ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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HFile_delphi Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_delphi:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_delphi:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_delphi ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_delphi.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_delphi::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 200 of file HFile_delphi.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_delphi::HFile_delphi ( )

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_delphi.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Delphi 4
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("begin", "repeat", "asm", "type");
$this->unindent = array("end", "until");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("'");
$this->delimiters = array("#", "$", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ";", "<", ">", "@", "[", "]", "^", "{", "}", " ", " ");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("{");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("}");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"array" => "1",
"asm" => "1",
"begin" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"const" => "1",
"constructor" => "1",
"destructor" => "1",
"dispinterface" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"downto" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"except" => "1",
"exports" => "1",
"file" => "1",
"finalization" => "1",
"finally" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"function" => "1",
"goto" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"implementation" => "1",
"inherited" => "1",
"initialization" => "1",
"inline" => "1",
"interface" => "1",
"label" => "1",
"library" => "1",
"nil" => "1",
"object" => "1",
"of" => "1",
"out" => "1",
"packed" => "1",
"procedure" => "1",
"program" => "1",
"property" => "1",
"raise" => "1",
"record" => "1",
"repeat" => "1",
"resourcestring" => "1",
"set" => "1",
"string" => "1",
"then" => "1",
"threadvar" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"try" => "1",
"type" => "1",
"unit" => "1",
"until" => "1",
"uses" => "1",
"var" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"with" => "1",
"absolute" => "2",
"abstract" => "2",
"assembler" => "2",
"automated" => "2",
"cdecl" => "2",
"contains" => "2",
"default" => "2",
"dispid" => "2",
"dynamic" => "2",
"export" => "2",
"external" => "2",
"far" => "2",
"forward" => "2",
"implements" => "2",
"index" => "2",
"message" => "2",
"name" => "2",
"near" => "2",
"nodefault" => "2",
"overload" => "2",
"override" => "2",
"package" => "2",
"pascal" => "2",
"private" => "2",
"protected" => "2",
"public" => "2",
"published" => "2",
"read" => "2",
"readonly" => "2",
"register" => "2",
"reintroduce" => "2",
"requires" => "2",
"resident" => "2",
"safecall" => "2",
"stdcall" => "2",
"stored" => "2",
"virtual" => "2",
"write" => "2",
"writeonly" => "2",
"*" => "3",
"+" => "3",
"-" => "3",
"//" => "3",
"/" => "3",
"<" => "3",
"<=" => "3",
"<>" => "3",
"=" => "3",
">" => "3",
">=" => "3",
"@" => "3",
"and" => "3",
"as" => "3",
"div" => "3",
"in" => "3",
"is" => "3",
"mod" => "3",
"not" => "3",
"or" => "3",
"shl" => "3",
"shr" => "3",
"xor" => "3",
"#" => "4",
"$" => "4",
"&" => "4",
"(" => "4",
"(." => "4",
")" => "4",
"," => "4",
"." => "4",
".)" => "4",
".." => "4",
":" => "4",
":=" => "4",
";" => "4",
"[" => "4",
"]" => "4",
"^" => "4");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: