ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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HFile_winbatch Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_winbatch:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_winbatch:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_winbatch ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_winbatch.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_winbatch::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1029 of file HFile_winbatch.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_winbatch::HFile_winbatch ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_winbatch.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// WinBatch
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", " ", ",", ".", "?", "/");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array(";");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"break" => "1",
"by" => "1",
"call" => "1",
"callext" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"debug" => "1",
"drop" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"endfor" => "1",
"endif" => "1",
"endselect" => "1",
"endswitch" => "1",
"endwhile" => "1",
"errormode" => "1",
"execute" => "1",
"exit" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"gosub" => "1",
"goto" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"intcontrol" => "1",
"next" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"select" => "1",
"switch" => "1",
"then" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"about" => "2",
"abs" => "2",
"acos" => "2",
"addextender" => "2",
"appexist" => "2",
"appwaitclose" => "2",
"asin" => "2",
"askdirectory" => "2",
"askfilename" => "2",
"askfiletext" => "2",
"askitemlist" => "2",
"askline" => "2",
"askpassword" => "2",
"askyesno" => "2",
"atan" => "2",
"average" => "2",
"beep" => "2",
"binaryalloc" => "2",
"binaryand" => "2",
"binaryclipget" => "2",
"binaryclipput" => "2",
"binarycompare" => "2",
"binaryconvert" => "2",
"binarycopy" => "2",
"binaryeodget" => "2",
"binaryeodset" => "2",
"binaryfree" => "2",
"binaryhashrec" => "2",
"binaryincr" => "2",
"binaryincr2" => "2",
"binaryincr4" => "2",
"binaryincrflt" => "2",
"binaryindex" => "2",
"binaryindexex" => "2",
"binaryindexnc" => "2",
"binaryoletype" => "2",
"binaryor" => "2",
"binarypeek" => "2",
"binarypeek2" => "2",
"binarypeek4" => "2",
"binarypeekflt" => "2",
"binarypeekstr" => "2",
"binarypoke" => "2",
"binarypoke2" => "2",
"binarypoke4" => "2",
"binarypokeflt" => "2",
"binarypokestr" => "2",
"binaryread" => "2",
"binaryreadex" => "2",
"binarysort" => "2",
"binarystrcnt" => "2",
"binarytagextr" => "2",
"binarytagfind" => "2",
"binarytaginit" => "2",
"binarytagrepl" => "2",
"binarywrite" => "2",
"binarywriteex" => "2",
"binaryxor" => "2",
"boxbuttondraw" => "2",
"boxbuttonkill" => "2",
"boxbuttonstat" => "2",
"boxbuttonwait" => "2",
"boxcaption" => "2",
"boxcolor" => "2",
"boxdataclear" => "2",
"boxdatatag" => "2",
"boxdestroy" => "2",
"boxdrawcircle" => "2",
"boxdrawline" => "2",
"boxdrawrect" => "2",
"boxdrawtext" => "2",
"boxesup" => "2",
"boxmapmode" => "2",
"boxnew" => "2",
"boxopen" => "2",
"boxpen" => "2",
"boxshut" => "2",
"boxtext" => "2",
"boxtextcolor" => "2",
"boxtextfont" => "2",
"boxtitle" => "2",
"boxupdates" => "2",
"buttonnames" => "2",
"ceiling" => "2",
"char2num" => "2",
"clipappend" => "2",
"clipget" => "2",
"clipgetex" => "2",
"clipput" => "2",
"cos" => "2",
"cosh" => "2",
"datetime" => "2",
"ddeexecute" => "2",
"ddeinitiate" => "2",
"ddepoke" => "2",
"dderequest" => "2",
"ddeterminate" => "2",
"ddetimeout" => "2",
"debugdata" => "2",
"decimals" => "2",
"delay" => "2",
"dialog" => "2",
"dialogbox" => "2",
"dirattrget" => "2",
"dirattrset" => "2",
"dirchange" => "2",
"direxist" => "2",
"dirget" => "2",
"dirhome" => "2",
"diritemize" => "2",
"dirmake" => "2",
"dirremove" => "2",
"dirrename" => "2",
"dirsize" => "2",
"dirwindows" => "2",
"diskexist" => "2",
"diskfree" => "2",
"diskinfo" => "2",
"diskscan" => "2",
"disksize" => "2",
"diskvolinfo" => "2",
"display" => "2",
"dllcall" => "2",
"dllfree" => "2",
"dllhinst" => "2",
"dllhwnd" => "2",
"dllload" => "2",
"dosversion" => "2",
"endsession" => "2",
"environment" => "2",
"environset" => "2",
"envitemize" => "2",
"exclusive" => "2",
"exetypeinfo" => "2",
"exp" => "2",
"fabs" => "2",
"fileappend" => "2",
"fileattrget" => "2",
"fileattrset" => "2",
"fileclose" => "2",
"filecompare" => "2",
"filecopy" => "2",
"filedelete" => "2",
"fileexist" => "2",
"fileextension" => "2",
"filefullname" => "2",
"fileitemize" => "2",
"filelocate" => "2",
"filemapname" => "2",
"filemove" => "2",
"filenameeval1" => "2",
"filenameeval2" => "2",
"filenamelong" => "2",
"filenameshort" => "2",
"fileopen" => "2",
"filepath" => "2",
"fileread" => "2",
"filerename" => "2",
"fileroot" => "2",
"filesize" => "2",
"filetimecode" => "2",
"filetimeget" => "2",
"filetimegetex" => "2",
"filetimeset" => "2",
"filetimesetex" => "2",
"filetimetouch" => "2",
"fileverinfo" => "2",
"filewrite" => "2",
"fileymdhms" => "2",
"findwindow" => "2",
"floor" => "2",
"getexacttime" => "2",
"gettickcount" => "2",
"iconarrange" => "2",
"iconreplace" => "2",
"ignoreinput" => "2",
"inidelete" => "2",
"inideletepvt" => "2",
"iniitemize" => "2",
"iniitemizepvt" => "2",
"iniread" => "2",
"inireadpvt" => "2",
"iniwrite" => "2",
"iniwritepvt" => "2",
"installfile" => "2",
"int" => "2",
"isdefined" => "2",
"isfloat" => "2",
"isint" => "2",
"iskeydown" => "2",
"islicensed" => "2",
"isnumber" => "2",
"itemcount" => "2",
"itemextract" => "2",
"iteminsert" => "2",
"itemlocate" => "2",
"itemremove" => "2",
"itemselect" => "2",
"itemsort" => "2",
"itemsortnc" => "2",
"keytoggleget" => "2",
"keytoggleset" => "2",
"lasterror" => "2",
"log10" => "2",
"logdisk" => "2",
"loge" => "2",
"max" => "2",
"message" => "2",
"min" => "2",
"mod" => "2",
"mouseclick" => "2",
"mouseclickbtn" => "2",
"mousedrag" => "2",
"mouseinfo" => "2",
"mousemove" => "2",
"msgtextget" => "2",
"netinfo" => "2",
"num2char" => "2",
"objectaccess" => "2",
"objectclose" => "2",
"objectopen" => "2",
"parsedata" => "2",
"pause" => "2",
"playmedia" => "2",
"playmidi" => "2",
"playwaveform" => "2",
"print" => "2",
"random" => "2",
"regapp" => "2",
"regclosekey" => "2",
"regconnect" => "2",
"regcreatekey" => "2",
"regdeletekey" => "2",
"regdelvalue" => "2",
"regentrytype" => "2",
"regexistkey" => "2",
"regexistvalue" => "2",
"regloadhive" => "2",
"regopenkey" => "2",
"regquerybin" => "2",
"regquerydword" => "2",
"regqueryex" => "2",
"regqueryexpsz" => "2",
"regqueryitem" => "2",
"regquerykey" => "2",
"regquerykeys" => "2",
"regquerymulsz" => "2",
"regqueryvalue" => "2",
"regsetbin" => "2",
"regsetdword" => "2",
"regsetex" => "2",
"regsetexpsz" => "2",
"regsetmulsz" => "2",
"regsetvalue" => "2",
"regunloadhive" => "2",
"reload" => "2",
"rtstatus" => "2",
"run" => "2",
"runenviron" => "2",
"runexit" => "2",
"runhide" => "2",
"runhidewait" => "2",
"runicon" => "2",
"runiconwait" => "2",
"runshell" => "2",
"runwait" => "2",
"runzoom" => "2",
"runzoomwait" => "2",
"sendkey" => "2",
"sendkeyschild" => "2",
"sendkeysto" => "2",
"sendmenusto" => "2",
"sendmenustoex" => "2",
"shellexecute" => "2",
"shortcutdir" => "2",
"shortcutedit" => "2",
"shortcutextra" => "2",
"shortcutinfo" => "2",
"shortcutmake" => "2",
"sin" => "2",
"sinh" => "2",
"snaHFileot" => "2",
"sounds" => "2",
"sqrt" => "2",
"strcat" => "2",
"strcharcount" => "2",
"strcmp" => "2",
"strfill" => "2",
"strfix" => "2",
"strfixchars" => "2",
"strfixcharsl" => "2",
"strfixleft" => "2",
"stricmp" => "2",
"strindex" => "2",
"strindexnc" => "2",
"strindexwild" => "2",
"strlen" => "2",
"strlenwild" => "2",
"strlower" => "2",
"strreplace" => "2",
"strscan" => "2",
"strsub" => "2",
"strsubwild" => "2",
"strtrim" => "2",
"strupper" => "2",
"tan" => "2",
"tanh" => "2",
"terminate" => "2",
"textbox" => "2",
"textboxsort" => "2",
"textselect" => "2",
"timeadd" => "2",
"timedate" => "2",
"timedelay" => "2",
"timediff" => "2",
"timediffdays" => "2",
"timediffsecs" => "2",
"timejulianday" => "2",
"timejultoymd" => "2",
"timesubtract" => "2",
"timewait" => "2",
"timeymdhms" => "2",
"version" => "2",
"versiondll" => "2",
"waitforkey" => "2",
"wallpaper" => "2",
"webbaseconv" => "2",
"webcloselog" => "2",
"webcmddata" => "2",
"webconbuff" => "2",
"webcondata" => "2",
"webconsize" => "2",
"webcounter" => "2",
"webdatdata" => "2",
"webdumperror" => "2",
"webhashcode" => "2",
"webislocal" => "2",
"weblogline" => "2",
"webopenlog" => "2",
"webout" => "2",
"weboutfile" => "2",
"webparamdata" => "2",
"webparambuf" => "2",
"webparamnames" => "2",
"websettimeout" => "2",
"webverifycard" => "2",
"winactivate" => "2",
"winactivchild" => "2",
"winarrange" => "2",
"winclose" => "2",
"winclosenot" => "2",
"winconfig" => "2",
"winexename" => "2",
"winexist" => "2",
"winexistchild" => "2",
"wingetactive" => "2",
"winhelp" => "2",
"winhide" => "2",
"winiconize" => "2",
"winidget" => "2",
"winisdos" => "2",
"winitemchild" => "2",
"winitemize" => "2",
"winitemizeex" => "2",
"winitemnameid" => "2",
"winitemprocid" => "2",
"winmetrics" => "2",
"winname" => "2",
"winparmget" => "2",
"winparmset" => "2",
"winplace" => "2",
"winplaceget" => "2",
"winplaceset" => "2",
"winposition" => "2",
"winresources" => "2",
"winshow" => "2",
"winstate" => "2",
"winsysinfo" => "2",
"wintitle" => "2",
"winversion" => "2",
"winwaitchild" => "2",
"winwaitclose" => "2",
"winwaitexist" => "2",
"winzoom" => "2",
"yield" => "2",
"yields" => "2",
"@aboveicons" => "3",
"@acc_attrib" => "3",
"@acc_chng_nt" => "3",
"@acc_control" => "3",
"@acc_create" => "3",
"@acc_delete" => "3",
"@acc_full_95" => "3",
"@acc_full_nt" => "3",
"@acc_list" => "3",
"@acc_pfull_nt" => "3",
"@acc_pmang_nt" => "3",
"@acc_print_nt" => "3",
"@acc_read" => "3",
"@acc_read_95" => "3",
"@acc_read_nt" => "3",
"@acc_write" => "3",
"@amc" => "3",
"@arrange" => "3",
"@ascending" => "3",
"@attr_a" => "3",
"@attr_ci" => "3",
"@attr_dc" => "3",
"@attr_di" => "3",
"@attr_dm" => "3",
"@attr_h" => "3",
"@attr_ic" => "3",
"@attr_p" => "3",
"@attr_ri" => "3",
"@attr_ro" => "3",
"@attr_sh" => "3",
"@attr_sy" => "3",
"@attr_t" => "3",
"@attr_x" => "3",
"@avogadro" => "3",
"@backscan" => "3",
"@boltzmann" => "3",
"@cancel" => "3",
"@capslock" => "3",
"@check" => "3",
"@columns" => "3",
"@commonformat" => "3",
"@cr" => "3",
"@crlf" => "3",
"@ctrl" => "3",
"@default" => "3",
"@deg2rad" => "3",
"@descending" => "3",
"@disable" => "3",
"@drive" => "3",
"@electric" => "3",
"@enable" => "3",
"@eulers" => "3",
"@false" => "3",
"@faraday" => "3",
"@float8" => "3",
"@fwdscan" => "3",
"@getprocid" => "3",
"@gftsec" => "3",
"@globalgroup" => "3",
"@gmtsec" => "3",
"@goldenratio" => "3",
"@gravitation" => "3",
"@hidden" => "3",
"@icon" => "3",
"@lbutton" => "3",
"@lclick" => "3",
"@ldblclick" => "3",
"@lf" => "3",
"@lightmps" => "3",
"@lightmtps" => "3",
"@localgroup" => "3",
"@magfield" => "3",
"@major" => "3",
"@mbokcancel" => "3",
"@mbutton" => "3",
"@mbyesno" => "3",
"@mclick" => "3",
"@mdblclick" => "3",
"@minor" => "3",
"@msformat" => "3",
"@multiple" => "3",
"@ncsaformat" => "3",
"@no" => "3",
"@none" => "3",
"@noresize" => "3",
"@normal" => "3",
"@notify" => "3",
"@nowait" => "3",
"@numlock" => "3",
"@off" => "3",
"@on" => "3",
"@open" => "3",
"@parsec" => "3",
"@parseonly" => "3",
"@pi" => "3",
"@planckergs" => "3",
"@planckjoules" => "3",
"@printer" => "3",
"@rad2deg" => "3",
"@rbutton" => "3",
"@rclick" => "3",
"@rdblclick" => "3",
"@regclasses" => "3",
"@regcurrent" => "3",
"@regmachine" => "3",
"@regroot" => "3",
"@regusers" => "3",
"@rows" => "3",
"@save" => "3",
"@scrolllock" => "3",
"@server" => "3",
"@shift" => "3",
"@single" => "3",
"@sorted" => "3",
"@stack" => "3",
"@string" => "3",
"@tab" => "3",
"@tile" => "3",
"@true" => "3",
"@uncheck" => "3",
"@unsorted" => "3",
"@wait" => "3",
"@wholesection" => "3",
"@word1" => "3",
"@word2" => "3",
"@@word4" => "3",
"@yes" => "3",
"@zoomed" => "3",
"cCheckBox" => "4",
"cClickButton" => "4",
"cEnableState" => "4",
"cGetCBText" => "4",
"cGetEditText" => "4",
"cGetInfo" => "4",
"cGetLBText" => "4",
"cPostButton" => "4",
"cPostMessage" => "4",
"cRadioButton" => "4",
"cSendMessage" => "4",
"cSetCBItem" => "4",
"cSetEditText" => "4",
"cSetLBItem" => "4",
"cSetTABItem" => "4",
"cWndByClass" => "4",
"cWndByID" => "4",
"cWndByName" => "4",
"cWndBySeq" => "4",
"cWndInfo" => "4",
"dosboxcursorx" => "4",
"dosboxcursory" => "4",
"dosboxgetall" => "4",
"dosboxgetdata" => "4",
"dosboxheight" => "4",
"dosboxscrmode" => "4",
"dosboxversion" => "4",
"dosboxwidth" => "4",
"dunConnect" => "4",
"dunConnectEx" => "4",
"dunDisconnect" => "4",
"dunItemize" => "4",
"edosgetinfo" => "4",
"edosgetvar" => "4",
"edoslistvars" => "4",
"edospathadd" => "4",
"edospathchk" => "4",
"edospathdel" => "4",
"edossetvar" => "4",
"envgetinfo" => "4",
"envgetvar" => "4",
"envlistvars" => "4",
"envpathadd" => "4",
"envpathchk" => "4",
"envpathdel" => "4",
"envsetvar" => "4",
"ftpChDir" => "4",
"ftpClose" => "4",
"ftpDelete" => "4",
"ftpFirewall" => "4",
"ftpGet" => "4",
"ftpList" => "4",
"ftpOpen" => "4",
"ftpPut" => "4",
"ftpQuote" => "4",
"ftpRename" => "4",
"hBrowse" => "4",
"hCompatible" => "4",
"hGetVarNames" => "4",
"hGetVarValue" => "4",
"httpAuth" => "4",
"httpFirewall" => "4",
"httpGetAnchor" => "4",
"httpGetDir" => "4",
"httpGetFile" => "4",
"httpGetPath" => "4",
"httpGetQuery" => "4",
"httpGetServer" => "4",
"httpRecvFile" => "4",
"httpRecvQryF" => "4",
"httpRecvQuery" => "4",
"httpRecvText" => "4",
"httpStripHTML" => "4",
"hVersionInfo" => "4",
"iBegin" => "4",
"iClose" => "4",
"iContentData" => "4",
"iContentFile" => "4",
"iDial" => "4",
"iDialHangup" => "4",
"iDialItemize" => "4",
"iFtpDelete" => "4",
"iFtpDialog" => "4",
"iFtpDirChange" => "4",
"iFtpDirGet" => "4",
"iFtpDirMake" => "4",
"iFtpDirRemove" => "4",
"iFtpFindInit" => "4",
"iFtpFindNext" => "4",
"iFtpGet" => "4",
"iFtpOpen" => "4",
"iFtpPut" => "4",
"iFtpRename" => "4",
"iGetConState" => "4",
"iGetLastError" => "4",
"iGetResponse" => "4",
"iHostConnect" => "4",
"iHttpHeaders" => "4",
"iHttpInit" => "4",
"iHttpOpen" => "4",
"iLocFindInit" => "4",
"iLocFindNext" => "4",
"iOptionGet" => "4",
"iOptionSet" => "4",
"iReadData" => "4",
"IUrlOpen" => "4",
"iVersion" => "4",
"iWriteData" => "4",
"n3attach" => "4",
"n3captureend" => "4",
"n3captureget" => "4",
"n3captureprt" => "4",
"n3chgpassword" => "4",
"n3detach" => "4",
"n3dirattrget" => "4",
"n3dirattrset" => "4",
"n3DirTimeGet" => "4",
"n3drivepath" => "4",
"n3drivestatus" => "4",
"n3fileattrget" => "4",
"n3fileattrset" => "4",
"n3FileTimeGet" => "4",
"n3getmapped" => "4",
"n3getnetaddr" => "4",
"n3getuser" => "4",
"n3getuserid" => "4",
"n3logout" => "4",
"n3map" => "4",
"n3mapdelete" => "4",
"n3mapdir" => "4",
"n3maproot" => "4",
"n3memberdel" => "4",
"n3memberget" => "4",
"n3memberset" => "4",
"n3msgsend" => "4",
"n3msgsendall" => "4",
"n3serverinfo" => "4",
"n3serverlist" => "4",
"n3usergroups" => "4",
"n3version" => "4",
"n4attach" => "4",
"n4captureend" => "4",
"n4captureget" => "4",
"n4captureprt" => "4",
"n4chgpassword" => "4",
"n4detach" => "4",
"n4dirattrget" => "4",
"n4dirattrset" => "4",
"n4DirTimeGet" => "4",
"n4drivepath" => "4",
"n4drivestatus" => "4",
"n4fileattrget" => "4",
"n4FileTimeGet" => "4",
"n4getcontext" => "4",
"n4getloginid" => "4",
"n4getmapped" => "4",
"n4getnetaddr" => "4",
"n4getuser" => "4",
"n4getuserid" => "4",
"n4login" => "4",
"n4logout" => "4",
"n4logouttree" => "4",
"n4map" => "4",
"n4mapdelete" => "4",
"n4mapdir" => "4",
"n4maproot" => "4",
"n4memberdel" => "4",
"n4memberget" => "4",
"n4memberset" => "4",
"n4msgsend" => "4",
"n4msgsendall" => "4",
"n4nameconvert" => "4",
"n4objectinfo" => "4",
"n4objectlist" => "4",
"n4objectprops" => "4",
"n4serverinfo" => "4",
"n4serverlist" => "4",
"n4SetContext" => "4",
"n4setsrchdrv" => "4",
"n4usergroupex" => "4",
"n4usergroups" => "4",
"n4version" => "4",
"netadddrive" => "4",
"netaddprinter" => "4",
"netcancelcon" => "4",
"netdirdialog" => "4",
"netgetcon" => "4",
"netgetuser" => "4",
"netresources" => "4",
"netversion" => "4",
"p3Close" => "4",
"p3Count" => "4",
"p3Delete" => "4",
"p3GetReply" => "4",
"p3Open" => "4",
"p3Peek" => "4",
"p3RecvFile" => "4",
"p3RecvText" => "4",
"pCaptureLog" => "4",
"pCaptureOff" => "4",
"pCaptureOn" => "4",
"pCheckBinary" => "4",
"pCheckSum" => "4",
"pComClose" => "4",
"pComControl" => "4",
"pComInfo" => "4",
"pComOpen" => "4",
"pGetBinary" => "4",
"pGetByte" => "4",
"pGetChar" => "4",
"pGetLastError" => "4",
"pGetLine" => "4",
"pGetString" => "4",
"pModemAnsCall" => "4",
"pModemAnsRing" => "4",
"pModemCommand" => "4",
"pModemConnect" => "4",
"pModemControl" => "4",
"pModemDial" => "4",
"pModemHangup" => "4",
"pModemInit" => "4",
"pModemParams" => "4",
"pModemSReg" => "4",
"pPeekByte" => "4",
"pPeekChar" => "4",
"pPutBinary" => "4",
"pPutByte" => "4",
"pPutChar" => "4",
"pPutLine" => "4",
"pPutString" => "4",
"pRecvFile" => "4",
"pSendFile" => "4",
"pTimeout" => "4",
"pWaitFor" => "4",
"qAllocConnect" => "4",
"qAllocEnv" => "4",
"qAllocStmt" => "4",
"qBindCol" => "4",
"qColumns" => "4",
"qConnect" => "4",
"qDataSources" => "4",
"qDisconnect" => "4",
"qError" => "4",
"qExecDirect" => "4",
"qFetch" => "4",
"qFreeConnect" => "4",
"qFreeEnv" => "4",
"qFreeStmt" => "4",
"qGetData" => "4",
"qLastCode" => "4",
"qSetConnOpt" => "4",
"qTables" => "4",
"qVersionInfo" => "4",
"sAccept" => "4",
"sByteOrder16" => "4",
"SByteOrder32" => "4",
"sClose" => "4",
"sConnect" => "4",
"sListen" => "4",
"smtpSendFile" => "4",
"smtpSendText" => "4",
"sOK2Recv" => "4",
"sOK2Send" => "4",
"sOpen" => "4",
"srchfree" => "4",
"srchinit" => "4",
"srchnext" => "4",
"sRecvBinary" => "4",
"sRecvLine" => "4",
"sRecvNum" => "4",
"sSendBinary" => "4",
"sSendLine" => "4",
"sSendNum" => "4",
"sSendString" => "4",
"textoutbufdel" => "4",
"textoutbuffer" => "4",
"textoutdebug" => "4",
"textoutfree" => "4",
"textoutinfo" => "4",
"textoutreset" => "4",
"textouttrack" => "4",
"textouttrackb" => "4",
"textouttrackp" => "4",
"textoutwait" => "4",
"urlDecode" => "4",
"urlEncode" => "4",
"urlGetScheme" => "4",
"w3addcon" => "4",
"w3cancelcon" => "4",
"w3dirbrowse" => "4",
"w3getcaps" => "4",
"w3getcon" => "4",
"w3netdialog" => "4",
"w3netgetuser" => "4",
"w3prtbrowse" => "4",
"w3version" => "4",
"w95accessadd" => "4",
"w95accessdel" => "4",
"w95adddrive" => "4",
"w95addprinter" => "4",
"w95cancelcon" => "4",
"w95dirdialog" => "4",
"w95fileclose" => "4",
"w95getcon" => "4",
"w95getuser" => "4",
"w95resources" => "4",
"w95servertype" => "4",
"w95serviceat" => "4",
"w95serviceinf" => "4",
"w95shareadd" => "4",
"w95sharedel" => "4",
"w95shareinfo" => "4",
"w95shareset" => "4",
"w95version" => "4",
"w9xaccessadd" => "4",
"w9xaccessdel" => "4",
"w9xaccessget" => "4",
"w9xaccesslist" => "4",
"w9xlistgroups" => "4",
"w9xmemberdel" => "4",
"w9xmemberget" => "4",
"w9xmembergrps" => "4",
"w9xmemberlist" => "4",
"w9xmemberset" => "4",
"w9xserverlist" => "4",
"w9xserviceat" => "4",
"w9xshareadd" => "4",
"w9xsharedel" => "4",
"w9xshareinfo" => "4",
"w9xshareset" => "4",
"w9xuserinfo" => "4",
"w9xuserprops" => "4",
"w9xversion" => "4",
"wnaddcon" => "4",
"wncancelcon" => "4",
"wncmptrinfo" => "4",
"wndialog" => "4",
"wndlgbrowse" => "4",
"wndlgcon" => "4",
"wndlgcon2" => "4",
"wndlgcon3" => "4",
"wndlgcon4" => "4",
"wndlgdiscon" => "4",
"wndlgnoshare" => "4",
"wndlgshare" => "4",
"wngetcaps" => "4",
"wngetcon" => "4",
"wngetuser" => "4",
"wnnetnames" => "4",
"wnrestore" => "4",
"wnservers" => "4",
"wnsharecnt" => "4",
"wnsharename" => "4",
"wnsharepath" => "4",
"wnshares" => "4",
"wntaccessadd" => "4",
"wntaccessdel" => "4",
"wntaccessget" => "4",
"wntaccesslist" => "4",
"wntadddrive" => "4",
"wntaddprinter" => "4",
"wntcancelcon" => "4",
"wntchgpswd" => "4",
"wntdirdialog" => "4",
"wntfileclose" => "4",
"wntgetcon" => "4",
"wntgetuser" => "4",
"wntgroupinfo" => "4",
"wntlistgroups" => "4",
"wntmemberdel" => "4",
"wntmemberget" => "4",
"wntmembergrps" => "4",
"wntmemberlist" => "4",
"wntmemberset" => "4",
"wntownerget" => "4",
"wntownerset" => "4",
"wntresources" => "4",
"wntresources2" => "4",
"wntserverlist" => "4",
"wntservertype" => "4",
"wntserviceat" => "4",
"wntserviceinf" => "4",
"wntshareadd" => "4",
"wntsharedel" => "4",
"wntshareinfo" => "4",
"wntshareset" => "4",
"wntsvccontrol" => "4",
"wntsvcstart" => "4",
"wntsvcstatus" => "4",
"wntuseradd" => "4",
"wntuseradddat" => "4",
"wntuserdel" => "4",
"wntusergetdat" => "4",
"wntuserinfo" => "4",
"wntuserprops" => "4",
"wntuserrename" => "4",
"wntusersetdat" => "4",
"wntversion" => "4",
"wnversion" => "4",
"wnwrkgroups" => "4",
"wwenvunload" => "4",
"wxAddr2Host" => "4",
"wxGetErrDesc" => "4",
"wxGetInfo" => "4",
"wxGetLastErr" => "4",
"wxHost2Addr" => "4",
"wxMsgGetBody" => "4",
"wxMsgGetHdr" => "4",
"wxParmGet" => "4",
"wxParmSet" => "4",
"wxPing" => "4",
"xbaseconvert" => "4",
"xcursorset" => "4",
"xdisklabelget" => "4",
"xdriveready" => "4",
"xejectmedia" => "4",
"xextenderinfo" => "4",
"xgetchildhwnd" => "4",
"xgetelapsed" => "4",
"xhex" => "4",
"xmemcompact" => "4",
"xmessagebox" => "4",
"xsendmessage" => "4",
"xverifyccard" => "4");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: