ($id, $type=self::FILTER_TEXT, $a_optional=false, $caption=NULL)
 Add filter by standard type. More...
 getFilterItems ($a_optionals=false)
 Get filter items. More...
 getFilterItemByPostVar ($a_post_var)
 setFilterCols ($a_val)
 Set filter columns. More...
 getFilterCols ()
 Get filter columns. More...
 setDisableFilterHiding ($a_val=true)
 Set disable filter hiding. More...
 getDisableFilterHiding ()
 Get disable filter hiding. More...
 isFilterSelected ($a_col)
 Is given filter selected? More...
 getSelectedFilters ()
 Get selected filters. More...
 determineSelectedFilters ()
 Determine selected filters. More...
 setCustomPreviousNext ($a_prev_link, $a_next_link)
 Set custom previous/next links. More...
 setFormAction ($a_form_action, $a_multipart=false)
 Set Form action parameter. More...
 getFormAction ()
 Get Form action parameter. More...
 setFormName ($a_formname="")
 Set Form name. More...
 getFormName ()
 Get Form name. More...
 setId ($a_val)
 Set id. More...
 getId ()
 Get element id. More...
 setDisplayAsBlock ($a_val)
 Set display as block. More...
 getDisplayAsBlock ()
 Get display as block. More...
 getSelectAllCheckbox ()
 Get the name of the checkbox that should be toggled with a select all button. More...
 setSelectAllCheckbox ($a_select_all_checkbox)
 Set the name of the checkbox that should be toggled with a select all button. More...
 setExternalSorting ($a_val)
 Set external sorting. More...
 getExternalSorting ()
 Get external sorting. More...
 setFilterCommand ($a_val, $a_caption=null)
 Set filter command. More...
 getFilterCommand ()
 Get filter command. More...
 setResetCommand ($a_val, $a_caption=null)
 Set reset filter command. More...
 getResetCommand ()
 Get reset filter command. More...
 setExternalSegmentation ($a_val)
 Set external segmentation. More...
 getExternalSegmentation ()
 Get external segmentation. More...
 setRowTemplate ($a_template, $a_template_dir="")
 Set row template. More...
 setDefaultOrderField ($a_defaultorderfield)
 Set Default order field. More...
 getDefaultOrderField ()
 Get Default order field. More...
 setDefaultOrderDirection ($a_defaultorderdirection)
 Set Default order direction. More...
 getDefaultOrderDirection ()
 Get Default order direction. More...
 setDefaultFilterVisiblity ($a_status)
 Set default filter visiblity. More...
 getDefaultFilterVisibility ()
 Get default filter visibility. More...
 clearCommandButtons ()
 addCommandButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_onclick='', $a_id="", $a_class=null)
 Add Command button. More...
 addCommandButtonInstance (ilButtonBase $a_button)
 Add Command button instance. More...
 addSelectionButton ($a_sel_var, $a_options, $a_cmd, $a_text, $a_default_selection='')
 Add Selection List + Command button. More...
 addMultiItemSelectionButton ($a_sel_var, $a_options, $a_cmd, $a_text, $a_default_selection='')
 Add Selection List + Command button for selected items. More...
 setCloseCommand ($a_link)
 Add command for closing table. More...
 addMultiCommand ($a_cmd, $a_text)
 Add Command button. More...
 addHiddenInput ($a_name, $a_value)
 Add Hidden Input field. More...
 addHeaderCommand ($a_href, $a_text, $a_target="", $a_img="")
 Add Header Command (Link) (Image needed for now) More...
 setTopCommands ($a_val)
 Set top commands (display command buttons on top of table, too) More...
 getTopCommands ()
 Get top commands (display command buttons on top of table, too) More...
 addColumn ($a_text, $a_sort_field="", $a_width="", $a_is_checkbox_action_column=false, $a_class="", $a_tooltip="", $a_tooltip_with_html=false)
 Add a column to the header. More...
 getNavParameter ()
 setOrderLink ($sort_field, $order_dir)
 fillHeader ()
 determineOffsetAndOrder ($a_omit_offset=false)
 Determine offset and order. More...
 storeNavParameter ()
 getHTML ()
 Get HTML. More...
 numericOrdering ($a_field)
 Should this field be sorted numeric? More...
 render ()
 render table public More...
 writeFilterToSession ()
 Write filter values to session. More...
 resetFilter ()
 Reset filter. More...
 fillFooter ()
 Fill footer row. More...
 getLinkbar ($a_num)
 Get previous/next linkbar. More...
 fillHiddenRow ()
 fillActionRow ()
 Fill Action Row. More...
 setHeaderHTML ($html)
 set header html More...
 storeProperty ($type, $value)
 Store table property. More...
 loadProperty ($type)
 Load table property. More...
 getCurrentState ()
 get current settings for order, limit, columns and filter More...
 setContext ($id)
 Set context. More...
 getContext ()
 Get context. More...
 setShowRowsSelector ($a_value)
 Toggle rows-per-page selector. More...
 getShowRowsSelector ()
 Get rows-per-page selector state. More...
 setShowTemplates ($a_value)
 Toggle templates. More...
 getShowTemplates ()
 Get template state. More...
 restoreTemplate ($a_name)
 Restore state from template. More...
 saveTemplate ($a_name)
 Save current state as template. More...
 deleteTemplate ($a_name)
 Delete template. More...
 getLimit ()
 Get limit. More...
 getOffset ()
 Get offset. More...
 setExportFormats (array $formats)
 Set available export formats. More...
 setPrintMode ($a_value=false)
 Toogle print mode. More...
 getPrintMode ()
 Get print mode. More...
 getExportMode ()
 Was export activated? More...
 exportData ($format, $send=false)
 Export and optionally send current table data. More...
 setEnableAllCommand ($a_value)
 Enable actions for all entries in current result. More...
 setRowSelectorLabel ($row_selector_label)
 getRowSelectorLabel ()
 setPreventDoubleSubmission ($a_val)
 Set prevent double submission. More...
 getPreventDoubleSubmission ()
 Get prevent double submission. More...
 setLimit ($a_limit=0, $a_default_limit=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilTableGUI
 __construct ($a_data=0, $a_global_tpl=true)
 Constructor. More...
 setTemplate ($a_tpl)
 set template public More...
getTemplateObject ()
 setData ($a_data)
 set table data public More...
 getData ()
 setTitle ($a_title, $a_icon=0, $a_icon_alt=0)
 set table title public More...
 setHelp ($a_help_page, $a_help_icon, $a_help_icon_alt=0)
 set table help page public More...
 setHeaderNames ($a_header_names)
 set table header names public More...
 getColumnCount ()
 Returns the column count based on the number of the header row columns public. More...
 setHeaderVars ($a_header_vars, $a_header_params=0)
 set table header vars public More...
 setColumnWidth ($a_column_width)
 set table column widths public More...
 setOneColumnWidth ($a_column_width, $a_column_number)
 set one table column width public More...
 setMaxCount ($a_max_count)
 set max. More...
 setLimit ($a_limit=0, $a_default_limit=0)
 set max. More...
 getLimit ()
 Get limit. More...
 setPrefix ($a_prefix)
 set prefix for sort and offset fields (if you have two or more tables on a page that you want to sort separately) public More...
 setOffset ($a_offset)
 set dataset offset public More...
 getOffset ()
 Get offset. More...
 setOrderColumn ($a_order_column=0, $a_default_column=0)
 set order column public More...
 getOrderColumn ()
 Get order column. More...
 setOrderDirection ($a_order_direction)
 set order direction public More...
 getOrderDirection ()
 Get order direction. More...
 setFooter ($a_style, $a_previous=0, $a_next=0)
 set order direction public More...
 enable ($a_module_name)
 enables particular modules of table More...
 disable ($a_module_name)
 diesables particular modules of table More...
 sortData ()
 render ()
 render table public More...
 renderHeader ()
 setOrderLink ($key, $order_dir)
 setStyle ($a_element, $a_style)
 getStyle ($a_element)
 setBase ($a_base)
 Set Base script name (deprecated, only use this for workarounds). More...
 getBase ()
 Get Base script name (deprecated, only use this for workarounds). More...
 getFormName ()
 setFormName ($a_name="cmd")
 getSelectAllCheckbox ()
 setSelectAllCheckbox ($a_select_all_checkbox)
 clearActionButtons ()
 addActionButton ($btn_name, $btn_value)

Protected Member Functions

 sendMail (array $a_user_ids, $a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd)
 searchObjects (array $filter, $permission, array $preset_obj_ids=null, $a_check_lp_activation=true)
 Search objects that match current filters. More...
 buildPath ($ref_ids)
 Build path with deep-link. More...
 getPossibleTypes ($a_split_learning_resources=false, $a_include_digilib=false, $a_allow_undefined_lp=false)
 Get possible subtypes. More...
 parseValue ($id, $value, $type)
 isPercentageAvailable ($a_obj_id)
 parseTitle ($a_obj_id, $action, $a_user_id=false)
 getExportMeta ()
 Build export meta data. More...
 fillMetaExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row)
 fillMetaCSV ($a_csv)
 showTimingsWarning ($a_ref_id, $a_user_id)
 formatSeconds ($seconds, $a_shorten_zero=false)
 anonymizeValue ($a_value, $a_force_number=false)
 buildValueScale ($a_max_value, $a_anonymize=false, $a_format_seconds=false)
 getMonthsFilter ($a_short=false)
 getMonthsYear ($a_year=null, $a_short=false)
 getSelectableUserColumns ($a_in_course=false, $a_in_group=false)
 addToClipboard ()
 Add selected users to clipboard. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
 prepareOutput ()
 Anything that must be done before HTML is generated. More...
 isFilterVisible ()
 Check if filter is visible: manually shown (session, db) or default value set. More...
 isAdvMDFilter (ilAdvancedMDRecordGUI $a_gui, $a_element)
 Check if filter element is based on adv md. More...
 fillRow ($a_set)
 Standard Version of Fill Row. More...
 getFilterValue (ilFormPropertyGUI $a_item)
 Get current filter value. More...
 SetFilterValue (ilFormPropertyGUI $a_item, $a_value)
 Set current filter value. More...
 fillMetaExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row)
 Add meta information to excel export. More...
 fillHeaderExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row)
 Excel Version of Fill Header. More...
 fillRowExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row, $a_set)
 Excel Version of Fill Row. More...
 fillMetaCSV ($a_csv)
 Add meta information to csv export. More...
 fillHeaderCSV ($a_csv)
 CSV Version of Fill Header. More...
 fillRowCSV ($a_csv, $a_set)
 CSV Version of Fill Row. More...

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from ilTable2GUI
 $close_command = ""
 $top_anchor = "il_table_top"
 $filters = array()
 $optional_filters = array()
 $filter_cmd = 'applyFilter'
 $reset_cmd = 'resetFilter'
 $filter_cols = 5
 $ext_sort = false
 $ext_seg = false
 $context = ""
 $mi_sel_buttons = null
 $disable_filter_hiding = false
 $selected_filter = false
 $top_commands = true
 $selectable_columns = array()
 $selected_column = array()
 $show_templates = false
 $show_rows_selector = true
 $rows_selector_off = false
 $nav_determined = false
 $limit_determined = false
 $filters_determined = false
 $columns_determined = false
 $open_form_tag = true
 $close_form_tag = true
 $default_filter_visibility = false
 $sortable_fields = array()
 $prevent_double_submission = true

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
static getAllCommandLimit ()
 Get maximum number of entries to enable actions for all. More...
- Data Fields inherited from ilTable2GUI
const FILTER_TEXT = 1
const FILTER_DATE = 3
const EXPORT_EXCEL = 1
const EXPORT_CSV = 2
const ACTION_ALL_LIMIT = 1000
- Data Fields inherited from ilTableGUI
 $max_limit = false
 $lang_support = true
 $base = ""

Detailed Description

TableGUI class for learning progress.

Jörg Lützenkirchen

Definition at line 16 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::__construct (   $a_parent_obj,
  $a_parent_cmd = "",
  $a_template_context = "" 

Definition at line 21 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References ilObjUserTracking\_enabledUserRelatedData(), and ilObjectLP\getInstance().

22  {
23  parent::__construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd, $a_template_context);
25  // country names
26  $this->lng->loadLanguageModule("meta");
28  include_once("./Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectLP.php");
30  $this->anonymized = (bool)!ilObjUserTracking::_enabledUserRelatedData();
31  if(!$this->anonymized && $this->obj_id)
32  {
33  include_once "Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectLP.php";
34  $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($this->obj_id);
35  $this->anonymized = $olp->isAnonymized();
36  }
37  }
static _enabledUserRelatedData()
check wether user related tracking is enabled or not
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ addToClipboard()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::addToClipboard ( )

Add selected users to clipboard.

Definition at line 1079 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $_POST, $GLOBALS, array, ilTable2GUI\getId(), ilUserClipboard\getInstance(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().

Referenced by executeCommand().

1080  {
1081  $users = (array) $_POST['uid'];
1082  include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserClipboard.php';
1083  $clip = ilUserClipboard::getInstance($GLOBALS['ilUser']->getId());
1084  $clip->add($users);
1085  $clip->save();
1087  $GLOBALS['lng']->loadLanguageModule('user');
1088  ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt('clipboard_user_added'),true);
1090  }
static sendSuccess($a_info="", $a_keep=false)
Send Success Message to Screen.
static getInstance($a_usr_id)
Get singelton instance.
Global hash that tracks already loaded includes.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get element id.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ anonymizeValue()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::anonymizeValue (   $a_value,
  $a_force_number = false 

Definition at line 806 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

Referenced by buildValueScale(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\getGraph(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\getGraph(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getGraph().

807  {
808  // currently inactive
809  return $a_value;
811  if(is_numeric($a_value))
812  {
813  $threshold = 3;
814  $a_value = (int)$a_value;
815  if($a_value <= $threshold)
816  {
817  if(!$a_force_number)
818  {
819  return "0-".$threshold;
820  }
821  else
822  {
823  return $threshold;
824  }
825  }
826  }
827  return $a_value;
828  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildPath()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::buildPath (   $ref_ids)

Build path with deep-link.


Definition at line 365 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $counter, ilTableGUI\$data, $ilCtrl, $path, $ref_id, $result, and ilLink\_getLink().

Referenced by ilLPProgressTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilTrSummaryTableGUI\fillRow().

366  {
367  global $tree, $ilCtrl;
369  include_once './Services/Link/classes/class.ilLink.php';
371  if(!count($ref_ids))
372  {
373  return false;
374  }
375  foreach($ref_ids as $ref_id)
376  {
377  $path = "...";
378  $counter = 0;
379  $path_full = $tree->getPathFull($ref_id);
380  foreach($path_full as $data)
381  {
382  if(++$counter < (count($path_full)-1))
383  {
384  continue;
385  }
386  $path .= " &raquo; ";
387  if($ref_id != $data['ref_id'])
388  {
389  $path .= $data['title'];
390  }
391  else
392  {
393  $path .= ('<a target="_top" href="'.
394  ilLink::_getLink($data['ref_id'],$data['type']).'">'.
395  $data['title'].'</a>');
396  }
397  }
399  $result[$ref_id] = $path;
400  }
401  return $result;
402  }
Definition: aliased.php:25
global $ilCtrl
Definition: ilias.php:18
Definition: sahs_server.php:39
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildValueScale()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::buildValueScale (   $a_max_value,
  $a_anonymize = false,
  $a_format_seconds = false 

Definition at line 830 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References ilTableGUI\$base, $step, anonymizeValue(), array, formatSeconds(), and range.

Referenced by ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\getGraph(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\getGraph(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getGraph().

831  {
832  $step = 0;
833  if($a_max_value)
834  {
835  $step = $a_max_value / 10;
836  $base = ceil(log($step, 10));
837  $fac = ceil($step / pow(10, ($base - 1)));
838  $step = pow(10, $base - 1) * $fac;
839  }
840  if ($step <= 1)
841  {
842  $step = 1;
843  }
844  $ticks = range(0, $a_max_value+$step, $step);
846  $value_ticks = array(0 => 0);
847  foreach($ticks as $tick)
848  {
849  $value = $tvalue = $tick;
850  if($a_anonymize)
851  {
852  $value = $this->anonymizeValue($value, true);
853  $tvalue = $this->anonymizeValue($tvalue);
854  }
855  if($a_format_seconds)
856  {
857  $tvalue = $this->formatSeconds($value);
858  }
859  $value_ticks[$value] = $tvalue;
860  }
862  return $value_ticks;
863  }
anonymizeValue($a_value, $a_force_number=false)
Resolve range
foreach( $_REQUEST as $var) foreach(array('_POST'=> 'HTTP_POST_VARS', '_GET'=> 'HTTP_GET_VARS', '_COOKIE'=> 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', '_SERVER'=> 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS', '_ENV'=> 'HTTP_ENV_VARS', '_FILES'=> 'HTTP_POST_FILES') as $array=> $other) $step
Definition: cssgen.php:155
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
formatSeconds($seconds, $a_shorten_zero=false)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ executeCommand()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::executeCommand ( )

Definition at line 39 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, $lng, addToClipboard(), array, ilTable2GUI\determineOffsetAndOrder(), ilTable2GUI\determineSelectedFilters(), ilTable2GUI\getFilterItemByPostVar(), ilTable2GUI\resetFilter(), ilTable2GUI\resetOffset(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), sendMail(), ilTable2GUI\storeNavParameter(), and ilTable2GUI\writeFilterToSession().

40  {
41  global $ilCtrl, $lng;
43  $this->determineSelectedFilters();
45  if(!$ilCtrl->getNextClass($this))
46  {
47  $to_hide = false;
49  switch($ilCtrl->getCmd())
50  {
51  case "applyFilter":
52  $this->resetOffset();
53  $this->writeFilterToSession();
54  break;
56  case "resetFilter":
57  $this->resetOffset();
58  $this->resetFilter();
59  break;
61  case "hideSelected":
62  $to_hide = $_POST["item_id"];
63  break;
65  case "hide":
66  $to_hide = array((int)$_GET["hide"]);
67  break;
69  case "mailselectedusers":
70  if(!sizeof($_POST["uid"]))
71  {
72  ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
73  }
74  else
75  {
76  $this->sendMail($_POST["uid"], $this->parent_obj, $this->parent_cmd);
77  }
78  break;
80  case 'addToClipboard':
81  if(!sizeof($_POST['uid']))
82  {
83  ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt('no_checkbox'), true);
84  }
85  else
86  {
87  $this->addToClipboard();
88  }
89  break;
91  // page selector
92  default:
93  $this->determineOffsetAndOrder();
94  $this->storeNavParameter();
95  break;
96  }
98  if($to_hide)
99  {
100  $obj = $this->getFilterItemByPostVar("hide");
101  $value = array_unique(array_merge((array)$obj->getValue(), $to_hide));
102  $obj->setValue($value);
103  $obj->writeToSession();
104  }
106  if(isset($_REQUEST["tbltplcrt"]))
107  {
108  $ilCtrl->setParameter($this->parent_obj, "tbltplcrt", $_REQUEST["tbltplcrt"]);
109  }
110  if(isset($_REQUEST["tbltpldel"]))
111  {
112  $ilCtrl->setParameter($this->parent_obj, "tbltpldel", $_REQUEST["tbltpldel"]);
113  }
115  $ilCtrl->redirect($this->parent_obj, $this->parent_cmd);
116  }
117  else
118  {
119  // e.g. repository selector
120  return parent::executeCommand();
121  }
122  }
Reset offset.
Add selected users to clipboard.
global $ilCtrl
Definition: ilias.php:18
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static sendFailure($a_info="", $a_keep=false)
Send Failure Message to Screen.
Write filter values to session.
sendMail(array $a_user_ids, $a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd)
Determine offset and order.
Determine selected filters.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
Reset filter.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillMetaCSV()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::fillMetaCSV (   $a_csv)

Definition at line 751 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References getExportMeta().

752  {
753  foreach($this->getExportMeta() as $caption => $value)
754  {
755  $a_csv->addColumn(strip_tags($caption));
756  $a_csv->addColumn(strip_tags($value));
757  $a_csv->addRow();
758  }
759  $a_csv->addRow();
760  }
Build export meta data.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillMetaExcel()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::fillMetaExcel ( ilExcel  $a_excel,

Definition at line 740 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References getExportMeta(), and ilExcel\setCell().

741  {
742  foreach($this->getExportMeta() as $caption => $value)
743  {
744  $a_excel->setCell($a_row, 0, $caption);
745  $a_excel->setCell($a_row, 1, $value);
746  $a_row++;
747  }
748  $a_row++;
749  }
Build export meta data.
setCell($a_row, $a_col, $a_value)
Set cell value.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ formatSeconds()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::formatSeconds (   $seconds,
  $a_shorten_zero = false 

Definition at line 784 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $rest.

Referenced by buildValueScale(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRow().

785  {
786  $seconds = ((int)$seconds > 0) ? $seconds : 0;
787  if($a_shorten_zero && !$seconds)
788  {
789  return "-";
790  }
792  $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
793  $rest = $seconds % 3600;
795  $minutes = floor($rest / 60);
796  $rest = $rest % 60;
798  if($rest)
799  {
800  $minutes++;
801  }
803  return sprintf("%dh%02dm",$hours,$minutes);
804  }
Definition: goto.php:48
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentFilter()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getCurrentFilter (   $as_query = false)

Definition at line 558 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $result, array, ilTable2GUI\getFilterItemByPostVar(), and IL_CAL_DATETIME.

Referenced by ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPProgressTableGUI\getItems(), ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getItems(), ilTrSummaryTableGUI\getItems(), and initBaseFilter().

559  {
560  $result = array();
561  foreach((array)$this->filter as $id => $value)
562  {
563  $item = $this->getFilterItemByPostVar($id);
564  switch($id)
565  {
566  case "title":
567  case "country":
568  case "gender":
569  case "city":
570  case "language":
571  case "login":
572  case "firstname":
573  case "lastname":
574  case "mark":
575  case "u_comment":
576  case "institution":
577  case "department":
578  case "title":
579  case "street":
580  case "zipcode":
581  case "email":
582  case "matriculation":
583  case "sel_country":
584  case "query":
585  case "type":
586  case "area":
587  if($value)
588  {
589  $result[$id] = $value;
590  }
591  break;
593  case "status":
594  if($value !== false)
595  {
596  $result[$id] = $value;
597  }
598  break;
600  case "user_total":
601  case "read_count":
602  case "percentage":
603  case "hide":
604  case "spent_seconds":
605  if(is_array($value) && implode("", $value))
606  {
607  $result[$id] = $value;
608  }
609  break;
611  case "registration":
612  case "create_date":
613  case "first_access":
614  case "last_access":
615  case 'status_changed':
616  if($value)
617  {
618  if($value["from"])
619  {
620  $result[$id]["from"] = $value["from"]->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME);
621  }
622  if($value["to"])
623  {
624  $result[$id]["to"] = $value["to"]->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME);
625  }
626  }
627  break;
629  case "birthday":
630  if($value)
631  {
632  if($value["from"])
633  {
634  $result[$id]["from"] = $value["from"]->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME);
635  $result[$id]["from"] = substr($result[$id]["from"], 0, -8)."00:00:00";
636  }
637  if($value["to"])
638  {
639  $result[$id]["to"] = $value["to"]->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME);
640  $result[$id]["to"] = substr($result[$id]["to"], 0, -8)."23:59:59";
641  }
642  }
643  break;
644  }
645  }
647  return $result;
648  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getExportMeta()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getExportMeta ( )

Build export meta data.


Definition at line 703 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References ilTableGUI\$data, $ilUser, $lng, ilLink\_getLink(), ilObjUser\_lookupFullname(), ilObject\_lookupOwner(), ilObject\_lookupType(), array, ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilDatePresentation\setUseRelativeDates(), and time.

Referenced by fillMetaCSV(), and fillMetaExcel().

704  {
705  global $lng, $ilObjDataCache, $ilUser, $ilClientIniFile;
707  /* see spec
708  Name of installation
709  Name of the course
710  Permalink to course
711  Owner of course object
712  Date of report generation
713  Reporting period
714  Name of person who generated the report.
715  */
718  include_once './Services/Link/classes/class.ilLink.php';
720  $data = array();
721  $data[$lng->txt("trac_name_of_installation")] = $ilClientIniFile->readVariable('client', 'name');
723  if($this->obj_id)
724  {
725  $data[$lng->txt("trac_object_name")] = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($this->obj_id);
726  if($this->ref_id)
727  {
728  $data[$lng->txt("trac_object_link")] = ilLink::_getLink($this->ref_id, ilObject::_lookupType($this->obj_id));
729  }
730  $data[$lng->txt("trac_object_owner")] = ilObjUser::_lookupFullname(ilObject::_lookupOwner($this->obj_id));
731  }
733  $data[$lng->txt("trac_report_date")] =
735  $data[$lng->txt("trac_report_owner")] = $ilUser->getFullName();
737  return $data;
738  }
static _lookupFullname($a_user_id)
Lookup Full Name.
static setUseRelativeDates($a_status)
set use relative dates
static formatDate(ilDateTime $date)
Format a date public.
Date and time handling
Definition: imgupload.php:18
static _lookupOwner($a_id)
lookup object owner
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static _lookupType($a_id, $a_reference=false)
lookup object type
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
Add data(end) time
Method that wraps PHPs time in order to allow simulations with the workflow.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMonthsFilter()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getMonthsFilter (   $a_short = false)

Definition at line 865 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $lng, $options, array, and date.

Referenced by ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\initFilter(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\initFilter(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\initFilter().

866  {
867  global $lng;
869  $options = array();
870  for($loop = 0; $loop < 10; $loop++)
871  {
872  $year = date("Y")-$loop;
873  $options[$year] = $year;
874  for($loop2 = 12; $loop2 > 0; $loop2--)
875  {
876  $month = str_pad($loop2, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
877  if($year.$month <= date("Ym"))
878  {
879  if(!$a_short)
880  {
881  $caption = $year." / ".$lng->txt("month_".$month."_long");
882  }
883  else
884  {
885  $caption = $year."/".$month;
886  }
887  $options[$year."-".$month] = $caption;
888  }
889  }
890  }
891  return $options;
892  }
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
date( 'd-M-Y', $objPHPExcel->getProperties() ->getCreated())
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMonthsYear()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getMonthsYear (   $a_year = null,
  $a_short = false 

Definition at line 894 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $lng, array, and date.

Referenced by ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\__construct(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\__construct(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\__construct(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTypesTableGUI\getGraph(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\getGraph(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getGraph(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getItems().

895  {
896  global $lng;
898  if(!$a_year)
899  {
900  $a_year = date("Y");
901  }
903  $all = array();
904  for($loop = 1; $loop<13; $loop++)
905  {
906  $month = str_pad($loop, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
907  if($a_year."-".$month <= date("Y-m"))
908  {
909  if(!$a_short)
910  {
911  $caption = $lng->txt("month_".$month."_long");
912  }
913  else
914  {
915  $caption = $lng->txt("month_".$month."_short");
916  }
917  $all[$a_year."-".$month] = $caption;
918  }
919  }
920  return $all;
921  }
date( 'd-M-Y', $objPHPExcel->getProperties() ->getCreated())
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPossibleTypes()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getPossibleTypes (   $a_split_learning_resources = false,
  $a_include_digilib = false,
  $a_allow_undefined_lp = false 

Get possible subtypes.


Definition at line 411 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $lng, $options, array, IL_COMP_SERVICE, ilRepositoryObjectPluginSlot\isTypePluginWithLP(), and ilObjectPlugin\lookupTxtById().

Referenced by initBaseFilter(), ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\initFilter(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\initFilter().

412  {
413  global $lng, $ilPluginAdmin;
415  $options = array();
417  if($a_split_learning_resources)
418  {
419  $options['lm'] = $lng->txt('objs_lm');
420  $options['sahs'] = $lng->txt('objs_sahs');
421  $options['htlm'] = $lng->txt('objs_htlm');
422  }
423  else
424  {
425  $options['lres'] = $lng->txt('learning_resources');
426  }
428  $options['crs'] = $lng->txt('objs_crs');
429  $options['grp'] = $lng->txt('objs_grp');
430  $options['exc'] = $lng->txt('objs_exc');
431  $options['file'] = $lng->txt('objs_file');
432  $options['mcst'] = $lng->txt('objs_mcst');
433  $options['svy'] = $lng->txt('objs_svy');
434  $options['tst'] = $lng->txt('objs_tst');
435  $options['prg'] = $lng->txt('objs_prg');
436  $options['iass'] = $lng->txt('objs_iass');
438  if($a_allow_undefined_lp)
439  {
440  $options["webr"] = $lng->txt("objs_webr");
441  $options["wiki"] = $lng->txt("objs_wiki");
442  $options["blog"] = $lng->txt("objs_blog");
443  $options["prtf"] = $lng->txt("objs_prtf");
444  $options["prtt"] = $lng->txt("objs_prtt");
445  }
447  // repository plugins (currently only active)
448  include_once 'Services/Repository/classes/class.ilRepositoryObjectPluginSlot.php';
449  $pl_names = $ilPluginAdmin->getActivePluginsForSlot(IL_COMP_SERVICE, "Repository", "robj");
450  foreach ($pl_names as $pl)
451  {
452  $pl_id = $ilPluginAdmin->getId(IL_COMP_SERVICE, "Repository", "robj", $pl);
454  {
455  $options[$pl_id] = ilObjectPlugin::lookupTxtById($pl_id, "objs_".$pl_id);
456  }
457  }
459  asort($options);
460  return $options;
461  }
static isTypePluginWithLP($a_type, $a_active_status=true)
Check whether a repository type is a plugin which has active learning progress.
static lookupTxtById($plugin_id, $lang_var)
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectableUserColumns()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::getSelectableUserColumns (   $a_in_course = false,
  $a_in_group = false 

Definition at line 923 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $ilSetting, $lng, ilUserDefinedFields\_getInstance(), ilPrivacySettings\_getInstance(), array, ilObjUserTracking\EXTENDED_DATA_LAST_ACCESS, ilObjUserTracking\EXTENDED_DATA_READ_COUNT, ilObjUserTracking\EXTENDED_DATA_SPENT_SECONDS, ilObjectLP\getInstance(), isPercentageAvailable(), ilObjectLP\supportsMark(), ilObjectLP\supportsSpentSeconds(), and UDF_TYPE_WYSIWYG.

Referenced by ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\getSelectableColumns(), and ilTrMatrixTableGUI\getSelectableColumns().

924  {
925  global $lng, $ilSetting;
927  $cols = $privacy_fields = array();
929  include_once("./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php");
930  $up = new ilUserProfile();
931  $up->skipGroup("preferences");
932  $up->skipGroup("settings");
933  $up->skipGroup("interests");
934  $ufs = $up->getStandardFields();
936  // default fields
937  $cols["login"] = array(
938  "txt" => $lng->txt("login"),
939  "default" => true);
941  if(!$this->anonymized)
942  {
943  $cols["firstname"] = array(
944  "txt" => $lng->txt("firstname"),
945  "default" => true);
946  $cols["lastname"] = array(
947  "txt" => $lng->txt("lastname"),
948  "default" => true);
949  }
951  // show only if extended data was activated in lp settings
952  include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
953  $tracking = new ilObjUserTracking();
954  if($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_LAST_ACCESS))
955  {
956  $cols["first_access"] = array(
957  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_first_access"),
958  "default" => true);
959  $cols["last_access"] = array(
960  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_last_access"),
961  "default" => true);
962  }
963  if($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_READ_COUNT))
964  {
965  $cols["read_count"] = array(
966  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_read_count"),
967  "default" => true);
968  }
969  if($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_SPENT_SECONDS) &&
971  {
972  $cols["spent_seconds"] = array(
973  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_spent_seconds"),
974  "default" => true);
975  }
977  if($this->isPercentageAvailable($this->obj_id))
978  {
979  $cols["percentage"] = array(
980  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_percentage"),
981  "default" => true);
982  }
984  // do not show status if learning progress is deactivated
985  $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($this->obj_id);
986  if($olp->isActive())
987  {
988  $cols["status"] = array(
989  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_status"),
990  "default" => true);
992  $cols['status_changed'] = array(
993  'txt' => $lng->txt('trac_status_changed'),
994  'default' => false);
995  }
997  if(ilObjectLP::supportsMark($this->type))
998  {
999  $cols["mark"] = array(
1000  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_mark"),
1001  "default" => true);
1002  }
1004  $cols["u_comment"] = array(
1005  "txt" => $lng->txt("trac_comment"),
1006  "default" => false);
1008  $cols["create_date"] = array(
1009  "txt" => $lng->txt("create_date"),
1010  "default" => false);
1011  $cols["language"] = array(
1012  "txt" => $lng->txt("language"),
1013  "default" => false);
1015  // add user data only if object is [part of] course
1016  if(!$this->anonymized &&
1017  ($a_in_course || $a_in_group))
1018  {
1019  // only show if export permission is granted
1020  include_once('Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilPrivacySettings.php');
1021  if(ilPrivacySettings::_getInstance()->checkExportAccess($this->ref_id))
1022  {
1023  // other user profile fields
1024  foreach ($ufs as $f => $fd)
1025  {
1026  if (!isset($cols[$f]) && $f != "username" && !$fd["lists_hide"])
1027  {
1028  if($a_in_course &&
1029  !($fd["course_export_fix_value"] || $ilSetting->get("usr_settings_course_export_".$f)))
1030  {
1031  continue;
1032  }
1033  if($a_in_group &&
1034  !($fd["group_export_fix_value"] || $ilSetting->get("usr_settings_group_export_".$f)))
1035  {
1036  continue;
1037  }
1039  $cols[$f] = array(
1040  "txt" => $lng->txt($f),
1041  "default" => false);
1043  $privacy_fields[] = $f;
1044  }
1045  }
1047  // additional defined user data fields
1048  include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
1049  $user_defined_fields = ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
1050  if($a_in_course)
1051  {
1052  $user_defined_fields = $user_defined_fields->getCourseExportableFields();
1053  }
1054  else
1055  {
1056  $user_defined_fields = $user_defined_fields->getGroupExportableFields();
1057  }
1058  foreach($user_defined_fields as $definition)
1059  {
1060  if($definition["field_type"] != UDF_TYPE_WYSIWYG)
1061  {
1062  $f = "udf_".$definition["field_id"];
1063  $cols[$f] = array(
1064  "txt" => $definition["field_name"],
1065  "default" => false);
1067  $privacy_fields[] = $f;
1068  }
1069  }
1070  }
1071  }
1073  return array($cols, $privacy_fields);
1074  }
static _getInstance()
Get instance.
Class ilUserProfile.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static supportsMark($a_obj_type)
static supportsSpentSeconds($a_obj_type)
global $ilSetting
Definition: privfeed.php:17
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
static _getInstance()
Get instance of ilPrivacySettings.
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initBaseFilter()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::initBaseFilter (   $a_split_learning_resources = false,
  $a_include_no_status_filter = true 

Init filter.


Definition at line 283 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $lng, $options, $si, ilTable2GUI\addFilterItem(), array, getCurrentFilter(), getPossibleTypes(), ilTable2GUI\setDisableFilterHiding(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), and ilRepositorySelectorInputGUI\setSelectText().

Referenced by ilLPProgressTableGUI\__construct().

284  {
285  global $lng, $ilObjDataCache;
287  $this->setDisableFilterHiding(true);
289  // object type selection
290  include_once("./Services/Form/classes/class.ilSelectInputGUI.php");
291  $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("obj_type"), "type");
292  $si->setOptions($this->getPossibleTypes($a_split_learning_resources));
293  $this->addFilterItem($si);
294  $si->readFromSession();
295  if(!$si->getValue())
296  {
297  $si->setValue("crs");
298  }
299  $this->filter["type"] = $si->getValue();
301  // hidden items
302  include_once("./Services/Form/classes/class.ilMultiSelectInputGUI.php");
303  $msi = new ilMultiSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("trac_filter_hidden"), "hide");
304  $this->addFilterItem($msi);
305  $msi->readFromSession();
306  $this->filter["hide"] = $msi->getValue();
307  if($this->filter["hide"])
308  {
309  // create options from current value
310  $types = $this->getCurrentFilter(true);
311  $type = $types["type"];
312  $options = array();
313  if($type == 'lres')
314  {
315  $type = array('lm','sahs','htlm');
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  $type = array($type);
320  }
321  foreach($this->filter["hide"] as $obj_id)
322  {
323  if(in_array($ilObjDataCache->lookupType($obj_id), $type))
324  {
325  $options[$obj_id] = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($obj_id);
326  }
327  }
328  $msi->setOptions($options);
329  }
331  // title/description
332  include_once("./Services/Form/classes/class.ilTextInputGUI.php");
333  $ti = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("trac_title_description"), "query");
334  $ti->setMaxLength(64);
335  $ti->setSize(20);
336  $this->addFilterItem($ti);
337  $ti->readFromSession();
338  $this->filter["query"] = $ti->getValue();
340  // repository area selection
341  include_once("./Services/Form/classes/class.ilRepositorySelectorInputGUI.php");
342  $rs = new ilRepositorySelectorInputGUI($lng->txt("trac_filter_area"), "area");
343  $rs->setSelectText($lng->txt("trac_select_area"));
344  $this->addFilterItem($rs);
345  $rs->readFromSession();
346  $this->filter["area"] = $rs->getValue();
348  // hide "not started yet"
349  if($a_include_no_status_filter)
350  {
351  include_once("./Services/Form/classes/class.ilCheckboxInputGUI.php");
352  $cb = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("trac_filter_has_status"), "status");
353  $this->addFilterItem($cb);
354  $cb->readFromSession();
355  $this->filter["status"] = $cb->getChecked();
356  }
357  }
This class represents a selection list property in a property form.
This class represents a checkbox property in a property form.
addFilterItem($a_input_item, $a_optional=false)
Add filter item.
getPossibleTypes($a_split_learning_resources=false, $a_include_digilib=false, $a_allow_undefined_lp=false)
Get possible subtypes.
This class represents a multi selection list property in a property form.
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
This class represents a repository selector in a property form.
Set disable filter hiding.
This class represents a text property in a property form.
Set Max Length.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isPercentageAvailable()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::isPercentageAvailable (   $a_obj_id)

Definition at line 650 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References array, ilObjectLP\getInstance(), ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_SCORM, ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_TEST_PASSED, ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_TLT, ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_VISITED_PAGES, and ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_VISITS.

Referenced by ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrSummaryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPProgressTableGUI\getItems(), ilTrMatrixTableGUI\getItems(), ilTrSummaryTableGUI\getItems(), ilTrSummaryTableGUI\getSelectableColumns(), getSelectableUserColumns(), and ilTrSummaryTableGUI\initFilter().

651  {
652  // :TODO:
653  $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($a_obj_id);
654  $mode = $olp->getCurrentMode();
655  if(in_array($mode, array(ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_TLT,
657  // ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_OBJECTIVES,
661  {
662  return true;
663  }
664  return false;
665  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseTitle()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::parseTitle (   $a_obj_id,
  $a_user_id = false 

Definition at line 667 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $ilUser, $lng, ilObjectLP\getInstance(), ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByObjId(), ilTable2GUI\setDescription(), and ilTable2GUI\setTitle().

Referenced by ilTrSummaryTableGUI\__construct(), ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\__construct(), ilTrMatrixTableGUI\__construct(), and ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\__construct().

668  {
669  global $lng, $ilObjDataCache, $ilUser;
671  $user = "";
672  if($a_user_id)
673  {
674  if($a_user_id != $ilUser->getId())
675  {
676  $a_user = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($a_user_id);
677  }
678  else
679  {
680  $a_user = $ilUser;
681  }
682  $user .= ", ".$a_user->getFullName(); // " [".$a_user->getLogin()."]";
683  }
685  if($a_obj_id != ROOT_FOLDER_ID)
686  {
687  $this->setTitle($lng->txt($action).": ".$ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($a_obj_id).$user);
689  $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($a_obj_id);
690  $this->setDescription($this->lng->txt('trac_mode').": ".$olp->getModeText($olp->getCurrentMode()));
691  }
692  else
693  {
694  $this->setTitle($lng->txt($action));
695  }
696  }
Set description.
setTitle($a_title, $a_icon=0, $a_icon_alt=0)
Set title and title icon.
Definition: imgupload.php:18
static getInstanceByObjId($a_obj_id, $stop_on_error=true)
get an instance of an Ilias object by object id
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseValue()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::parseValue (   $id,

Definition at line 463 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $lng, $path, $text, ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\_getImagePathForStatus(), ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\_getStatusText(), array, ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), IL_CAL_DATE, IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\img(), ilDatePresentation\secondsToString(), ilObjectLP\supportsMark(), and ilObjectLP\supportsSpentSeconds().

Referenced by ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrMatrixTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilTrMatrixTableGUI\fillRowCSV(), ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\fillRowExcel(), and ilTrMatrixTableGUI\fillRowExcel().

464  {
465  global $lng;
467  // get rid of aggregation
468  $pos = strrpos($id, "_");
469  if($pos !== false)
470  {
471  $function = strtoupper(substr($id, $pos+1));
472  if(in_array($function, array("MIN", "MAX", "SUM", "AVG", "COUNT")))
473  {
474  $id = substr($id, 0, $pos);
475  }
476  }
478  if(trim($value) == "" && $id != "status")
479  {
480  if($id == "title" &&
481  get_class($this) != "ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI" &&
482  get_class($this) != "ilTrMatrixTableGUI")
483  {
484  return "--".$lng->txt("none")."--";
485  }
486  return " ";
487  }
489  switch($id)
490  {
491  case "first_access":
492  case "create_date":
493  case 'status_changed':
495  break;
497  case "last_access":
499  break;
501  case "birthday":
502  $value = ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDate($value, IL_CAL_DATE));
503  break;
505  case "spent_seconds":
507  {
508  $value = "-";
509  }
510  else
511  {
512  $value = ilDatePresentation::secondsToString($value, ($value < 3600 ? true : false)); // #14858
513  }
514  break;
516  case "percentage":
517  if(false /* $this->isPercentageAvailable() */)
518  {
519  $value = "-";
520  }
521  else
522  {
523  $value = $value."%";
524  }
525  break;
527  case "mark":
528  if(!ilObjectLP::supportsMark($type))
529  {
530  $value = "-";
531  }
532  break;
534  case "gender":
535  $value = $lng->txt("gender_".$value);
536  break;
538  case "status":
539  include_once("./Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilLearningProgressBaseGUI.php");
542  $value = ilUtil::img($path, $text);
543  break;
545  case "language":
546  $lng->loadLanguageModule("meta");
547  $value = $lng->txt("meta_l_".$value);
548  break;
550  case "sel_country":
551  $value = $lng->txt("meta_c_".$value);
552  break;
553  }
555  return $value;
556  }
Definition: aliased.php:25
static _getImagePathForStatus($a_status)
Get image path for status.
static _getStatusText($a_status, $a_lng=null)
Get status alt text.
static secondsToString($seconds, $force_with_seconds=false, $a_lng=null)
converts seconds to string: Long: 7 days 4 hour(s) ...
Class for single dates.
static formatDate(ilDateTime $date)
Format a date public.
Date and time handling
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static supportsMark($a_obj_type)
static supportsSpentSeconds($a_obj_type)
static img($a_src, $a_alt="", $a_width="", $a_height="", $a_border=0, $a_id="", $a_class="")
Build img tag.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ searchFilterListener()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::searchFilterListener (   $a_ref_id,

Listener for SearchResultFilter Checks wheather the object is hidden and mode is not LP_MODE_DEACTIVATED public.

Definition at line 263 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References ilObjectLP\getInstance().

264  {
265  if(is_array($this->filter["hide"]) && in_array($a_data["obj_id"], $this->filter["hide"]))
266  {
267  return false;
268  }
269  $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($a_data["obj_id"]);
270  if(get_class($olp) != "ilObjectLP" && // #13654 - LP could be unsupported
271  !$olp->isActive())
272  {
273  return false;
274  }
275  return true;
276  }
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ searchObjects()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::searchObjects ( array  $filter,
array  $preset_obj_ids = null,
  $a_check_lp_activation = true 

Search objects that match current filters.

arraypreset obj_ids
boolcheck lp activation

Definition at line 186 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $res, array, ilLoggerFactory\getLogger(), QP_COMBINATION_AND, and ilUtil\sendFailure().

Referenced by ilLPObjectStatisticsDailyTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPObjectStatisticsTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPProgressTableGUI\getItems(), ilLPObjectStatisticsLPTableGUI\getItems(), and ilTrSummaryTableGUI\getItems().

187  {
188  global $ilObjDataCache;
190  include_once './Services/Search/classes/class.ilQueryParser.php';
192  $query_parser = new ilQueryParser($filter["query"]);
193  $query_parser->setMinWordLength(0);
194  $query_parser->setCombination(QP_COMBINATION_AND);
195  $query_parser->parse();
196  if(!$query_parser->validate())
197  {
198  ilLoggerFactory::getLogger('trac')->notice($query_parser->getMessage());
199  // echo $query_parser->getMessage();
200  return false;
201  }
203  if($filter["type"] == "lres")
204  {
205  $filter["type"] = array('lm','sahs','htlm');
206  }
207  else
208  {
209  $filter["type"] = array($filter["type"]);
210  }
212  include_once 'Services/Search/classes/Like/class.ilLikeObjectSearch.php';
213  $object_search = new ilLikeObjectSearch($query_parser);
214  $object_search->setFilter($filter["type"]);
215  if($preset_obj_ids)
216  {
217  $object_search->setIdFilter($preset_obj_ids);
218  }
219  $res =& $object_search->performSearch();
221  if($permission)
222  {
223  $res->setRequiredPermission($permission);
224  }
226  $res->setMaxHits(1000);
228  if($a_check_lp_activation)
229  {
230  $res->addObserver($this, "searchFilterListener");
231  }
233  if(!$this->filter["area"])
234  {
235  $res->filter(ROOT_FOLDER_ID, false);
236  }
237  else
238  {
239  $res->filter($this->filter["area"], false);
240  }
242  $objects = array();
243  foreach($res->getResults() as $obj_data)
244  {
245  $objects[$obj_data['obj_id']][] = $obj_data['ref_id'];
246  }
248  // Check if search max hits is reached
249  if($res->isLimitReached())
250  {
251  $this->lng->loadLanguageModule("search");
252  ilUtil::sendFailure(sprintf($this->lng->txt("search_limit_reached"), 1000));
253  }
255  return $objects ? $objects : array();
256  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static sendFailure($a_info="", $a_keep=false)
Send Failure Message to Screen.
static getLogger($a_component_id)
Get component logger.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendMail()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::sendMail ( array  $a_user_ids,

Definition at line 124 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References $ref_id, ilLink\_getLink(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObject\_lookupObjectId(), array, ilMailFormCall\CONTEXT_KEY, ilObjectLP\getInstance(), ilMailFormCall\getRedirectTarget(), ilUtil\redirect(), and time.

Referenced by executeCommand().

125  {
126  // see ilObjCourseGUI::sendMailToSelectedUsersObject()
128  require_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilMailFormCall.php';
130  $rcps = array();
131  foreach($a_user_ids as $usr_id)
132  {
133  $rcps[] = ilObjUser::_lookupLogin($usr_id);
134  }
136  $template = array();
137  $sig = null;
139  // repository-object-specific
140  $ref_id = (int)$_REQUEST["ref_id"];
141  if($ref_id)
142  {
144  $tmpl_id = $obj_lp->getMailTemplateId();
146  if($tmpl_id)
147  {
148  $template = array(
149  ilMailFormCall::CONTEXT_KEY => $tmpl_id,
150  'ref_id' => $ref_id,
151  'ts' => time()
152  );
153  }
154  else
155  {
156  include_once './Services/Link/classes/class.ilLink.php';
157  $sig = ilLink::_getLink($ref_id);
158  $sig = rawurlencode(base64_encode($sig));
159  }
160  }
164  $a_parent_obj,
165  $a_parent_cmd,
166  array(),
167  array(
168  'type' => 'new',
169  'rcp_to' => implode(',', $rcps),
170  'sig' => $sig
171  ),
172  $template
173  )
174  );
175  }
static _lookupLogin($a_user_id)
lookup login
static _lookupObjectId($a_ref_id)
lookup object id
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Session parameter for the context.
Definition: sahs_server.php:39
static getRedirectTarget($gui, $cmd, array $gui_params=array(), array $mail_params=array(), array $context_params=array())
Add data(end) time
Method that wraps PHPs time in order to allow simulations with the workflow.
static redirect($a_script)
http redirect to other script
static getInstance($a_obj_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ showTimingsWarning()

ilLPTableBaseGUI::showTimingsWarning (   $a_ref_id,

Definition at line 762 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

References ilTimingCache\_getTimings(), and ilTimingCache\_showWarning().

Referenced by ilLPProgressTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilTrMatrixTableGUI\fillRow().

763  {
764  include_once 'Modules/Course/classes/Timings/class.ilTimingCache.php';
765  if(ilTimingCache::_showWarning($a_ref_id, $a_user_id))
766  {
767  $timings = ilTimingCache::_getTimings($a_ref_id);
768  if($timings['item']['changeable'] && $timings['user'][$a_user_id]['end'])
769  {
770  $end = $timings['user'][$a_user_id]['end'];
771  }
772  else if ($timings['item']['suggestion_end'])
773  {
774  $end = $timings['item']['suggestion_end'];
775  }
776  else
777  {
778  $end = true;
779  }
780  return $end;
781  }
782  }
static _showWarning($a_ref_id, $a_usr_id)
static & _getTimings($a_ref_id)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ $anonymized


Definition at line 19 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

◆ $filter


Definition at line 18 of file class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.php.

Referenced by ilTrSummaryTableGUI\getItems().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: