ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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Parser Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Parser:
+ Collaboration diagram for Parser:

Public Member Functions

 Parser ()
 firstCallInit ()
 Do various kinds of initialisation on the first call of the parser.
 setOutputType ($ot)
 uniqPrefix ()
 Accessor for mUniqPrefix.
 parse ($text, &$title, $options, $linestart=true, $clearState=true, $revid=null)
 Convert wikitext to HTML Do not call this function recursively.
 recursiveTagParse ($text)
 Recursive parser entry point that can be called from an extension tag hook.
 preprocess ($text, $title, $options)
 Expand templates and variables in the text, producing valid, static wikitext.
getTitle ()
 getOptions ()
 getFunctionLang ()
 unstripForHTML ($text)
 magicLinkCallback ($m)
 makeLinkHolder (&$nt, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
 Make a link placeholder.
 makeKnownLinkHolder ($nt, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
 Render a forced-blue link inline; protect against double expansion of URLs if we're in a mode that prepends full URL prefixes to internal links.
 armorLinks ($text)
 Insert a NOPARSE hacky thing into any inline links in a chunk that's going to go through further parsing steps before inline URL expansion.
 areSubpagesAllowed ()
 Return true if subpage links should be expanded on this page.
 getCommon ($st1, $st2)
 openList ($char)
 nextItem ($char)
 closeList ($char)
 findColonNoLinks ($str, &$before, &$after)
 Split up a string on ':', ignoring any occurences inside tags to prevent illegal overlapping.
 fetchTemplate ($title)
 Fetch the unparsed text of a template and register a reference to it.
 interwikiTransclude ($title, $action)
 Transclude an interwiki link.
 fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache ($url)
 incrementIncludeSize ($type, $size)
 Increment an include size counter.
 stripNoGallery (&$text)
 Detect NOGALLERY magic word and set a placeholder.
 stripToc ($text)
 Detect TOC magic word and set a placeholder.
 preSaveTransform ($text, &$title, $user, $options, $clearState=true)
 Transform wiki markup when saving a page by doing
conversion, substitting signatures, {{subst:}} templates, etc.
 validateSig ($text)
 Check that the user's signature contains no bad XML.
 cleanSig ($text, $parsing=false)
 Clean up signature text.
 cleanSigInSig ($text)
 Strip ~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~~~ out of signatures.
 startExternalParse (&$title, $options, $outputType, $clearState=true)
 Set up some variables which are usually set up in parse() so that an external function can call some class members with confidence.
 transformMsg ($text, $options)
 Transform a MediaWiki message by replacing magic variables.
 setHook ($tag, $callback)
 Create an HTML-style tag, e.g.
 setFunctionHook ($id, $callback, $flags=0)
 Create a function, e.g.
 getFunctionHooks ()
 Get all registered function hook identifiers.
 replaceLinkHolders (&$text, $options=0)
 Replace link placeholders with actual links, in the buffer Placeholders created in Skin::makeLinkObj() Returns an array of links found, indexed by PDBK: 0 - broken 1 - normal link 2 - stub $options is a bit field, RLH_FOR_UPDATE to select for update.
 replaceLinkHoldersText ($text)
 Replace link placeholders with plain text of links (not HTML-formatted).
 renderPreTag ($text, $attribs)
 Tag hook handler for 'pre'.
 renderImageGallery ($text, $params)
 Renders an image gallery from a text with one line per image.
 makeImage ($nt, $options)
 Parse image options text and use it to make an image.
 disableCache ()
 Set a flag in the output object indicating that the content is dynamic and shouldn't be cached.
 Title ($x=NULL)
 Options ($x=NULL)
 OutputType ($x=NULL)
 getTags ()
 getSection ($text, $section, $deftext='')
 This function returns the text of a section, specified by a number ($section).
 replaceSection ($oldtext, $section, $text)
 getRevisionTimestamp ()
 Get the timestamp associated with the current revision, adjusted for the default server-local timestamp.
 setDefaultSort ($sort)
 Mutator for $mDefaultSort.
 getDefaultSort ()
 Accessor for $mDefaultSort Will use the title/prefixed title if none is set.

Static Public Member Functions

 tidy ($text)
 Interface with html tidy, used if $wgUseTidy = true.
static replaceUnusualEscapes ($url)
 Replace unusual URL escape codes with their equivalent characters.
static createAssocArgs ($args)
 Clean up argument array - refactored in 1.9 so parserfunctions can use it, too.

Data Fields


Private Member Functions

 clearState ()
 Clear Parser state.
 strip ($text, $state, $stripcomments=false, $dontstrip=array())
 Strips and renders nowiki, pre, math, hiero If $render is set, performs necessary rendering operations on plugins Returns the text, and fills an array with data needed in unstrip()
 unstrip ($text, $state)
 Restores pre, math, and other extensions removed by strip()
 unstripNoWiki ($text, $state)
 Always call this after unstrip() to preserve the order.
 insertStripItem ($text, &$state)
 Add an item to the strip state Returns the unique tag which must be inserted into the stripped text The tag will be replaced with the original text in unstrip()
 doTableStuff ($text)
 parse the wiki syntax used to render tables
 internalParse ($text)
 Helper function for parse() that transforms wiki markup into HTML.
doMagicLinks (&$text)
 Replace special strings like "ISBN xxx" and "RFC xxx" with magic external links.
 doHeadings ($text)
 Parse headers and return html.
 doAllQuotes ($text)
 Replace single quotes with HTML markup.
 doQuotes ($text)
 Helper function for doAllQuotes()
 replaceExternalLinks ($text)
 Replace external links.
 replaceFreeExternalLinks ($text)
 Replace anything that looks like a URL with a link.
 maybeMakeExternalImage ($url)
 make an image if it's allowed, either through the global option or through the exception
 replaceInternalLinks ($s)
 Process [[ ]] wikilinks.
 maybeDoSubpageLink ($target, &$text)
 Handle link to subpage if necessary.
 closeParagraph ()
 #@+ Used by doBlockLevels()
 doBlockLevels ($text, $linestart)
 getVariableValue ($index)
 Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME)
 initialiseVariables ()
 initialise the magic variables (like CURRENTMONTHNAME)
 replace_callback ($text, $callbacks)
 parse any parentheses in format ((title|part|part)) and call callbacks to get a replacement text for any found piece
 replaceVariables ($text, $args=array(), $argsOnly=false)
 Replace magic variables, templates, and template arguments with the appropriate text.
 variableSubstitution ($matches)
 Replace magic variables.
 braceSubstitution ($piece)
 Return the text of a template, after recursively replacing any variables or templates within the template.
 argSubstitution ($matches)
 Triple brace replacement – used for template arguments.
 formatHeadings ($text, $isMain=true)
 This function accomplishes several tasks: 1) Auto-number headings if that option is enabled 2) Add an [edit] link to sections for logged in users who have enabled the option 3) Add a Table of contents on the top for users who have enabled the option 4) Auto-anchor headings.
 pstPass2 ($text, &$stripState, $user)
 Pre-save transform helper function.
 getUserSig (&$user)
 Fetch the user's signature text, if any, and normalize to validated, ready-to-insert wikitext.
 replaceLinkHoldersTextCallback ($matches)
 attributeStripCallback (&$text, $args)
 #@+ Callback from the Sanitizer for expanding items found in HTML attribute values, so they can be safely tested and escaped.
 extractSections ($text, $section, $mode, $newtext='')

Static Private Member Functions

 getRandomString ()
 Get a random string.
 extractTagsAndParams ($elements, $text, &$matches, $uniq_prefix= '')
 Replaces all occurrences of HTML-style comments and the given tags in the text with a random marker and returns teh next text.
 externalTidy ($text)
 Spawn an external HTML tidy process and get corrected markup back from it.
 internalTidy ($text)
 Use the HTML tidy PECL extension to use the tidy library in-process, saving the overhead of spawning a new process.
static replaceUnusualEscapesCallback ($matches)
 Callback function used in replaceUnusualEscapes().

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 90 of file Parser.php.

Member Function Documentation

Parser::areSubpagesAllowed ( )

Return true if subpage links should be expanded on this page.


Definition at line 1896 of file Parser.php.

# Some namespaces don't allow subpages
global $wgNamespacesWithSubpages;
return !empty($wgNamespacesWithSubpages[$this->mTitle->getNamespace()]);
Parser::argSubstitution (   $matches)

Triple brace replacement – used for template arguments.

Definition at line 3333 of file Parser.php.

$arg = trim( $matches['title'] );
$text = $matches['text'];
$inputArgs = end( $this->mArgStack );
if ( array_key_exists( $arg, $inputArgs ) ) {
$text = $inputArgs[$arg];
} else if (($this->mOutputType == OT_HTML || $this->mOutputType == OT_PREPROCESS ) &&
null != $matches['parts'] && count($matches['parts']) > 0) {
$text = $matches['parts'][0];
if ( !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'arg', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
$text = $matches['text'] .
'<!-- WARNING: argument omitted, expansion size too large -->';
return $text;
Parser::armorLinks (   $text)

Insert a NOPARSE hacky thing into any inline links in a chunk that's going to go through further parsing steps before inline URL expansion.

In particular this is important when using action=render, which causes full URLs to be included.

Oh man I hate our multi-layer parser!

stringmore-or-less HTML
string less-or-more HTML with NOPARSE bits

Definition at line 1887 of file Parser.php.

return preg_replace( '/\b(' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/',
"{$this->mUniqPrefix}NOPARSE$1", $text );
Parser::attributeStripCallback ( $text,

#@+ Callback from the Sanitizer for expanding items found in HTML attribute values, so they can be safely tested and escaped.


Definition at line 4502 of file Parser.php.

$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $args );
$text = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $text );
return $text;
Parser::braceSubstitution (   $piece)

Return the text of a template, after recursively replacing any variables or templates within the template.

array$pieceThe parts of the template $piece['text']: matched text $piece['title']: the title, i.e. the part before the | $piece['parts']: the parameter array
string the text of the template

Definition at line 2897 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgAllowDisplayTitle, $wgNonincludableNamespaces;
$fname = __METHOD__ /*. '-L' . count( $this->mArgStack )*/;
wfProfileIn( $fname );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-setup' );
# Flags
$found = false; # $text has been filled
$nowiki = false; # wiki markup in $text should be escaped
$noparse = false; # Unsafe HTML tags should not be stripped, etc.
$noargs = false; # Don't replace triple-brace arguments in $text
$replaceHeadings = false; # Make the edit section links go to the template not the article
$headingOffset = 0; # Skip headings when number, to account for those that weren't transcluded.
$isHTML = false; # $text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation
$forceRawInterwiki = false; # Force interwiki transclusion to be done in raw mode not rendered
# Title object, where $text came from
$title = NULL;
$linestart = '';
# $part1 is the bit before the first |, and must contain only title characters
# $args is a list of arguments, starting from index 0, not including $part1
$titleText = $part1 = $piece['title'];
# If the third subpattern matched anything, it will start with |
if (null == $piece['parts']) {
$replaceWith = $this->variableSubstitution (array ($piece['text'], $piece['title']));
if ($replaceWith != $piece['text']) {
$text = $replaceWith;
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$args = (null == $piece['parts']) ? array() : $piece['parts'];
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-setup' );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-modifiers' );
if ( !$found ) {
$mwSubst =& MagicWord::get( 'subst' );
if ( $mwSubst->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) xor $this->ot['wiki'] ) {
# One of two possibilities is true:
# 1) Found SUBST but not in the PST phase
# 2) Didn't find SUBST and in the PST phase
# In either case, return without further processing
$text = $piece['text'];
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
if ( !$found ) {
# Check for MSGNW:
$mwMsgnw =& MagicWord::get( 'msgnw' );
if ( $mwMsgnw->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) ) {
$nowiki = true;
} else {
# Remove obsolete MSG:
$mwMsg =& MagicWord::get( 'msg' );
$mwMsg->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 );
# Check for RAW:
$mwRaw =& MagicWord::get( 'raw' );
if ( $mwRaw->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) ) {
$forceRawInterwiki = true;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-modifiers' );
//save path level before recursing into functions & templates.
$lastPathLevel = $this->mTemplatePath;
# Parser functions
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-pfunc' );
$colonPos = strpos( $part1, ':' );
if ( $colonPos !== false ) {
# Case sensitive functions
$function = substr( $part1, 0, $colonPos );
if ( isset( $this->mFunctionSynonyms[1][$function] ) ) {
$function = $this->mFunctionSynonyms[1][$function];
} else {
# Case insensitive functions
$function = strtolower( $function );
if ( isset( $this->mFunctionSynonyms[0][$function] ) ) {
$function = $this->mFunctionSynonyms[0][$function];
} else {
$function = false;
if ( $function ) {
$funcArgs = array_map( 'trim', $args );
$funcArgs = array_merge( array( &$this, trim( substr( $part1, $colonPos + 1 ) ) ), $funcArgs );
$result = call_user_func_array( $this->mFunctionHooks[$function], $funcArgs );
$found = true;
// The text is usually already parsed, doesn't need triple-brace tags expanded, etc.
//$noargs = true;
//$noparse = true;
if ( is_array( $result ) ) {
if ( isset( $result[0] ) ) {
$text = $linestart . $result[0];
unset( $result[0] );
// Extract flags into the local scope
// This allows callers to set flags such as nowiki, noparse, found, etc.
extract( $result );
} else {
$text = $linestart . $result;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-pfunc' );
# Template table test
# Did we encounter this template already? If yes, it is in the cache
# and we need to check for loops.
if ( !$found && isset( $this->mTemplates[$piece['title']] ) ) {
$found = true;
# Infinite loop test
if ( isset( $this->mTemplatePath[$part1] ) ) {
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$found = true;
$text = $linestart .
"[[$part1]]<!-- WARNING: template loop detected -->";
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": template loop broken at '$part1'\n" );
} else {
# set $text to cached message.
$text = $linestart . $this->mTemplates[$piece['title']];
#treat title for cached page the same as others
$subpage = '';
$part1 = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink( $part1, $subpage );
if ($subpage !== '') {
$ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
$title = Title::newFromText( $part1, $ns );
//used by include size checking
$titleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
//used by edit section links
$replaceHeadings = true;
# Load from database
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-loadtpl' );
# declaring $subpage directly in the function call
# does not work correctly with references and breaks
# {{/subpage}}-style inclusions
$subpage = '';
$part1 = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink( $part1, $subpage );
if ($subpage !== '') {
$ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
$title = Title::newFromText( $part1, $ns );
if ( !is_null( $title ) ) {
$titleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
# Check for language variants if the template is not found
if($wgContLang->hasVariants() && $title->getArticleID() == 0){
$wgContLang->findVariantLink($part1, $title);
if ( !$title->isExternal() ) {
if ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL && $this->mOptions->getAllowSpecialInclusion() && $this->ot['html'] ) {
$text = SpecialPage::capturePath( $title );
if ( is_string( $text ) ) {
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$isHTML = true;
} else if ( $wgNonincludableNamespaces && in_array( $title->getNamespace(), $wgNonincludableNamespaces ) ) {
$found = false; //access denied
wfDebug( "$fname: template inclusion denied for " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
} else {
$articleContent = $this->fetchTemplate( $title );
if ( $articleContent !== false ) {
$found = true;
$text = $articleContent;
$replaceHeadings = true;
# If the title is valid but undisplayable, make a link to it
if ( !$found && ( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) ) {
$text = "[[:$titleText]]";
$found = true;
} elseif ( $title->isTrans() ) {
// Interwiki transclusion
if ( $this->ot['html'] && !$forceRawInterwiki ) {
$text = $this->interwikiTransclude( $title, 'render' );
$isHTML = true;
$noparse = true;
} else {
$text = $this->interwikiTransclude( $title, 'raw' );
$replaceHeadings = true;
$found = true;
# Template cache array insertion
# Use the original $piece['title'] not the mangled $part1, so that
# modifiers such as RAW: produce separate cache entries
if( $found ) {
if( $isHTML ) {
// A special page; don't store it in the template cache.
} else {
$this->mTemplates[$piece['title']] = $text;
$text = $linestart . $text;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-loadtpl' );
if ( $found && !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'pre-expand', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
# Error, oversize inclusion
$text = $linestart .
"[[$titleText]]<!-- WARNING: template omitted, pre-expand include size too large -->";
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
# Recursive parsing, escaping and link table handling
# Only for HTML output
if ( $nowiki && $found && ( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) ) {
$text = wfEscapeWikiText( $text );
} elseif ( !$this->ot['msg'] && $found ) {
if ( $noargs ) {
$assocArgs = array();
} else {
# Clean up argument array
$assocArgs = self::createAssocArgs($args);
# Add a new element to the templace recursion path
$this->mTemplatePath[$part1] = 1;
if ( !$noparse ) {
# If there are any <onlyinclude> tags, only include them
if ( in_string( '<onlyinclude>', $text ) && in_string( '</onlyinclude>', $text ) ) {
$replacer = new OnlyIncludeReplacer;
StringUtils::delimiterReplaceCallback( '<onlyinclude>', '</onlyinclude>',
array( &$replacer, 'replace' ), $text );
$text = $replacer->output;
# Remove <noinclude> sections and <includeonly> tags
$text = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '<noinclude>', '</noinclude>', '', $text );
$text = strtr( $text, array( '<includeonly>' => '' , '</includeonly>' => '' ) );
if( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) {
# Strip <nowiki>, <pre>, etc.
$text = $this->strip( $text, $this->mStripState );
if ( $this->ot['html'] ) {
$text = Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $text, array( &$this, 'replaceVariables' ), $assocArgs );
} elseif ( $this->ot['pre'] && $this->mOptions->getRemoveComments() ) {
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $assocArgs );
# If the template begins with a table or block-level
# element, it should be treated as beginning a new line.
if (!$piece['lineStart'] && preg_match('/^(?:{\\||:|;|#|\*)/', $text)) /*}*/{
$text = "\n" . $text;
} elseif ( !$noargs ) {
# $noparse and !$noargs
# Just replace the arguments, not any double-brace items
# This is used for rendered interwiki transclusion
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $assocArgs, true );
# Prune lower levels off the recursion check path
$this->mTemplatePath = $lastPathLevel;
if ( $found && !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'post-expand', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
# Error, oversize inclusion
$text = $linestart .
"[[$titleText]]<!-- WARNING: template omitted, post-expand include size too large -->";
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $piece['text'];
} else {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-placeholders' );
if ( $isHTML ) {
# Replace raw HTML by a placeholder
# Add a blank line preceding, to prevent it from mucking up
# immediately preceding headings
$text = "\n\n" . $this->insertStripItem( $text, $this->mStripState );
} else {
# replace ==section headers==
# XXX this needs to go away once we have a better parser.
if ( !$this->ot['wiki'] && !$this->ot['pre'] && $replaceHeadings ) {
if( !is_null( $title ) )
$encodedname = base64_encode($title->getPrefixedDBkey());
$encodedname = base64_encode("");
$m = preg_split('/(^={1,6}.*?={1,6}\s*?$)/m', $text, -1,
$text = '';
$nsec = $headingOffset;
for( $i = 0; $i < count($m); $i += 2 ) {
$text .= $m[$i];
if (!isset($m[$i + 1]) || $m[$i + 1] == "") continue;
$hl = $m[$i + 1];
if( strstr($hl, "<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION") ) {
$text .= $hl;
$m2 = array();
preg_match('/^(={1,6})(.*?)(={1,6})\s*?$/m', $hl, $m2);
$text .= $m2[1] . $m2[2] . "<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION="
. $encodedname . "&" . base64_encode("$nsec") . "-->" . $m2[3];
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-placeholders' );
# Prune lower levels off the recursion check path
$this->mTemplatePath = $lastPathLevel;
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $piece['text'];
} else {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
Parser::cleanSig (   $text,
  $parsing = false 

Clean up signature text.

1) Strip ~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~~~ out of signatures

See Also
cleanSigInSig 2) Substitute all transclusions
$parsingWhether we're cleaning (preferences save) or parsing
string Signature text

Definition at line 3807 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTitle;
$this->startExternalParse( $wgTitle, new ParserOptions(), $parsing ? OT_WIKI : OT_MSG );
$substWord = MagicWord::get( 'subst' );
$substRegex = '/\{\{(?!(?:' . $substWord->getBaseRegex() . '))/x' . $substWord->getRegexCase();
$substText = '{{' . $substWord->getSynonym( 0 );
$text = preg_replace( $substRegex, $substText, $text );
$text = $this->cleanSigInSig( $text );
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text );
return $text;
Parser::cleanSigInSig (   $text)

Strip ~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~~~ out of signatures.

string Signature text with /~{3,5}/ removed

Definition at line 3828 of file Parser.php.

$text = preg_replace( '/~{3,5}/', '', $text );
return $text;
Parser::clearState ( )

Clear Parser state.

Prefix for temporary replacement strings for the multipass parser. should never appear in input as it's disallowed in XML. Using it at the front also gives us a little extra robustness since it shouldn't match when butted up against identifier-like string constructs.

Definition at line 190 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( $this->mFirstCall ) {
$this->mOutput = new ParserOutput;
$this->mAutonumber = 0;
$this->mLastSection = '';
$this->mDTopen = false;
$this->mIncludeCount = array();
$this->mStripState = new StripState;
$this->mArgStack = array();
$this->mInPre = false;
$this->mInterwikiLinkHolders = array(
'texts' => array(),
'titles' => array()
$this->mLinkHolders = array(
'namespaces' => array(),
'dbkeys' => array(),
'queries' => array(),
'texts' => array(),
'titles' => array()
$this->mRevisionTimestamp = $this->mRevisionId = null;
$this->mUniqPrefix = "\x07UNIQ" . Parser::getRandomString();
# Clear these on every parse, bug 4549
$this->mTemplates = array();
$this->mTemplatePath = array();
$this->mShowToc = true;
$this->mForceTocPosition = false;
$this->mIncludeSizes = array(
'pre-expand' => 0,
'post-expand' => 0,
'arg' => 0
$this->mDefaultSort = false;
wfRunHooks( 'ParserClearState', array( &$this ) );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
Parser::closeList (   $char)

Definition at line 2034 of file Parser.php.

if ( '*' == $char ) { $text = '</li></ul>'; }
else if ( '#' == $char ) { $text = '</li></ol>'; }
else if ( ':' == $char ) {
if ( $this->mDTopen ) {
$this->mDTopen = false;
$text = '</dt></dl>';
} else {
$text = '</dd></dl>';
else { return '<!-- ERR 3 -->'; }
return $text."\n";
Parser::closeParagraph ( )

#@+ Used by doBlockLevels()

Definition at line 1978 of file Parser.php.

$result = '';
if ( '' != $this->mLastSection ) {
$result = '</' . $this->mLastSection . ">\n";
$this->mInPre = false;
$this->mLastSection = '';
return $result;
static Parser::createAssocArgs (   $args)

Clean up argument array - refactored in 1.9 so parserfunctions can use it, too.

Definition at line 2864 of file Parser.php.

$assocArgs = array();
$index = 1;
foreach( $args as $arg ) {
$eqpos = strpos( $arg, '=' );
if ( $eqpos === false ) {
$assocArgs[$index++] = $arg;
} else {
$name = trim( substr( $arg, 0, $eqpos ) );
$value = trim( substr( $arg, $eqpos+1 ) );
if ( $value === false ) {
$value = '';
if ( $name !== false ) {
$assocArgs[$name] = $value;
return $assocArgs;
Parser::disableCache ( )

Set a flag in the output object indicating that the content is dynamic and shouldn't be cached.

Definition at line 4489 of file Parser.php.

wfDebug( "Parser output marked as uncacheable.\n" );
$this->mOutput->mCacheTime = -1;
Parser::doAllQuotes (   $text)

Replace single quotes with HTML markup.

string the altered text

Definition at line 1119 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::doAllQuotes';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$outtext = '';
$lines = explode( "\n", $text );
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
$outtext .= $this->doQuotes ( $line ) . "\n";
$outtext = substr($outtext, 0,-1);
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $outtext;
Parser::doBlockLevels (   $text,


Make lists from lines starting with ':', '*', '#', etc.

string the lists rendered as HTML

Definition at line 2056 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::doBlockLevels';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
# Parsing through the text line by line. The main thing
# happening here is handling of block-level elements p, pre,
# and making lists from lines starting with * # : etc.
$textLines = explode( "\n", $text );
$lastPrefix = $output = '';
$this->mDTopen = $inBlockElem = false;
$prefixLength = 0;
$paragraphStack = false;
if ( !$linestart ) {
$output .= array_shift( $textLines );
foreach ( $textLines as $oLine ) {
$lastPrefixLength = strlen( $lastPrefix );
$preCloseMatch = preg_match('/<\\/pre/i', $oLine );
$preOpenMatch = preg_match('/<pre/i', $oLine );
if ( !$this->mInPre ) {
# Multiple prefixes may abut each other for nested lists.
$prefixLength = strspn( $oLine, '*#:;' );
$pref = substr( $oLine, 0, $prefixLength );
# eh?
$pref2 = str_replace( ';', ':', $pref );
$t = substr( $oLine, $prefixLength );
$this->mInPre = !empty($preOpenMatch);
} else {
# Don't interpret any other prefixes in preformatted text
$prefixLength = 0;
$pref = $pref2 = '';
$t = $oLine;
# List generation
if( $prefixLength && 0 == strcmp( $lastPrefix, $pref2 ) ) {
# Same as the last item, so no need to deal with nesting or opening stuff
$output .= $this->nextItem( substr( $pref, -1 ) );
$paragraphStack = false;
if ( substr( $pref, -1 ) == ';') {
# The one nasty exception: definition lists work like this:
# ; title : definition text
# So we check for : in the remainder text to split up the
# title and definition, without b0rking links.
$term = $t2 = '';
if ($this->findColonNoLinks($t, $term, $t2) !== false) {
$t = $t2;
$output .= $term . $this->nextItem( ':' );
} elseif( $prefixLength || $lastPrefixLength ) {
# Either open or close a level...
$commonPrefixLength = $this->getCommon( $pref, $lastPrefix );
$paragraphStack = false;
while( $commonPrefixLength < $lastPrefixLength ) {
$output .= $this->closeList( $lastPrefix{$lastPrefixLength-1} );
if ( $prefixLength <= $commonPrefixLength && $commonPrefixLength > 0 ) {
$output .= $this->nextItem( $pref{$commonPrefixLength-1} );
while ( $prefixLength > $commonPrefixLength ) {
$char = substr( $pref, $commonPrefixLength, 1 );
$output .= $this->openList( $char );
if ( ';' == $char ) {
# FIXME: This is dupe of code above
if ($this->findColonNoLinks($t, $term, $t2) !== false) {
$t = $t2;
$output .= $term . $this->nextItem( ':' );
$lastPrefix = $pref2;
if( 0 == $prefixLength ) {
wfProfileIn( "$fname-paragraph" );
# No prefix (not in list)--go to paragraph mode
// XXX: use a stack for nestable elements like span, table and div
$openmatch = preg_match('/(?:<table|<blockquote|<h1|<h2|<h3|<h4|<h5|<h6|<pre|<tr|<p|<ul|<ol|<li|<\\/tr|<\\/td|<\\/th)/iS', $t );
$closematch = preg_match(
'<td|<th|<\\/?div|<hr|<\\/pre|<\\/p|'.$this->mUniqPrefix.'-pre|<\\/li|<\\/ul|<\\/ol|<\\/?center)/iS', $t );
if ( $openmatch or $closematch ) {
$paragraphStack = false;
# TODO bug 5718: paragraph closed
$output .= $this->closeParagraph();
if ( $preOpenMatch and !$preCloseMatch ) {
$this->mInPre = true;
if ( $closematch ) {
$inBlockElem = false;
} else {
$inBlockElem = true;
} else if ( !$inBlockElem && !$this->mInPre ) {
if ( ' ' == $t{0} and ( $this->mLastSection == 'pre' or trim($t) != '' ) ) {
// pre
if ($this->mLastSection != 'pre') {
$paragraphStack = false;
$output .= $this->closeParagraph().'<pre>';
$this->mLastSection = 'pre';
$t = substr( $t, 1 );
} else {
// paragraph
if ( '' == trim($t) ) {
if ( $paragraphStack ) {
$output .= $paragraphStack.'<br />';
$paragraphStack = false;
$this->mLastSection = 'p';
} else {
if ($this->mLastSection != 'p' ) {
$output .= $this->closeParagraph();
$this->mLastSection = '';
$paragraphStack = '<p>';
} else {
$paragraphStack = '</p><p>';
} else {
if ( $paragraphStack ) {
$output .= $paragraphStack;
$paragraphStack = false;
$this->mLastSection = 'p';
} else if ($this->mLastSection != 'p') {
$output .= $this->closeParagraph().'<p>';
$this->mLastSection = 'p';
wfProfileOut( "$fname-paragraph" );
// somewhere above we forget to get out of pre block (bug 785)
if($preCloseMatch && $this->mInPre) {
$this->mInPre = false;
if ($paragraphStack === false) {
$output .= $t."\n";
while ( $prefixLength ) {
$output .= $this->closeList( $pref2{$prefixLength-1} );
if ( '' != $this->mLastSection ) {
$output .= '</' . $this->mLastSection . '>';
$this->mLastSection = '';
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $output;
Parser::doHeadings (   $text)

Parse headers and return html.

Definition at line 1102 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::doHeadings';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
for ( $i = 6; $i >= 1; --$i ) {
$h = str_repeat( '=', $i );
$text = preg_replace( "/^{$h}(.+){$h}\\s*$/m",
"<h{$i}>\\1</h{$i}>\\2", $text );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
& Parser::doMagicLinks ( $text)

Replace special strings like "ISBN xxx" and "RFC xxx" with magic external links.

Definition at line 1043 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'!(?: # Start cases
<a.*?</a> | # Skip link text
<.*?> | # Skip stuff inside HTML elements
(?:RFC|PMID)\s+([0-9]+) | # RFC or PMID, capture number as m[1]
ISBN\s+(\b # ISBN, capture number as m[2]
(?: 97[89] [\ \-]? )? # optional 13-digit ISBN prefix
(?: [0-9] [\ \-]? ){9} # 9 digits with opt. delimiters
[0-9Xx] # check digit
)!x', array( &$this, 'magicLinkCallback' ), $text );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $text;
Parser::doQuotes (   $text)

Helper function for doAllQuotes()

Definition at line 1136 of file Parser.php.

$arr = preg_split( "/(''+)/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
if ( count( $arr ) == 1 )
return $text;
# First, do some preliminary work. This may shift some apostrophes from
# being mark-up to being text. It also counts the number of occurrences
# of bold and italics mark-ups.
$i = 0;
$numbold = 0;
$numitalics = 0;
foreach ( $arr as $r )
if ( ( $i % 2 ) == 1 )
# If there are ever four apostrophes, assume the first is supposed to
# be text, and the remaining three constitute mark-up for bold text.
if ( strlen( $arr[$i] ) == 4 )
$arr[$i-1] .= "'";
$arr[$i] = "'''";
# If there are more than 5 apostrophes in a row, assume they're all
# text except for the last 5.
else if ( strlen( $arr[$i] ) > 5 )
$arr[$i-1] .= str_repeat( "'", strlen( $arr[$i] ) - 5 );
$arr[$i] = "'''''";
# Count the number of occurrences of bold and italics mark-ups.
# We are not counting sequences of five apostrophes.
if ( strlen( $arr[$i] ) == 2 ) { $numitalics++; }
else if ( strlen( $arr[$i] ) == 3 ) { $numbold++; }
else if ( strlen( $arr[$i] ) == 5 ) { $numitalics++; $numbold++; }
# If there is an odd number of both bold and italics, it is likely
# that one of the bold ones was meant to be an apostrophe followed
# by italics. Which one we cannot know for certain, but it is more
# likely to be one that has a single-letter word before it.
if ( ( $numbold % 2 == 1 ) && ( $numitalics % 2 == 1 ) )
$i = 0;
$firstsingleletterword = -1;
$firstmultiletterword = -1;
$firstspace = -1;
foreach ( $arr as $r )
if ( ( $i % 2 == 1 ) and ( strlen( $r ) == 3 ) )
$x1 = substr ($arr[$i-1], -1);
$x2 = substr ($arr[$i-1], -2, 1);
if ($x1 == ' ') {
if ($firstspace == -1) $firstspace = $i;
} else if ($x2 == ' ') {
if ($firstsingleletterword == -1) $firstsingleletterword = $i;
} else {
if ($firstmultiletterword == -1) $firstmultiletterword = $i;
# If there is a single-letter word, use it!
if ($firstsingleletterword > -1)
$arr [ $firstsingleletterword ] = "''";
$arr [ $firstsingleletterword-1 ] .= "'";
# If not, but there's a multi-letter word, use that one.
else if ($firstmultiletterword > -1)
$arr [ $firstmultiletterword ] = "''";
$arr [ $firstmultiletterword-1 ] .= "'";
# ... otherwise use the first one that has neither.
# (notice that it is possible for all three to be -1 if, for example,
# there is only one pentuple-apostrophe in the line)
else if ($firstspace > -1)
$arr [ $firstspace ] = "''";
$arr [ $firstspace-1 ] .= "'";
# Now let's actually convert our apostrophic mush to HTML!
$output = '';
$buffer = '';
$state = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $r)
if (($i % 2) == 0)
if ($state == 'both')
$buffer .= $r;
$output .= $r;
if (strlen ($r) == 2)
if ($state == 'i')
{ $output .= '</i>'; $state = ''; }
else if ($state == 'bi')
{ $output .= '</i>'; $state = 'b'; }
else if ($state == 'ib')
{ $output .= '</b></i><b>'; $state = 'b'; }
else if ($state == 'both')
{ $output .= '<b><i>'.$buffer.'</i>'; $state = 'b'; }
else # $state can be 'b' or ''
{ $output .= '<i>'; $state .= 'i'; }
else if (strlen ($r) == 3)
if ($state == 'b')
{ $output .= '</b>'; $state = ''; }
else if ($state == 'bi')
{ $output .= '</i></b><i>'; $state = 'i'; }
else if ($state == 'ib')
{ $output .= '</b>'; $state = 'i'; }
else if ($state == 'both')
{ $output .= '<i><b>'.$buffer.'</b>'; $state = 'i'; }
else # $state can be 'i' or ''
{ $output .= '<b>'; $state .= 'b'; }
else if (strlen ($r) == 5)
if ($state == 'b')
{ $output .= '</b><i>'; $state = 'i'; }
else if ($state == 'i')
{ $output .= '</i><b>'; $state = 'b'; }
else if ($state == 'bi')
{ $output .= '</i></b>'; $state = ''; }
else if ($state == 'ib')
{ $output .= '</b></i>'; $state = ''; }
else if ($state == 'both')
{ $output .= '<i><b>'.$buffer.'</b></i>'; $state = ''; }
else # ($state == '')
{ $buffer = ''; $state = 'both'; }
# Now close all remaining tags. Notice that the order is important.
if ($state == 'b' || $state == 'ib')
$output .= '</b>';
if ($state == 'i' || $state == 'bi' || $state == 'ib')
$output .= '</i>';
if ($state == 'bi')
$output .= '</b>';
# There might be lonely ''''', so make sure we have a buffer
if ($state == 'both' && $buffer)
$output .= '<b><i>'.$buffer.'</i></b>';
return $output;
Parser::doTableStuff (   $text)

parse the wiki syntax used to render tables

Definition at line 792 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::doTableStuff';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$lines = explode ( "\n" , $text );
$td_history = array (); // Is currently a td tag open?
$last_tag_history = array (); // Save history of last lag activated (td, th or caption)
$tr_history = array (); // Is currently a tr tag open?
$tr_attributes = array (); // history of tr attributes
$has_opened_tr = array(); // Did this table open a <tr> element?
$indent_level = 0; // indent level of the table
foreach ( $lines as $key => $line )
$line = trim ( $line );
if( $line == '' ) { // empty line, go to next line
$first_character = $line{0};
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match( '/^(:*)\{\|(.*)$/' , $line , $matches ) ) {
// First check if we are starting a new table
$indent_level = strlen( $matches[1] );
$attributes = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $matches[2] );
$attributes = Sanitizer::fixTagAttributes ( $attributes , 'table' );
$lines[$key] = str_repeat( '<dl><dd>' , $indent_level ) . "<table{$attributes}>";
array_push ( $td_history , false );
array_push ( $last_tag_history , '' );
array_push ( $tr_history , false );
array_push ( $tr_attributes , '' );
array_push ( $has_opened_tr , false );
} else if ( count ( $td_history ) == 0 ) {
// Don't do any of the following
} else if ( substr ( $line , 0 , 2 ) == '|}' ) {
// We are ending a table
$line = '</table>' . substr ( $line , 2 );
$last_tag = array_pop ( $last_tag_history );
if ( !array_pop ( $has_opened_tr ) ) {
$line = "<tr><td></td></tr>{$line}";
if ( array_pop ( $tr_history ) ) {
$line = "</tr>{$line}";
if ( array_pop ( $td_history ) ) {
$line = "</{$last_tag}>{$line}";
array_pop ( $tr_attributes );
$lines[$key] = $line . str_repeat( '</dd></dl>' , $indent_level );
} else if ( substr ( $line , 0 , 2 ) == '|-' ) {
// Now we have a table row
$line = preg_replace( '#^\|-+#', '', $line );
// Whats after the tag is now only attributes
$attributes = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $line );
$attributes = Sanitizer::fixTagAttributes ( $attributes , 'tr' );
array_pop ( $tr_attributes );
array_push ( $tr_attributes , $attributes );
$line = '';
$last_tag = array_pop ( $last_tag_history );
array_pop ( $has_opened_tr );
array_push ( $has_opened_tr , true );
if ( array_pop ( $tr_history ) ) {
$line = '</tr>';
if ( array_pop ( $td_history ) ) {
$line = "</{$last_tag}>{$line}";
$lines[$key] = $line;
array_push ( $tr_history , false );
array_push ( $td_history , false );
array_push ( $last_tag_history , '' );
else if ( $first_character == '|' || $first_character == '!' || substr ( $line , 0 , 2 ) == '|+' ) {
// This might be cell elements, td, th or captions
if ( substr ( $line , 0 , 2 ) == '|+' ) {
$first_character = '+';
$line = substr ( $line , 1 );
$line = substr ( $line , 1 );
if ( $first_character == '!' ) {
$line = str_replace ( '!!' , '||' , $line );
// Split up multiple cells on the same line.
// FIXME : This can result in improper nesting of tags processed
// by earlier parser steps, but should avoid splitting up eg
// attribute values containing literal "||".
$cells = StringUtils::explodeMarkup( '||' , $line );
$lines[$key] = '';
// Loop through each table cell
foreach ( $cells as $cell )
$previous = '';
if ( $first_character != '+' )
$tr_after = array_pop ( $tr_attributes );
if ( !array_pop ( $tr_history ) ) {
$previous = "<tr{$tr_after}>\n";
array_push ( $tr_history , true );
array_push ( $tr_attributes , '' );
array_pop ( $has_opened_tr );
array_push ( $has_opened_tr , true );
$last_tag = array_pop ( $last_tag_history );
if ( array_pop ( $td_history ) ) {
$previous = "</{$last_tag}>{$previous}";
if ( $first_character == '|' ) {
$last_tag = 'td';
} else if ( $first_character == '!' ) {
$last_tag = 'th';
} else if ( $first_character == '+' ) {
$last_tag = 'caption';
} else {
$last_tag = '';
array_push ( $last_tag_history , $last_tag );
// A cell could contain both parameters and data
$cell_data = explode ( '|' , $cell , 2 );
// Bug 553: Note that a '|' inside an invalid link should not
// be mistaken as delimiting cell parameters
if ( strpos( $cell_data[0], '[[' ) !== false ) {
$cell = "{$previous}<{$last_tag}>{$cell}";
} else if ( count ( $cell_data ) == 1 )
$cell = "{$previous}<{$last_tag}>{$cell_data[0]}";
else {
$attributes = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $cell_data[0] );
$attributes = Sanitizer::fixTagAttributes( $attributes , $last_tag );
$cell = "{$previous}<{$last_tag}{$attributes}>{$cell_data[1]}";
$lines[$key] .= $cell;
array_push ( $td_history , true );
// Closing open td, tr && table
while ( count ( $td_history ) > 0 )
if ( array_pop ( $td_history ) ) {
$lines[] = '</td>' ;
if ( array_pop ( $tr_history ) ) {
$lines[] = '</tr>' ;
if ( !array_pop ( $has_opened_tr ) ) {
$lines[] = "<tr><td></td></tr>" ;
$lines[] = '</table>' ;
$output = implode ( "\n" , $lines ) ;
// special case: don't return empty table
if( $output == "<table>\n<tr><td></td></tr>\n</table>" ) {
$output = '';
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $output;
Parser::externalTidy (   $text)

Spawn an external HTML tidy process and get corrected markup back from it.

Definition at line 716 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTidyConf, $wgTidyBin, $wgTidyOpts;
$fname = 'Parser::externalTidy';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$cleansource = '';
$opts = ' -utf8';
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
2 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'a') // FIXME: this line in UNIX-specific, it generates a warning on Windows, because /dev/null is not a valid Windows file.
$pipes = array();
$process = proc_open("$wgTidyBin -config $wgTidyConf $wgTidyOpts$opts", $descriptorspec, $pipes);
if (is_resource($process)) {
// Theoretically, this style of communication could cause a deadlock
// here. If the stdout buffer fills up, then writes to stdin could
// block. This doesn't appear to happen with tidy, because tidy only
// writes to stdout after it's finished reading from stdin. Search
// for tidyParseStdin and tidySaveStdout in console/tidy.c
fwrite($pipes[0], $text);
while (!feof($pipes[1])) {
$cleansource .= fgets($pipes[1], 1024);
wfProfileOut( $fname );
if( $cleansource == '' && $text != '') {
// Some kind of error happened, so we couldn't get the corrected text.
// Just give up; we'll use the source text and append a warning.
return null;
} else {
return $cleansource;
Parser::extractSections (   $text,
  $newtext = '' 


Break wikitext input into sections, and either pull or replace some particular section's text.

External callers should use the getSection and replaceSection methods.

$textPage wikitext
$sectionNumbered section. 0 pulls the text before the first heading; other numbers will pull the given section along with its lower-level subsections.
$modeOne of "get" or "replace"
$newtextReplacement text for section data.
string for "get", the extracted section text. for "replace", the whole page with the section replaced.

Definition at line 4540 of file Parser.php.

# strip NOWIKI etc. to avoid confusion (true-parameter causes HTML
# comments to be stripped as well)
$stripState = new StripState;
$oldOutputType = $this->mOutputType;
$oldOptions = $this->mOptions;
$this->mOptions = new ParserOptions();
$striptext = $this->strip( $text, $stripState, true );
$this->setOutputType( $oldOutputType );
$this->mOptions = $oldOptions;
# now that we can be sure that no pseudo-sections are in the source,
# split it up by section
$uniq = preg_quote( $this->uniqPrefix(), '/' );
$comment = "(?:$uniq-!--.*?QINU)";
$secs = preg_split(
(?:$comment|<\/?noinclude>)* # Initial comments will be stripped
(=+) # Should this be limited to 6?
.+? # Section title...
\\2 # Ending = count must match start
(?:$comment|<\/?noinclude>|[ \\t]+)* # Trailing whitespace ok
$striptext, -1,
if( $mode == "get" ) {
if( $section == 0 ) {
// "Section 0" returns the content before any other section.
$rv = $secs[0];
} else {
//track missing section, will replace if found.
$rv = $newtext;
} elseif( $mode == "replace" ) {
if( $section == 0 ) {
$rv = $newtext . "\n\n";
$remainder = true;
} else {
$rv = $secs[0];
$remainder = false;
$count = 0;
$sectionLevel = 0;
for( $index = 1; $index < count( $secs ); ) {
$headerLine = $secs[$index++];
if( $secs[$index] ) {
// A wiki header
$headerLevel = strlen( $secs[$index++] );
} else {
// An HTML header
$headerLevel = intval( $secs[$index++] );
$content = $secs[$index++];
if( $mode == "get" ) {
if( $count == $section ) {
$rv = $headerLine . $content;
$sectionLevel = $headerLevel;
} elseif( $count > $section ) {
if( $sectionLevel && $headerLevel > $sectionLevel ) {
$rv .= $headerLine . $content;
} else {
// Broke out to a higher-level section
} elseif( $mode == "replace" ) {
if( $count < $section ) {
$rv .= $headerLine . $content;
} elseif( $count == $section ) {
$rv .= $newtext . "\n\n";
$sectionLevel = $headerLevel;
} elseif( $count > $section ) {
if( $headerLevel <= $sectionLevel ) {
// Passed the section's sub-parts.
$remainder = true;
if( $remainder ) {
$rv .= $headerLine . $content;
if (is_string($rv))
# reinsert stripped tags
$rv = trim( $stripState->unstripBoth( $rv ) );
return $rv;
Parser::extractTagsAndParams (   $elements,
  $uniq_prefix = '' 

Replaces all occurrences of HTML-style comments and the given tags in the text with a random marker and returns teh next text.

The output parameter $matches will be an associative array filled with data in the form: 'UNIQ-xxxxx' => array( 'element', 'tag content', array( 'param' => 'x' ), '<element param="x">tag content</element>' ) )

$elementslist of element names. Comments are always extracted.
$textSource text string.

Definition at line 454 of file Parser.php.

static $n = 1;
$stripped = '';
$matches = array();
$taglist = implode( '|', $elements );
$start = "/<($taglist)(\\s+[^>]*?|\\s*?)(\/?>)|<(!--)/i";
while ( '' != $text ) {
$p = preg_split( $start, $text, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$stripped .= $p[0];
if( count( $p ) < 5 ) {
if( count( $p ) > 5 ) {
// comment
$element = $p[4];
$attributes = '';
$close = '';
$inside = $p[5];
} else {
// tag
$element = $p[1];
$attributes = $p[2];
$close = $p[3];
$inside = $p[4];
$marker = "$uniq_prefix-$element-" . sprintf('%08X', $n++) . '-QINU';
$stripped .= $marker;
if ( $close === '/>' ) {
// Empty element tag, <tag />
$content = null;
$text = $inside;
$tail = null;
} else {
if( $element == '!--' ) {
$end = '/(-->)/';
} else {
$end = "/(<\\/$element\\s*>)/i";
$q = preg_split( $end, $inside, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$content = $q[0];
if( count( $q ) < 3 ) {
# No end tag -- let it run out to the end of the text.
$tail = '';
$text = '';
} else {
$tail = $q[1];
$text = $q[2];
$matches[$marker] = array( $element,
"<$element$attributes$close$content$tail" );
return $stripped;
Parser::fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache (   $url)

Definition at line 3303 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry;
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
$obj = $dbr->selectRow('transcache', array('tc_time', 'tc_contents'),
array('tc_url' => $url));
if ($obj) {
$time = $obj->tc_time;
$text = $obj->tc_contents;
if ($time && time() < $time + $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry ) {
return $text;
$text = Http::get($url);
if (!$text)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludefailed', $url);
$dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
$dbw->replace('transcache', array('tc_url'), array(
'tc_url' => $url,
'tc_time' => time(),
'tc_contents' => $text));
return $text;
Parser::fetchTemplate (   $title)

Fetch the unparsed text of a template and register a reference to it.

Definition at line 3259 of file Parser.php.

$text = false;
// Loop to fetch the article, with up to 1 redirect
for ( $i = 0; $i < 2 && is_object( $title ); $i++ ) {
$rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $title );
$this->mOutput->addTemplate( $title, $title->getArticleID() );
if ( $rev ) {
$text = $rev->getText();
} elseif( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI ) {
global $wgLang;
$message = $wgLang->lcfirst( $title->getText() );
$text = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( $message );
if( wfEmptyMsg( $message, $text ) ) {
$text = false;
} else {
if ( $text === false ) {
// Redirect?
$title = Title::newFromRedirect( $text );
return $text;
Parser::findColonNoLinks (   $str,

Split up a string on ':', ignoring any occurences inside tags to prevent illegal overlapping.

string$strthe string to split
string&$beforeset to everything before the ':'
string&$afterset to everything after the ':' return string the position of the ':', or false if none found

Definition at line 2226 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::findColonNoLinks';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$pos = strpos( $str, ':' );
if( $pos === false ) {
// Nothing to find!
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return false;
$lt = strpos( $str, '<' );
if( $lt === false || $lt > $pos ) {
// Easy; no tag nesting to worry about
$before = substr( $str, 0, $pos );
$after = substr( $str, $pos+1 );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $pos;
// Ugly state machine to walk through avoiding tags.
$stack = 0;
$len = strlen( $str );
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$c = $str{$i};
switch( $state ) {
// (Using the number is a performance hack for common cases)
switch( $c ) {
case "<":
// Could be either a <start> tag or an </end> tag
case ":":
if( $stack == 0 ) {
// We found it!
$before = substr( $str, 0, $i );
$after = substr( $str, $i + 1 );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $i;
// Embedded in a tag; don't break it.
// Skip ahead looking for something interesting
$colon = strpos( $str, ':', $i );
if( $colon === false ) {
// Nothing else interesting
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return false;
$lt = strpos( $str, '<', $i );
if( $stack === 0 ) {
if( $lt === false || $colon < $lt ) {
// We found it!
$before = substr( $str, 0, $colon );
$after = substr( $str, $colon + 1 );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $i;
if( $lt === false ) {
// Nothing else interesting to find; abort!
// We're nested, but there's no close tags left. Abort!
break 2;
// Skip ahead to next tag start
$i = $lt;
case 1: // MW_COLON_STATE_TAG:
// In a <tag>
switch( $c ) {
case ">":
case "/":
// Slash may be followed by >?
// ignore
switch( $c ) {
case "/":
case "!":
case ">":
// Illegal early close? This shouldn't happen D:
// In a </tag>
if( $c == ">" ) {
if( $stack < 0 ) {
wfDebug( "Invalid input in $fname; too many close tags\n" );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return false;
if( $c == ">" ) {
// Yes, a self-closed tag <blah/>
} else {
// Probably we're jumping the gun, and this is an attribute
if( $c == "-" ) {
if( $c == "-" ) {
} else {
if( $c == ">" ) {
} else {
throw new MWException( "State machine error in $fname" );
if( $stack > 0 ) {
wfDebug( "Invalid input in $fname; not enough close tags (stack $stack, state $state)\n" );
return false;
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return false;
Parser::firstCallInit ( )

Do various kinds of initialisation on the first call of the parser.

Definition at line 136 of file Parser.php.

if ( !$this->mFirstCall ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
global $wgAllowDisplayTitle, $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions;
$this->setHook( 'pre', array( $this, 'renderPreTag' ) );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'int', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'intFunction' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'ns', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'ns' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'urlencode', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'urlencode' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'lcfirst', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'lcfirst' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'ucfirst', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'ucfirst' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'lc', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'lc' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'uc', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'uc' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'localurl', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'localurl' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'localurle', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'localurle' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'fullurl', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'fullurl' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'fullurle', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'fullurle' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'formatnum', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'formatnum' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'grammar', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'grammar' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'plural', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'plural' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberofpages', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberofpages' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberofusers', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberofusers' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberofarticles', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberofarticles' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberoffiles', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberoffiles' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberofadmins', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberofadmins' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'numberofedits', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'numberofedits' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'language', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'language' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'padleft', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'padleft' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'padright', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'padright' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'anchorencode', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'anchorencode' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'special', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'special' ) );
$this->setFunctionHook( 'defaultsort', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'defaultsort' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
if ( $wgAllowDisplayTitle ) {
$this->setFunctionHook( 'displaytitle', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'displaytitle' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
if ( $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions ) {
$this->setFunctionHook( 'pagesinnamespace', array( 'CoreParserFunctions', 'pagesinnamespace' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$this->mFirstCall = false;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
Parser::formatHeadings (   $text,
  $isMain = true 

This function accomplishes several tasks: 1) Auto-number headings if that option is enabled 2) Add an [edit] link to sections for logged in users who have enabled the option 3) Add a Table of contents on the top for users who have enabled the option 4) Auto-anchor headings.

It loops through all headlines, collects the necessary data, then splits up the string and re-inserts the newly formatted headlines.


Definition at line 3417 of file Parser.php.

global $wgMaxTocLevel, $wgContLang;
$doNumberHeadings = $this->mOptions->getNumberHeadings();
if( !$this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) ) {
$showEditLink = 0;
} else {
$showEditLink = $this->mOptions->getEditSection();
# Inhibit editsection links if requested in the page
$esw =& MagicWord::get( 'noeditsection' );
if( $esw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
$showEditLink = 0;
# Get all headlines for numbering them and adding funky stuff like [edit]
# links - this is for later, but we need the number of headlines right now
$matches = array();
$numMatches = preg_match_all( '/<H(?P<level>[1-6])(?P<attrib>.*?'.'>)(?P<header>.*?)<\/H[1-6] *>/i', $text, $matches );
# if there are fewer than 4 headlines in the article, do not show TOC
# unless it's been explicitly enabled.
$enoughToc = $this->mShowToc &&
(($numMatches >= 4) || $this->mForceTocPosition);
# Allow user to stipulate that a page should have a "new section"
# link added via __NEWSECTIONLINK__
$mw =& MagicWord::get( 'newsectionlink' );
if( $mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) )
$this->mOutput->setNewSection( true );
# if the string __FORCETOC__ (not case-sensitive) occurs in the HTML,
# override above conditions and always show TOC above first header
$mw =& MagicWord::get( 'forcetoc' );
if ($mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
$this->mShowToc = true;
$enoughToc = true;
# Never ever show TOC if no headers
if( $numMatches < 1 ) {
$enoughToc = false;
# We need this to perform operations on the HTML
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
# headline counter
$headlineCount = 0;
$sectionCount = 0; # headlineCount excluding template sections
# Ugh .. the TOC should have neat indentation levels which can be
# passed to the skin functions. These are determined here
$toc = '';
$full = '';
$head = array();
$sublevelCount = array();
$levelCount = array();
$toclevel = 0;
$level = 0;
$prevlevel = 0;
$toclevel = 0;
$prevtoclevel = 0;
foreach( $matches[3] as $headline ) {
$istemplate = 0;
$templatetitle = '';
$templatesection = 0;
$numbering = '';
$mat = array();
if (preg_match("/<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION=([^&]+)&([^_]+)-->/", $headline, $mat)) {
$istemplate = 1;
$templatetitle = base64_decode($mat[1]);
$templatesection = 1 + (int)base64_decode($mat[2]);
$headline = preg_replace("/<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION=([^&]+)&([^_]+)-->/", "", $headline);
if( $toclevel ) {
$prevlevel = $level;
$prevtoclevel = $toclevel;
$level = $matches[1][$headlineCount];
if( $doNumberHeadings || $enoughToc ) {
if ( $level > $prevlevel ) {
# Increase TOC level
$sublevelCount[$toclevel] = 0;
if( $toclevel<$wgMaxTocLevel ) {
$toc .= $sk->tocIndent();
elseif ( $level < $prevlevel && $toclevel > 1 ) {
# Decrease TOC level, find level to jump to
if ( $toclevel == 2 && $level <= $levelCount[1] ) {
# Can only go down to level 1
$toclevel = 1;
} else {
for ($i = $toclevel; $i > 0; $i--) {
if ( $levelCount[$i] == $level ) {
# Found last matching level
$toclevel = $i;
elseif ( $levelCount[$i] < $level ) {
# Found first matching level below current level
$toclevel = $i + 1;
if( $toclevel<$wgMaxTocLevel ) {
$toc .= $sk->tocUnindent( $prevtoclevel - $toclevel );
else {
# No change in level, end TOC line
if( $toclevel<$wgMaxTocLevel ) {
$toc .= $sk->tocLineEnd();
$levelCount[$toclevel] = $level;
# count number of headlines for each level
$dot = 0;
for( $i = 1; $i <= $toclevel; $i++ ) {
if( !empty( $sublevelCount[$i] ) ) {
if( $dot ) {
$numbering .= '.';
$numbering .= $wgContLang->formatNum( $sublevelCount[$i] );
$dot = 1;
# The canonized header is a version of the header text safe to use for links
# Avoid insertion of weird stuff like <math> by expanding the relevant sections
$canonized_headline = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $headline );
# Remove link placeholders by the link text.
# <!--LINK number-->
# turns into
# link text with suffix
$canonized_headline = preg_replace( '/<!--LINK ([0-9]*)-->/e',
$canonized_headline );
$canonized_headline = preg_replace( '/<!--IWLINK ([0-9]*)-->/e',
$canonized_headline );
# strip out HTML
$canonized_headline = preg_replace( '/<.*?' . '>/','',$canonized_headline );
$tocline = trim( $canonized_headline );
# Save headline for section edit hint before it's escaped
$headline_hint = trim( $canonized_headline );
$canonized_headline = Sanitizer::escapeId( $tocline );
$refers[$headlineCount] = $canonized_headline;
# count how many in assoc. array so we can track dupes in anchors
isset( $refers[$canonized_headline] ) ? $refers[$canonized_headline]++ : $refers[$canonized_headline] = 1;
# Don't number the heading if it is the only one (looks silly)
if( $doNumberHeadings && count( $matches[3] ) > 1) {
# the two are different if the line contains a link
$headline=$numbering . ' ' . $headline;
# Create the anchor for linking from the TOC to the section
$anchor = $canonized_headline;
if($refcount[$headlineCount] > 1 ) {
$anchor .= '_' . $refcount[$headlineCount];
if( $enoughToc && ( !isset($wgMaxTocLevel) || $toclevel<$wgMaxTocLevel ) ) {
$toc .= $sk->tocLine($anchor, $tocline, $numbering, $toclevel);
# give headline the correct <h#> tag
if( $showEditLink && ( !$istemplate || $templatetitle !== "" ) ) {
if( $istemplate )
$editlink = $sk->editSectionLinkForOther($templatetitle, $templatesection);
$editlink = $sk->editSectionLink($this->mTitle, $sectionCount+1, $headline_hint);
} else {
$editlink = '';
$head[$headlineCount] = $sk->makeHeadline( $level, $matches['attrib'][$headlineCount], $anchor, $headline, $editlink );
if( !$istemplate )
if( $enoughToc ) {
if( $toclevel<$wgMaxTocLevel ) {
$toc .= $sk->tocUnindent( $toclevel - 1 );
$toc = $sk->tocList( $toc );
# split up and insert constructed headlines
$blocks = preg_split( '/<H[1-6].*?' . '>.*?<\/H[1-6]>/i', $text );
$i = 0;
foreach( $blocks as $block ) {
if( $showEditLink && $headlineCount > 0 && $i == 0 && $block != "\n" ) {
# This is the [edit] link that appears for the top block of text when
# section editing is enabled
# Disabled because it broke block formatting
# For example, a bullet point in the top line
# $full .= $sk->editSectionLink(0);
$full .= $block;
if( $enoughToc && !$i && $isMain && !$this->mForceTocPosition ) {
# Top anchor now in skin
$full = $full.$toc;
if( !empty( $head[$i] ) ) {
$full .= $head[$i];
if( $this->mForceTocPosition ) {
return str_replace( '<!--MWTOC-->', $toc, $full );
} else {
return $full;
Parser::getCommon (   $st1,

Definition at line 1990 of file Parser.php.

$fl = strlen( $st1 );
$shorter = strlen( $st2 );
if ( $fl < $shorter ) { $shorter = $fl; }
for ( $i = 0; $i < $shorter; ++$i ) {
if ( $st1{$i} != $st2{$i} ) { break; }
return $i;
Parser::getDefaultSort ( )

Accessor for $mDefaultSort Will use the title/prefixed title if none is set.


Definition at line 4712 of file Parser.php.

if( $this->mDefaultSort !== false ) {
} else {
return $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY
? $this->mTitle->getText()
: $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
Parser::getFunctionHooks ( )

Get all registered function hook identifiers.


Definition at line 3966 of file Parser.php.

return array_keys( $this->mFunctionHooks );
Parser::getFunctionLang ( )

Definition at line 431 of file Parser.php.

global $wgLang, $wgContLang;
return $this->mOptions->getInterfaceMessage() ? $wgLang : $wgContLang;
Parser::getOptions ( )

Definition at line 429 of file Parser.php.

{ return $this->mTitle; }
Parser::getRandomString ( )

Get a random string.

Definition at line 424 of file Parser.php.

return dechex(mt_rand(0, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(mt_rand(0, 0x7fffffff));
Parser::getRevisionTimestamp ( )

Get the timestamp associated with the current revision, adjusted for the default server-local timestamp.

Definition at line 4670 of file Parser.php.

if ( is_null( $this->mRevisionTimestamp ) ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
global $wgContLang;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$timestamp = $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'rev_timestamp',
array( 'rev_id' => $this->mRevisionId ), __METHOD__ );
// Normalize timestamp to internal MW format for timezone processing.
// This has the added side-effect of replacing a null value with
// the current time, which gives us more sensible behavior for
// previews.
$timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $timestamp );
// The cryptic '' timezone parameter tells to use the site-default
// timezone offset instead of the user settings.
// Since this value will be saved into the parser cache, served
// to other users, and potentially even used inside links and such,
// it needs to be consistent for all visitors.
$this->mRevisionTimestamp = $wgContLang->userAdjust( $timestamp, '' );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
Parser::getSection (   $text,
  $deftext = '' 

This function returns the text of a section, specified by a number ($section).

A section is text under a heading like == Heading == or <h1>Heading</h1>, or the first section before any such heading (section 0).

If a section contains subsections, these are also returned.

$textString: text to look in
$sectionInteger: section number
$deftext,:default to return if section is not found
string text of the requested section

Definition at line 4658 of file Parser.php.

return $this->extractSections( $text, $section, "get", $deftext );
Parser::getTags ( )


#@+ Accessor

Definition at line 4521 of file Parser.php.

{ return array_keys( $this->mTagHooks ); }
& Parser::getTitle ( )

Definition at line 428 of file Parser.php.

{ return $this->mTitle; }
Parser::getUserSig ( $user)

Fetch the user's signature text, if any, and normalize to validated, ready-to-insert wikitext.


Definition at line 3762 of file Parser.php.

$username = $user->getName();
$nickname = $user->getOption( 'nickname' );
$nickname = $nickname === '' ? $username : $nickname;
if( $user->getBoolOption( 'fancysig' ) !== false ) {
# Sig. might contain markup; validate this
if( $this->validateSig( $nickname ) !== false ) {
# Validated; clean up (if needed) and return it
return $this->cleanSig( $nickname, true );
} else {
# Failed to validate; fall back to the default
$nickname = $username;
wfDebug( "Parser::getUserSig: $username has bad XML tags in signature.\n" );
// Make sure nickname doesnt get a sig in a sig
$nickname = $this->cleanSigInSig( $nickname );
# If we're still here, make it a link to the user page
$userpage = $user->getUserPage();
return( '[[' . $userpage->getPrefixedText() . '|' . wfEscapeWikiText( $nickname ) . ']]' );
Parser::getVariableValue (   $index)

Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME)

Some of these require message or data lookups and can be expensive to check many times.

Definition at line 2387 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath;
static $varCache = array();
if ( wfRunHooks( 'ParserGetVariableValueVarCache', array( &$this, &$varCache ) ) ) {
if ( isset( $varCache[$index] ) ) {
return $varCache[$index];
$ts = time();
wfRunHooks( 'ParserGetVariableValueTs', array( &$this, &$ts ) );
# Use the time zone
global $wgLocaltimezone;
if ( isset( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) {
$oldtz = getenv( 'TZ' );
putenv( 'TZ='.$wgLocaltimezone );
$localTimestamp = date( 'YmdHis', $ts );
$localMonth = date( 'm', $ts );
$localMonthName = date( 'n', $ts );
$localDay = date( 'j', $ts );
$localDay2 = date( 'd', $ts );
$localDayOfWeek = date( 'w', $ts );
$localWeek = date( 'W', $ts );
$localYear = date( 'Y', $ts );
$localHour = date( 'H', $ts );
if ( isset( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) {
putenv( 'TZ='.$oldtz );
switch ( $index ) {
case 'currentmonth':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'm', $ts ) );
case 'currentmonthname':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName( date( 'n', $ts ) );
case 'currentmonthnamegen':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen( date( 'n', $ts ) );
case 'currentmonthabbrev':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation( date( 'n', $ts ) );
case 'currentday':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'j', $ts ) );
case 'currentday2':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'd', $ts ) );
case 'localmonth':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localMonth );
case 'localmonthname':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName( $localMonthName );
case 'localmonthnamegen':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen( $localMonthName );
case 'localmonthabbrev':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation( $localMonthName );
case 'localday':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localDay );
case 'localday2':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localDay2 );
case 'pagename':
return $this->mTitle->getText();
case 'pagenamee':
return $this->mTitle->getPartialURL();
case 'fullpagename':
return $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
case 'fullpagenamee':
return $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL();
case 'subpagename':
return $this->mTitle->getSubpageText();
case 'subpagenamee':
return $this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm();
case 'basepagename':
return $this->mTitle->getBaseText();
case 'basepagenamee':
return wfUrlEncode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText() ) );
case 'talkpagename':
if( $this->mTitle->canTalk() ) {
$talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage();
return $talkPage->getPrefixedText();
} else {
return '';
case 'talkpagenamee':
if( $this->mTitle->canTalk() ) {
$talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage();
return $talkPage->getPrefixedUrl();
} else {
return '';
case 'subjectpagename':
$subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
return $subjPage->getPrefixedText();
case 'subjectpagenamee':
$subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
return $subjPage->getPrefixedUrl();
case 'revisionid':
case 'revisionday':
return intval( substr( $this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2 ) );
case 'revisionday2':
return substr( $this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2 );
case 'revisionmonth':
return intval( substr( $this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2 ) );
case 'revisionyear':
return substr( $this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4 );
case 'revisiontimestamp':
return $this->getRevisionTimestamp();
case 'namespace':
return str_replace('_',' ',$wgContLang->getNsText( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ) );
case 'namespacee':
return wfUrlencode( $wgContLang->getNsText( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ) );
case 'talkspace':
return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_',' ',$this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : '';
case 'talkspacee':
return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode( $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText() ) : '';
case 'subjectspace':
return $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText();
case 'subjectspacee':
return( wfUrlencode( $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText() ) );
case 'currentdayname':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( date( 'w', $ts ) + 1 );
case 'currentyear':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'Y', $ts ), true );
case 'currenttime':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $ts ), false, false );
case 'currenthour':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'H', $ts ), true );
case 'currentweek':
// @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to
// int to remove the padding
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( (int)date( 'W', $ts ) );
case 'currentdow':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( date( 'w', $ts ) );
case 'localdayname':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( $localDayOfWeek + 1 );
case 'localyear':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localYear, true );
case 'localtime':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time( $localTimestamp, false, false );
case 'localhour':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localHour, true );
case 'localweek':
// @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to
// int to remove the padding
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( (int)$localWeek );
case 'localdow':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( $localDayOfWeek );
case 'numberofarticles':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::articles() );
case 'numberoffiles':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::images() );
case 'numberofusers':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::users() );
case 'numberofpages':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::pages() );
case 'numberofadmins':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::admins() );
case 'numberofedits':
return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum( SiteStats::edits() );
case 'currenttimestamp':
return $varCache[$index] = wfTimestampNow();
case 'localtimestamp':
return $varCache[$index] = $localTimestamp;
case 'currentversion':
return $varCache[$index] = SpecialVersion::getVersion();
case 'sitename':
return $wgSitename;
case 'server':
return $wgServer;
case 'servername':
return $wgServerName;
case 'scriptpath':
return $wgScriptPath;
case 'directionmark':
return $wgContLang->getDirMark();
case 'contentlanguage':
global $wgContLanguageCode;
return $wgContLanguageCode;
$ret = null;
if ( wfRunHooks( 'ParserGetVariableValueSwitch', array( &$this, &$varCache, &$index, &$ret ) ) )
return $ret;
return null;
Parser::incrementIncludeSize (   $type,

Increment an include size counter.

string$typeThe type of expansion
integer$sizeThe size of the text
boolean False if this inclusion would take it over the maximum, true otherwise

Definition at line 3359 of file Parser.php.

if ( $this->mIncludeSizes[$type] + $size > $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize() ) {
return false;
} else {
$this->mIncludeSizes[$type] += $size;
return true;
Parser::initialiseVariables ( )

initialise the magic variables (like CURRENTMONTHNAME)

Definition at line 2581 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::initialiseVariables';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$variableIDs = MagicWord::getVariableIDs();
$this->mVariables = array();
foreach ( $variableIDs as $id ) {
$mw =& MagicWord::get( $id );
$mw->addToArray( $this->mVariables, $id );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
Parser::insertStripItem (   $text,

Add an item to the strip state Returns the unique tag which must be inserted into the stripped text The tag will be replaced with the original text in unstrip()

Definition at line 673 of file Parser.php.

$rnd = $this->mUniqPrefix . '-item' . Parser::getRandomString();
$state->general->setPair( $rnd, $text );
return $rnd;
Parser::internalParse (   $text)

Helper function for parse() that transforms wiki markup into HTML.

Only called for $mOutputType == OT_HTML.

Definition at line 985 of file Parser.php.

$args = array();
$isMain = true;
$fname = 'Parser::internalParse';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
# Hook to suspend the parser in this state
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeInternalParse', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) ) ) {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text ;
# Remove <noinclude> tags and <includeonly> sections
$text = strtr( $text, array( '<onlyinclude>' => '' , '</onlyinclude>' => '' ) );
$text = strtr( $text, array( '<noinclude>' => '', '</noinclude>' => '') );
$text = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '<includeonly>', '</includeonly>', '', $text );
$text = Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $text, array( &$this, 'attributeStripCallback' ) );
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $args );
wfRunHooks( 'InternalParseBeforeLinks', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
// Tables need to come after variable replacement for things to work
// properly; putting them before other transformations should keep
// exciting things like link expansions from showing up in surprising
// places.
$text = $this->doTableStuff( $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/(^|\n)-----*/', '\\1<hr />', $text );
$text = $this->stripToc( $text );
$this->stripNoGallery( $text );
$text = $this->doHeadings( $text );
if($this->mOptions->getUseDynamicDates()) {
$df =& DateFormatter::getInstance();
$text = $df->reformat( $this->mOptions->getDateFormat(), $text );
$text = $this->doAllQuotes( $text );
$text = $this->replaceInternalLinks( $text );
$text = $this->replaceExternalLinks( $text );
# replaceInternalLinks may sometimes leave behind
# absolute URLs, which have to be masked to hide them from replaceExternalLinks
$text = str_replace($this->mUniqPrefix."NOPARSE", "", $text);
$text = $this->doMagicLinks( $text );
$text = $this->formatHeadings( $text, $isMain );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
Parser::internalTidy (   $text)

Use the HTML tidy PECL extension to use the tidy library in-process, saving the overhead of spawning a new process.

Currently written to the PHP 4.3.x version of the extension, may not work on PHP 5.

'pear install tidy' should be able to compile the extension module.

Definition at line 767 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTidyConf;
$fname = 'Parser::internalTidy';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
tidy_load_config( $wgTidyConf );
tidy_set_encoding( 'utf8' );
tidy_parse_string( $text );
if( tidy_get_status() == 2 ) {
// 2 is magic number for fatal error
$cleansource = null;
} else {
$cleansource = tidy_get_output();
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $cleansource;
Parser::interwikiTransclude (   $title,

Transclude an interwiki link.

Definition at line 3290 of file Parser.php.

global $wgEnableScaryTranscluding;
if (!$wgEnableScaryTranscluding)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludedisabled');
$url = $title->getFullUrl( "action=$action" );
if (strlen($url) > 255)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludetoolong');
return $this->fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache($url);
Parser::magicLinkCallback (   $m)

Definition at line 1060 of file Parser.php.

if ( substr( $m[0], 0, 1 ) == '<' ) {
# Skip HTML element
return $m[0];
} elseif ( substr( $m[0], 0, 4 ) == 'ISBN' ) {
$isbn = $m[2];
$num = strtr( $isbn, array(
'-' => '',
' ' => '',
'x' => 'X',
$titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Booksources' );
$text = '<a href="' .
$titleObj->escapeLocalUrl( "isbn=$num" ) .
"\" class=\"internal\">ISBN $isbn</a>";
} else {
if ( substr( $m[0], 0, 3 ) == 'RFC' ) {
$keyword = 'RFC';
$urlmsg = 'rfcurl';
$id = $m[1];
} elseif ( substr( $m[0], 0, 4 ) == 'PMID' ) {
$keyword = 'PMID';
$urlmsg = 'pubmedurl';
$id = $m[1];
} else {
throw new MWException( __METHOD__.': unrecognised match type "' .
substr($m[0], 0, 20 ) . '"' );
$url = wfMsg( $urlmsg, $id);
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
$la = $sk->getExternalLinkAttributes( $url, $keyword.$id );
$text = "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$la}>{$keyword} {$id}</a>";
return $text;
Parser::makeImage (   $nt,

Parse image options text and use it to make an image.

Definition at line 4390 of file Parser.php.

# @TODO: let the MediaHandler specify its transform parameters
# Check if the options text is of the form "options|alt text"
# Options are:
# * thumbnail make a thumbnail with enlarge-icon and caption, alignment depends on lang
# * left no resizing, just left align. label is used for alt= only
# * right same, but right aligned
# * none same, but not aligned
# * ___px scale to ___ pixels width, no aligning. e.g. use in taxobox
# * center center the image
# * framed Keep original image size, no magnify-button.
# vertical-align values (no % or length right now):
# * baseline
# * sub
# * super
# * top
# * text-top
# * middle
# * bottom
# * text-bottom
$part = array_map( 'trim', explode( '|', $options) );
$mwAlign = array();
$alignments = array( 'left', 'right', 'center', 'none', 'baseline', 'sub', 'super', 'top', 'text-top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'text-bottom' );
foreach ( $alignments as $alignment ) {
$mwAlign[$alignment] =& MagicWord::get( 'img_'.$alignment );
$mwThumb =& MagicWord::get( 'img_thumbnail' );
$mwManualThumb =& MagicWord::get( 'img_manualthumb' );
$mwWidth =& MagicWord::get( 'img_width' );
$mwFramed =& MagicWord::get( 'img_framed' );
$mwPage =& MagicWord::get( 'img_page' );
$caption = '';
$params = array();
$framed = $thumb = false;
$manual_thumb = '' ;
$align = $valign = '';
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
foreach( $part as $val ) {
if ( !is_null( $mwThumb->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
} elseif ( ! is_null( $match = $mwManualThumb->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
# use manually specified thumbnail
$manual_thumb = $match;
} else {
foreach( $alignments as $alignment ) {
if ( ! is_null( $mwAlign[$alignment]->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
switch ( $alignment ) {
case 'left': case 'right': case 'center': case 'none':
$align = $alignment; break;
$valign = $alignment;
continue 2;
if ( ! is_null( $match = $mwPage->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
# Select a page in a multipage document
$params['page'] = $match;
} elseif ( !isset( $params['width'] ) && ! is_null( $match = $mwWidth->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
wfDebug( "img_width match: $match\n" );
# $match is the image width in pixels
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( '/^([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)$/', $match, $m ) ) {
$params['width'] = intval( $m[1] );
$params['height'] = intval( $m[2] );
} else {
$params['width'] = intval($match);
} elseif ( ! is_null( $mwFramed->matchVariableStartToEnd($val) ) ) {
} else {
$caption = $val;
# Strip bad stuff out of the alt text
$alt = $this->replaceLinkHoldersText( $caption );
# make sure there are no placeholders in thumbnail attributes
# that are later expanded to html- so expand them now and
# remove the tags
$alt = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $alt );
$alt = Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $alt );
# Linker does the rest
return $sk->makeImageLinkObj( $nt, $caption, $alt, $align, $params, $framed, $thumb, $manual_thumb, $valign );
Parser::makeKnownLinkHolder (   $nt,
  $text = '',
  $query = '',
  $trail = '',
  $prefix = '' 

Render a forced-blue link inline; protect against double expansion of URLs if we're in a mode that prepends full URL prefixes to internal links.

Since this little disaster has to split off the trail text to avoid breaking URLs in the following text without breaking trails on the wiki links, it's been made into a horrible function.

string HTML-wikitext mix oh yuck

Definition at line 1868 of file Parser.php.

list( $inside, $trail ) = Linker::splitTrail( $trail );
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
$link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $nt, $text, $query, $inside, $prefix );
return $this->armorLinks( $link ) . $trail;
Parser::makeLinkHolder ( $nt,
  $text = '',
  $query = '',
  $trail = '',
  $prefix = '' 

Make a link placeholder.

The text returned can be later resolved to a real link with replaceLinkHolders(). This is done for two reasons: firstly to avoid further parsing of interwiki links, and secondly to allow all existence checks and article length checks (for stub links) to be bundled into a single query.

Definition at line 1827 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( ! is_object($nt) ) {
# Fail gracefully
$retVal = "<!-- ERROR -->{$prefix}{$text}{$trail}";
} else {
# Separate the link trail from the rest of the link
list( $inside, $trail ) = Linker::splitTrail( $trail );
if ( $nt->isExternal() ) {
$nr = array_push( $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['texts'], $prefix.$text.$inside );
$this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['titles'][] = $nt;
$retVal = '<!--IWLINK '. ($nr-1) ."-->{$trail}";
} else {
$nr = array_push( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'], $nt->getNamespace() );
$this->mLinkHolders['dbkeys'][] = $nt->getDBkey();
$this->mLinkHolders['queries'][] = $query;
$this->mLinkHolders['texts'][] = $prefix.$text.$inside;
$this->mLinkHolders['titles'][] = $nt;
$retVal = '<!--LINK '. ($nr-1) ."-->{$trail}";
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $retVal;
Parser::maybeDoSubpageLink (   $target,

Handle link to subpage if necessary.

string$targetthe source of the link
string&$textthe link text, modified as necessary
string the full name of the link

Definition at line 1909 of file Parser.php.

# Valid link forms:
# Foobar -- normal
# :Foobar -- override special treatment of prefix (images, language links)
# /Foobar -- convert to CurrentPage/Foobar
# /Foobar/ -- convert to CurrentPage/Foobar, strip the initial / from text
# ../ -- convert to CurrentPage, from CurrentPage/CurrentSubPage
# ../Foobar -- convert to CurrentPage/Foobar, from CurrentPage/CurrentSubPage
$fname = 'Parser::maybeDoSubpageLink';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$ret = $target; # default return value is no change
# bug 7425
$target = trim( $target );
# Some namespaces don't allow subpages,
# so only perform processing if subpages are allowed
if( $this->areSubpagesAllowed() ) {
# Look at the first character
if( $target != '' && $target{0} == '/' ) {
# / at end means we don't want the slash to be shown
$trailingSlashes = preg_match_all( '%(/+)$%', $target, $m );
if( $trailingSlashes ) {
$noslash = $target = substr( $target, 1, -strlen($m[0][0]) );
} else {
$noslash = substr( $target, 1 );
$ret = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText(). '/' . trim($noslash);
if( '' === $text ) {
$text = $target;
} # this might be changed for ugliness reasons
} else {
# check for .. subpage backlinks
$dotdotcount = 0;
$nodotdot = $target;
while( strncmp( $nodotdot, "../", 3 ) == 0 ) {
$nodotdot = substr( $nodotdot, 3 );
if($dotdotcount > 0) {
$exploded = explode( '/', $this->mTitle->GetPrefixedText() );
if( count( $exploded ) > $dotdotcount ) { # not allowed to go below top level page
$ret = implode( '/', array_slice( $exploded, 0, -$dotdotcount ) );
# / at the end means don't show full path
if( substr( $nodotdot, -1, 1 ) == '/' ) {
$nodotdot = substr( $nodotdot, 0, -1 );
if( '' === $text ) {
$text = $nodotdot;
$nodotdot = trim( $nodotdot );
if( $nodotdot != '' ) {
$ret .= '/' . $nodotdot;
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $ret;
Parser::maybeMakeExternalImage (   $url)

make an image if it's allowed, either through the global option or through the exception

Reimplemented in ilMWParserAdapter.

Definition at line 1509 of file Parser.php.

$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
$imagesfrom = $this->mOptions->getAllowExternalImagesFrom();
$imagesexception = !empty($imagesfrom);
$text = false;
if ( $this->mOptions->getAllowExternalImages()
|| ( $imagesexception && strpos( $url, $imagesfrom ) === 0 ) ) {
if ( preg_match( EXT_IMAGE_REGEX, $url ) ) {
# Image found
$text = $sk->makeExternalImage( htmlspecialchars( $url ) );
return $text;
Parser::nextItem (   $char)

Definition at line 2018 of file Parser.php.

if ( '*' == $char || '#' == $char ) { return '</li><li>'; }
else if ( ':' == $char || ';' == $char ) {
$close = '</dd>';
if ( $this->mDTopen ) { $close = '</dt>'; }
if ( ';' == $char ) {
$this->mDTopen = true;
return $close . '<dt>';
} else {
$this->mDTopen = false;
return $close . '<dd>';
return '<!-- ERR 2 -->';
Parser::openList (   $char)

Definition at line 2003 of file Parser.php.

$result = $this->closeParagraph();
if ( '*' == $char ) { $result .= '<ul><li>'; }
else if ( '#' == $char ) { $result .= '<ol><li>'; }
else if ( ':' == $char ) { $result .= '<dl><dd>'; }
else if ( ';' == $char ) {
$result .= '<dl><dt>';
$this->mDTopen = true;
else { $result = '<!-- ERR 1 -->'; }
return $result;
Parser::Options (   $x = NULL)

Definition at line 4514 of file Parser.php.

References $x.

{ return wfSetVar( $this->mTitle, $x ); }
Parser::OutputType (   $x = NULL)

Definition at line 4515 of file Parser.php.

References $x.

{ return wfSetVar( $this->mOptions, $x ); }
Parser::parse (   $text,
  $linestart = true,
  $clearState = true,
  $revid = null 

Convert wikitext to HTML Do not call this function recursively.

string$textText we want to parse
Title&$titleA title object
int$revidnumber to pass in {{REVISIONID}}
ParserOutput a ParserOutput

First pass–just handle <nowiki> sections, pass the rest off to internalParse() which does all the real work.

Definition at line 274 of file Parser.php.

global $wgUseTidy, $wgAlwaysUseTidy, $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::parse-' . wfGetCaller();
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
wfProfileIn( $fname );
if ( $clearState ) {
$this->mOptions = $options;
$this->mTitle =& $title;
$oldRevisionId = $this->mRevisionId;
$oldRevisionTimestamp = $this->mRevisionTimestamp;
if( $revid !== null ) {
$this->mRevisionId = $revid;
$this->mRevisionTimestamp = null;
wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
$text = $this->strip( $text, $this->mStripState );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserAfterStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
$text = $this->internalParse( $text );
$text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral( $text );
# Clean up special characters, only run once, next-to-last before doBlockLevels
$fixtags = array(
# french spaces, last one Guillemet-left
# only if there is something before the space
'/(.) (?=\\?|:|;|!|\\302\\273)/' => '\\1&nbsp;\\2',
# french spaces, Guillemet-right
'/(\\302\\253) /' => '\\1&nbsp;',
$text = preg_replace( array_keys($fixtags), array_values($fixtags), $text );
# only once and last
$text = $this->doBlockLevels( $text, $linestart );
$this->replaceLinkHolders( $text );
# the position of the parserConvert() call should not be changed. it
# assumes that the links are all replaced and the only thing left
# is the <nowiki> mark.
# Side-effects: this calls $this->mOutput->setTitleText()
$text = $wgContLang->parserConvert( $text, $this );
$text = $this->mStripState->unstripNoWiki( $text );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeTidy', array( &$this, &$text ) );
if (($wgUseTidy and $this->mOptions->mTidy) or $wgAlwaysUseTidy) {
$text = Parser::tidy($text);
} else {
# attempt to sanitize at least some nesting problems
# (bug #2702 and quite a few others)
$tidyregs = array(
# ''Something [ cool''] -->
# <i>Something</i><a href=""..><i>cool></i></a>
'/(<([bi])>)(<([bi])>)?([^<]*)(<\/?a[^<]*>)([^<]*)(<\/\\4>)?(<\/\\2>)/' =>
# fix up an anchor inside another anchor, only
# at least for a single single nested link (bug 3695)
'/(<a[^>]+>)([^<]*)(<a[^>]+>[^<]*)<\/a>(.*)<\/a>/' =>
# fix div inside inline elements- doBlockLevels won't wrap a line which
# contains a div, so fix it up here; replace
# div with escaped text
'/(<([aib]) [^>]+>)([^<]*)(<div([^>]*)>)(.*)(<\/div>)([^<]*)(<\/\\2>)/' =>
# remove empty italic or bold tag pairs, some
# introduced by rules above
'/<([bi])><\/\\1>/' => '',
$text = preg_replace(
array_keys( $tidyregs ),
array_values( $tidyregs ),
$text );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserAfterTidy', array( &$this, &$text ) );
# Information on include size limits, for the benefit of users who try to skirt them
if ( max( $this->mIncludeSizes ) > 1000 ) {
$max = $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize();
$text .= "<!-- \n" .
"Pre-expand include size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['pre-expand']} bytes\n" .
"Post-expand include size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['post-expand']} bytes\n" .
"Template argument size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['arg']} bytes\n" .
"Maximum: $max bytes\n" .
$this->mOutput->setText( $text );
$this->mRevisionId = $oldRevisionId;
$this->mRevisionTimestamp = $oldRevisionTimestamp;
wfProfileOut( $fname );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $this->mOutput;
Parser::Parser ( )



Definition at line 126 of file Parser.php.

$this->mTagHooks = array();
$this->mFunctionHooks = array();
$this->mFunctionSynonyms = array( 0 => array(), 1 => array() );
$this->mFirstCall = true;
Parser::preprocess (   $text,

Expand templates and variables in the text, producing valid, static wikitext.

Also removes comments.

Definition at line 400 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$this->mOptions = $options;
$this->mTitle = $title;
wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
$text = $this->strip( $text, $this->mStripState );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserAfterStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
if ( $this->mOptions->getRemoveComments() ) {
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text );
$text = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $text );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $text;
Parser::preSaveTransform (   $text,
  $clearState = true 

Transform wiki markup when saving a page by doing
conversion, substitting signatures, {{subst:}} templates, etc.

string$textthe text to transform
Title&$titlethe Title object for the current article
User&$userthe User object describing the current user
ParserOptions$optionsparsing options
bool$clearStatewhether to clear the parser state first
string the altered wiki markup

Definition at line 3666 of file Parser.php.

$this->mOptions = $options;
$this->mTitle =& $title;
if ( $clearState ) {
$stripState = new StripState;
$pairs = array(
"\r\n" => "\n",
$text = str_replace( array_keys( $pairs ), array_values( $pairs ), $text );
$text = $this->strip( $text, $stripState, true, array( 'gallery' ) );
$text = $this->pstPass2( $text, $stripState, $user );
$text = $stripState->unstripBoth( $text );
return $text;
Parser::pstPass2 (   $text,

Pre-save transform helper function.

Definition at line 3690 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang, $wgLocaltimezone;
/* Note: This is the timestamp saved as hardcoded wikitext to
* the database, we use $wgContLang here in order to give
* everyone the same signature and use the default one rather
* than the one selected in each user's preferences.
if ( isset( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) {
$oldtz = getenv( 'TZ' );
putenv( 'TZ='.$wgLocaltimezone );
$d = $wgContLang->timeanddate( date( 'YmdHis' ), false, false) .
' (' . date( 'T' ) . ')';
if ( isset( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) {
putenv( 'TZ='.$oldtz );
# Variable replacement
# Because mOutputType is OT_WIKI, this will only process {{subst:xxx}} type tags
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text );
# Strip out <nowiki> etc. added via replaceVariables
$text = $this->strip( $text, $stripState, false, array( 'gallery' ) );
# Signatures
$sigText = $this->getUserSig( $user );
$text = strtr( $text, array(
'~~~~~' => $d,
'~~~~' => "$sigText $d",
'~~~' => $sigText
) );
# Context links: [[|name]] and [[name (context)|]]
global $wgLegalTitleChars;
$tc = "[$wgLegalTitleChars]";
$nc = '[ _0-9A-Za-z\x80-\xff]'; # Namespaces can use non-ascii!
$p1 = "/\[\[(:?$nc+:|:|)($tc+?)( \\($tc+\\))\\|]]/"; # [[ns:page (context)|]]
$p3 = "/\[\[(:?$nc+:|:|)($tc+?)( \\($tc+\\)|)(, $tc+|)\\|]]/"; # [[ns:page (context), context|]]
$p2 = "/\[\[\\|($tc+)]]/"; # [[|page]]
# try $p1 first, to turn "[[A, B (C)|]]" into "[[A, B (C)|A, B]]"
$text = preg_replace( $p1, '[[\\1\\2\\3|\\2]]', $text );
$text = preg_replace( $p3, '[[\\1\\2\\3\\4|\\2]]', $text );
$t = $this->mTitle->getText();
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( "/^($nc+:|)$tc+?( \\($tc+\\))$/", $t, $m ) ) {
$text = preg_replace( $p2, "[[$m[1]\\1$m[2]|\\1]]", $text );
} elseif ( preg_match( "/^($nc+:|)$tc+?(, $tc+|)$/", $t, $m ) && '' != "$m[1]$m[2]" ) {
$text = preg_replace( $p2, "[[$m[1]\\1$m[2]|\\1]]", $text );
} else {
# if there's no context, don't bother duplicating the title
$text = preg_replace( $p2, '[[\\1]]', $text );
# Trim trailing whitespace
$text = rtrim( $text );
return $text;
Parser::recursiveTagParse (   $text)

Recursive parser entry point that can be called from an extension tag hook.

Definition at line 386 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
$text = $this->strip( $text, $this->mStripState );
wfRunHooks( 'ParserAfterStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) );
$text = $this->internalParse( $text );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $text;
Parser::renderImageGallery (   $text,

Renders an image gallery from a text with one line per image.

text labels may be given by using |-style alternative text. E.g. Image:one.jpg|The number "1" Image:tree.jpg|A tree given as text will return the HTML of a gallery with two images, labeled 'The number "1"' and 'A tree'.

Definition at line 4323 of file Parser.php.

$ig = new ImageGallery();
$ig->setContextTitle( $this->mTitle );
$ig->setShowBytes( false );
$ig->setShowFilename( false );
$ig->useSkin( $this->mOptions->getSkin() );
if( isset( $params['caption'] ) ) {
$caption = $params['caption'];
$caption = htmlspecialchars( $caption );
$caption = $this->replaceInternalLinks( $caption );
$ig->setCaptionHtml( $caption );
if( isset( $params['perrow'] ) ) {
$ig->setPerRow( $params['perrow'] );
if( isset( $params['widths'] ) ) {
$ig->setWidths( $params['widths'] );
if( isset( $params['heights'] ) ) {
$ig->setHeights( $params['heights'] );
$lines = explode( "\n", $text );
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
# match lines like these:
# Image:someimage.jpg|This is some image
$matches = array();
preg_match( "/^([^|]+)(\\|(.*))?$/", $line, $matches );
# Skip empty lines
if ( count( $matches ) == 0 ) {
$tp = Title::newFromText( $matches[1] );
$nt =& $tp;
if( is_null( $nt ) ) {
# Bogus title. Ignore these so we don't bomb out later.
if ( isset( $matches[3] ) ) {
$label = $matches[3];
} else {
$label = '';
$pout = $this->parse( $label,
false, // Strip whitespace...?
false // Don't clear state!
$html = $pout->getText();
$ig->add( new Image( $nt ), $html );
# Only add real images (bug #5586)
if ( $nt->getNamespace() == NS_IMAGE ) {
$this->mOutput->addImage( $nt->getDBkey() );
return $ig->toHTML();
Parser::renderPreTag (   $text,

Tag hook handler for 'pre'.

Definition at line 4304 of file Parser.php.

// Backwards-compatibility hack
$content = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '<nowiki>', '</nowiki>', '$1', $text, 'i' );
$attribs = Sanitizer::validateTagAttributes( $attribs, 'pre' );
return wfOpenElement( 'pre', $attribs ) .
Xml::escapeTagsOnly( $content ) .
Parser::replace_callback (   $text,

parse any parentheses in format ((title|part|part)) and call callbacks to get a replacement text for any found piece

string$textThe text to parse
array$callbacksrules in form: '{' => array( # opening parentheses 'end' => '}', # closing parentheses 'cb' => array(2 => callback, # replacement callback to call if {{..}} is found 3 => callback # replacement callback to call if {{{..}}} is found ) ) 'min' => 2, # Minimum parenthesis count in cb 'max' => 3, # Maximum parenthesis count in cb

Definition at line 2610 of file Parser.php.

wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$openingBraceStack = array(); # this array will hold a stack of parentheses which are not closed yet
$lastOpeningBrace = -1; # last not closed parentheses
$validOpeningBraces = implode( '', array_keys( $callbacks ) );
$i = 0;
while ( $i < strlen( $text ) ) {
# Find next opening brace, closing brace or pipe
if ( $lastOpeningBrace == -1 ) {
$currentClosing = '';
$search = $validOpeningBraces;
} else {
$currentClosing = $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['braceEnd'];
$search = $validOpeningBraces . '|' . $currentClosing;
$rule = null;
$i += strcspn( $text, $search, $i );
if ( $i < strlen( $text ) ) {
if ( $text[$i] == '|' ) {
$found = 'pipe';
} elseif ( $text[$i] == $currentClosing ) {
$found = 'close';
} elseif ( isset( $callbacks[$text[$i]] ) ) {
$found = 'open';
$rule = $callbacks[$text[$i]];
} else {
# Some versions of PHP have a strcspn which stops on null characters
# Ignore and continue
} else {
# All done
if ( $found == 'open' ) {
# found opening brace, let's add it to parentheses stack
$piece = array('brace' => $text[$i],
'braceEnd' => $rule['end'],
'title' => '',
'parts' => null);
# count opening brace characters
$piece['count'] = strspn( $text, $piece['brace'], $i );
$piece['startAt'] = $piece['partStart'] = $i + $piece['count'];
$i += $piece['count'];
# we need to add to stack only if opening brace count is enough for one of the rules
if ( $piece['count'] >= $rule['min'] ) {
$lastOpeningBrace ++;
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace] = $piece;
} elseif ( $found == 'close' ) {
# lets check if it is enough characters for closing brace
$maxCount = $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['count'];
$count = strspn( $text, $text[$i], $i, $maxCount );
# check for maximum matching characters (if there are 5 closing
# characters, we will probably need only 3 - depending on the rules)
$matchingCount = 0;
$matchingCallback = null;
$cbType = $callbacks[$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['brace']];
if ( $count > $cbType['max'] ) {
# The specified maximum exists in the callback array, unless the caller
# has made an error
$matchingCount = $cbType['max'];
} else {
# Count is less than the maximum
# Skip any gaps in the callback array to find the true largest match
# Need to use array_key_exists not isset because the callback can be null
$matchingCount = $count;
while ( $matchingCount > 0 && !array_key_exists( $matchingCount, $cbType['cb'] ) ) {
if ($matchingCount <= 0) {
$i += $count;
$matchingCallback = $cbType['cb'][$matchingCount];
# let's set a title or last part (if '|' was found)
if (null === $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts']) {
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['title'] =
substr($text, $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart'],
$i - $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart']);
} else {
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts'][] =
substr($text, $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart'],
$i - $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart']);
$pieceStart = $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['startAt'] - $matchingCount;
$pieceEnd = $i + $matchingCount;
if( is_callable( $matchingCallback ) ) {
$cbArgs = array (
'text' => substr($text, $pieceStart, $pieceEnd - $pieceStart),
'title' => trim($openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['title']),
'parts' => $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts'],
'lineStart' => (($pieceStart > 0) && ($text[$pieceStart-1] == "\n")),
# finally we can call a user callback and replace piece of text
$replaceWith = call_user_func( $matchingCallback, $cbArgs );
$text = substr($text, 0, $pieceStart) . $replaceWith . substr($text, $pieceEnd);
$i = $pieceStart + strlen($replaceWith);
} else {
# null value for callback means that parentheses should be parsed, but not replaced
$i += $matchingCount;
# reset last opening parentheses, but keep it in case there are unused characters
$piece = array('brace' => $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['brace'],
'braceEnd' => $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['braceEnd'],
'count' => $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['count'],
'title' => '',
'parts' => null,
'startAt' => $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['startAt']);
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace--] = null;
if ($matchingCount < $piece['count']) {
$piece['count'] -= $matchingCount;
$piece['startAt'] -= $matchingCount;
$piece['partStart'] = $piece['startAt'];
# do we still qualify for any callback with remaining count?
$currentCbList = $callbacks[$piece['brace']]['cb'];
while ( $piece['count'] ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $piece['count'], $currentCbList ) ) {
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace] = $piece;
} elseif ( $found == 'pipe' ) {
# lets set a title if it is a first separator, or next part otherwise
if (null === $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts']) {
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['title'] =
substr($text, $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart'],
$i - $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart']);
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts'] = array();
} else {
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['parts'][] =
substr($text, $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart'],
$i - $openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart']);
$openingBraceStack[$lastOpeningBrace]['partStart'] = ++$i;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $text;
Parser::replaceExternalLinks (   $text)

Replace external links.

Note: this is all very hackish and the order of execution matters a lot. Make sure to run maintenance/parserTests.php if you change this code.

Definition at line 1306 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::replaceExternalLinks';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
$bits = preg_split( EXT_LINK_BRACKETED, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$s = $this->replaceFreeExternalLinks( array_shift( $bits ) );
$i = 0;
while ( $i<count( $bits ) ) {
$url = $bits[$i++];
$protocol = $bits[$i++];
$text = $bits[$i++];
$trail = $bits[$i++];
# The characters '<' and '>' (which were escaped by
# removeHTMLtags()) should not be included in
# URLs, per RFC 2396.
$m2 = array();
if (preg_match('/&(lt|gt);/', $url, $m2, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$text = substr($url, $m2[0][1]) . ' ' . $text;
$url = substr($url, 0, $m2[0][1]);
# If the link text is an image URL, replace it with an <img> tag
# This happened by accident in the original parser, but some people used it extensively
$img = $this->maybeMakeExternalImage( $text );
if ( $img !== false ) {
$text = $img;
$dtrail = '';
# Set linktype for CSS - if URL==text, link is essentially free
$linktype = ($text == $url) ? 'free' : 'text';
# No link text, e.g. [http://domain.tld/]
if ( $text == '' ) {
# Autonumber if allowed. See bug #5918
if ( strpos( wfUrlProtocols(), substr($protocol, 0, strpos($protocol, ':')) ) !== false ) {
$text = '[' . ++$this->mAutonumber . ']';
$linktype = 'autonumber';
} else {
# Otherwise just use the URL
$text = htmlspecialchars( $url );
$linktype = 'free';
} else {
# Have link text, e.g. [http://domain.tld/ text]s
# Check for trail
list( $dtrail, $trail ) = Linker::splitTrail( $trail );
$text = $wgContLang->markNoConversion($text);
$url = Sanitizer::cleanUrl( $url );
# Process the trail (i.e. everything after this link up until start of the next link),
# replacing any non-bracketed links
$trail = $this->replaceFreeExternalLinks( $trail );
# Use the encoded URL
# This means that users can paste URLs directly into the text
# Funny characters like &ouml; aren't valid in URLs anyway
# This was changed in August 2004
$s .= $sk->makeExternalLink( $url, $text, false, $linktype, $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ) . $dtrail . $trail;
# Register link in the output object.
# Replace unnecessary URL escape codes with the referenced character
# This prevents spammers from hiding links from the filters
$pasteurized = Parser::replaceUnusualEscapes( $url );
$this->mOutput->addExternalLink( $pasteurized );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $s;
Parser::replaceFreeExternalLinks (   $text)

Replace anything that looks like a URL with a link.

Definition at line 1391 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::replaceFreeExternalLinks';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$bits = preg_split( '/(\b(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . '))/S', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$s = array_shift( $bits );
$i = 0;
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
while ( $i < count( $bits ) ){
$protocol = $bits[$i++];
$remainder = $bits[$i++];
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( '/^('.EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS.'+)(.*)$/s', $remainder, $m ) ) {
# Found some characters after the protocol that look promising
$url = $protocol . $m[1];
$trail = $m[2];
# special case: handle urls as url args:
if(strlen($trail) == 0 &&
isset($bits[$i]) &&
preg_match('/^'. wfUrlProtocols() . '$/S', $bits[$i]) &&
preg_match( '/^('.EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS.'+)(.*)$/s', $bits[$i + 1], $m ))
# add protocol, arg
$url .= $bits[$i] . $m[1]; # protocol, url as arg to previous link
$i += 2;
$trail = $m[2];
# The characters '<' and '>' (which were escaped by
# removeHTMLtags()) should not be included in
# URLs, per RFC 2396.
$m2 = array();
if (preg_match('/&(lt|gt);/', $url, $m2, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$trail = substr($url, $m2[0][1]) . $trail;
$url = substr($url, 0, $m2[0][1]);
# Move trailing punctuation to $trail
$sep = ',;\.:!?';
# If there is no left bracket, then consider right brackets fair game too
if ( strpos( $url, '(' ) === false ) {
$sep .= ')';
$numSepChars = strspn( strrev( $url ), $sep );
if ( $numSepChars ) {
$trail = substr( $url, -$numSepChars ) . $trail;
$url = substr( $url, 0, -$numSepChars );
$url = Sanitizer::cleanUrl( $url );
# Is this an external image?
$text = $this->maybeMakeExternalImage( $url );
if ( $text === false ) {
# Not an image, make a link
$text = $sk->makeExternalLink( $url, $wgContLang->markNoConversion($url), true, 'free', $this->mTitle->getNamespace() );
# Register it in the output object...
# Replace unnecessary URL escape codes with their equivalent characters
$pasteurized = Parser::replaceUnusualEscapes( $url );
$this->mOutput->addExternalLink( $pasteurized );
$s .= $text . $trail;
} else {
$s .= $protocol . $remainder;
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $s;
Parser::replaceInternalLinks (   $s)

Process [[ ]] wikilinks.

Strip the whitespace Category links produce, see bug 87

We might want to use trim($tmp, "\n") here.

Definition at line 1529 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang;
static $fname = 'Parser::replaceInternalLinks' ;
wfProfileIn( $fname );
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-setup' );
static $tc = FALSE;
# the % is needed to support urlencoded titles as well
if ( !$tc ) { $tc = Title::legalChars() . '#%'; }
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
#split the entire text string on occurences of [[
$a = explode( '[[', ' ' . $s );
#get the first element (all text up to first [[), and remove the space we added
$s = array_shift( $a );
$s = substr( $s, 1 );
# Match a link having the form [[namespace:link|alternate]]trail
static $e1 = FALSE;
if ( !$e1 ) { $e1 = "/^([{$tc}]+)(?:\\|(.+?))?]](.*)\$/sD"; }
# Match cases where there is no "]]", which might still be images
static $e1_img = FALSE;
if ( !$e1_img ) { $e1_img = "/^([{$tc}]+)\\|(.*)\$/sD"; }
# Match the end of a line for a word that's not followed by whitespace,
# e.g. in the case of 'The Arab al[[Razi]]', 'al' will be matched
$e2 = wfMsgForContent( 'linkprefix' );
$useLinkPrefixExtension = $wgContLang->linkPrefixExtension();
if( is_null( $this->mTitle ) ) {
throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": \$this->mTitle is null\n" );
$nottalk = !$this->mTitle->isTalkPage();
if ( $useLinkPrefixExtension ) {
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( $e2, $s, $m ) ) {
$first_prefix = $m[2];
} else {
$first_prefix = false;
} else {
$prefix = '';
if($wgContLang->hasVariants()) {
$selflink = $wgContLang->convertLinkToAllVariants($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText());
} else {
$selflink = array($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText());
$useSubpages = $this->areSubpagesAllowed();
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-setup' );
# Loop for each link
for ($k = 0; isset( $a[$k] ); $k++) {
$line = $a[$k];
if ( $useLinkPrefixExtension ) {
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-prefixhandling' );
if ( preg_match( $e2, $s, $m ) ) {
$prefix = $m[2];
$s = $m[1];
} else {
# first link
if($first_prefix) {
$prefix = $first_prefix;
$first_prefix = false;
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-prefixhandling' );
$might_be_img = false;
wfProfileIn( "$fname-e1" );
if ( preg_match( $e1, $line, $m ) ) { # page with normal text or alt
$text = $m[2];
# If we get a ] at the beginning of $m[3] that means we have a link that's something like:
# [[Image:Foo.jpg|[ desc]]] <- having three ] in a row fucks up,
# the real problem is with the $e1 regex
# See bug 1300.
# Still some problems for cases where the ] is meant to be outside punctuation,
# and no image is in sight. See bug 2095.
if( $text !== '' &&
substr( $m[3], 0, 1 ) === ']' &&
strpos($text, '[') !== false
$text .= ']'; # so that replaceExternalLinks($text) works later
$m[3] = substr( $m[3], 1 );
# fix up urlencoded title texts
if( strpos( $m[1], '%' ) !== false ) {
# Should anchors '#' also be rejected?
$m[1] = str_replace( array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), urldecode($m[1]) );
$trail = $m[3];
} elseif( preg_match($e1_img, $line, $m) ) { # Invalid, but might be an image with a link in its caption
$might_be_img = true;
$text = $m[2];
if ( strpos( $m[1], '%' ) !== false ) {
$m[1] = urldecode($m[1]);
$trail = "";
} else { # Invalid form; output directly
$s .= $prefix . '[[' . $line ;
wfProfileOut( "$fname-e1" );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-e1" );
wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc" );
# Don't allow internal links to pages containing
# PROTO: where PROTO is a valid URL protocol; these
# should be external links.
if (preg_match('/^\b(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/', $m[1])) {
$s .= $prefix . '[[' . $line ;
# Make subpage if necessary
if( $useSubpages ) {
$link = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink( $m[1], $text );
} else {
$link = $m[1];
$noforce = (substr($m[1], 0, 1) != ':');
if (!$noforce) {
# Strip off leading ':'
$link = substr($link, 1);
wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc" );
wfProfileIn( "$fname-title" );
$nt = Title::newFromText( $this->mStripState->unstripNoWiki($link) );
if( !$nt ) {
$s .= $prefix . '[[' . $line;
wfProfileOut( "$fname-title" );
$ns = $nt->getNamespace();
$iw = $nt->getInterWiki();
wfProfileOut( "$fname-title" );
if ($might_be_img) { # if this is actually an invalid link
wfProfileIn( "$fname-might_be_img" );
if ($ns == NS_IMAGE && $noforce) { #but might be an image
$found = false;
while (isset ($a[$k+1]) ) {
#look at the next 'line' to see if we can close it there
$spliced = array_splice( $a, $k + 1, 1 );
$next_line = array_shift( $spliced );
$m = explode( ']]', $next_line, 3 );
if ( count( $m ) == 3 ) {
# the first ]] closes the inner link, the second the image
$found = true;
$text .= "[[{$m[0]}]]{$m[1]}";
$trail = $m[2];
} elseif ( count( $m ) == 2 ) {
#if there's exactly one ]] that's fine, we'll keep looking
$text .= "[[{$m[0]}]]{$m[1]}";
} else {
#if $next_line is invalid too, we need look no further
$text .= '[[' . $next_line;
if ( !$found ) {
# we couldn't find the end of this imageLink, so output it raw
#but don't ignore what might be perfectly normal links in the text we've examined
$text = $this->replaceInternalLinks($text);
$s .= "{$prefix}[[$link|$text";
# note: no $trail, because without an end, there *is* no trail
wfProfileOut( "$fname-might_be_img" );
} else { #it's not an image, so output it raw
$s .= "{$prefix}[[$link|$text";
# note: no $trail, because without an end, there *is* no trail
wfProfileOut( "$fname-might_be_img" );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-might_be_img" );
$wasblank = ( '' == $text );
if( $wasblank ) $text = $link;
# Link not escaped by : , create the various objects
if( $noforce ) {
# Interwikis
wfProfileIn( "$fname-interwiki" );
if( $iw && $this->mOptions->getInterwikiMagic() && $nottalk && $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $iw ) ) {
$this->mOutput->addLanguageLink( $nt->getFullText() );
$s = rtrim($s . $prefix);
$s .= trim($trail, "\n") == '' ? '': $prefix . $trail;
wfProfileOut( "$fname-interwiki" );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-interwiki" );
if ( $ns == NS_IMAGE ) {
wfProfileIn( "$fname-image" );
if ( !wfIsBadImage( $nt->getDBkey(), $this->mTitle ) ) {
# recursively parse links inside the image caption
# actually, this will parse them in any other parameters, too,
# but it might be hard to fix that, and it doesn't matter ATM
$text = $this->replaceExternalLinks($text);
$text = $this->replaceInternalLinks($text);
# cloak any absolute URLs inside the image markup, so replaceExternalLinks() won't touch them
$s .= $prefix . $this->armorLinks( $this->makeImage( $nt, $text ) ) . $trail;
$this->mOutput->addImage( $nt->getDBkey() );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-image" );
} else {
# We still need to record the image's presence on the page
$this->mOutput->addImage( $nt->getDBkey() );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-image" );
if ( $ns == NS_CATEGORY ) {
wfProfileIn( "$fname-category" );
$s = rtrim($s . "\n"); # bug 87
if ( $wasblank ) {
$sortkey = $this->getDefaultSort();
} else {
$sortkey = $text;
$sortkey = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $sortkey );
$sortkey = str_replace( "\n", '', $sortkey );
$sortkey = $wgContLang->convertCategoryKey( $sortkey );
$this->mOutput->addCategory( $nt->getDBkey(), $sortkey );
$s .= trim($prefix . $trail, "\n") == '' ? '': $prefix . $trail;
wfProfileOut( "$fname-category" );
# Self-link checking
if( $nt->getFragment() === '' ) {
if( in_array( $nt->getPrefixedText(), $selflink, true ) ) {
$s .= $prefix . $sk->makeSelfLinkObj( $nt, $text, '', $trail );
# Special and Media are pseudo-namespaces; no pages actually exist in them
if( $ns == NS_MEDIA ) {
$link = $sk->makeMediaLinkObj( $nt, $text );
# Cloak with NOPARSE to avoid replacement in replaceExternalLinks
$s .= $prefix . $this->armorLinks( $link ) . $trail;
$this->mOutput->addImage( $nt->getDBkey() );
} elseif( $ns == NS_SPECIAL ) {
$s .= $this->makeKnownLinkHolder( $nt, $text, '', $trail, $prefix );
} elseif( $ns == NS_IMAGE ) {
$img = new Image( $nt );
if( $img->exists() ) {
// Force a blue link if the file exists; may be a remote
// upload on the shared repository, and we want to see its
// auto-generated page.
$s .= $this->makeKnownLinkHolder( $nt, $text, '', $trail, $prefix );
$this->mOutput->addLink( $nt );
$s .= $this->makeLinkHolder( $nt, $text, '', $trail, $prefix );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $s;
Parser::replaceLinkHolders ( $text,
  $options = 0 

Replace link placeholders with actual links, in the buffer Placeholders created in Skin::makeLinkObj() Returns an array of links found, indexed by PDBK: 0 - broken 1 - normal link 2 - stub $options is a bit field, RLH_FOR_UPDATE to select for update.

Definition at line 3979 of file Parser.php.

global $wgUser;
global $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::replaceLinkHolders';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$pdbks = array();
$colours = array();
$sk = $this->mOptions->getSkin();
$linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
if ( !empty( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'] ) ) {
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-check' );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$page = $dbr->tableName( 'page' );
$threshold = $wgUser->getOption('stubthreshold');
# Sort by namespace
asort( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'] );
# Generate query
$query = false;
$current = null;
foreach ( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'] as $key => $ns ) {
# Make title object
$title = $this->mLinkHolders['titles'][$key];
# Skip invalid entries.
# Result will be ugly, but prevents crash.
if ( is_null( $title ) ) {
$pdbk = $pdbks[$key] = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
# Check if it's a static known link, e.g. interwiki
if ( $title->isAlwaysKnown() ) {
$colours[$pdbk] = 1;
} elseif ( ( $id = $linkCache->getGoodLinkID( $pdbk ) ) != 0 ) {
$colours[$pdbk] = 1;
$this->mOutput->addLink( $title, $id );
} elseif ( $linkCache->isBadLink( $pdbk ) ) {
$colours[$pdbk] = 0;
} else {
# Not in the link cache, add it to the query
if ( !isset( $current ) ) {
$current = $ns;
$query = "SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title";
if ( $threshold > 0 ) {
$query .= ', page_len, page_is_redirect';
$query .= " FROM $page WHERE (page_namespace=$ns AND page_title IN(";
} elseif ( $current != $ns ) {
$current = $ns;
$query .= ")) OR (page_namespace=$ns AND page_title IN(";
} else {
$query .= ', ';
$query .= $dbr->addQuotes( $this->mLinkHolders['dbkeys'][$key] );
if ( $query ) {
$query .= '))';
if ( $options & RLH_FOR_UPDATE ) {
$query .= ' FOR UPDATE';
$res = $dbr->query( $query, $fname );
# Fetch data and form into an associative array
# non-existent = broken
# 1 = known
# 2 = stub
while ( $s = $dbr->fetchObject($res) ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle( $s->page_namespace, $s->page_title );
$pdbk = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
$linkCache->addGoodLinkObj( $s->page_id, $title );
$this->mOutput->addLink( $title, $s->page_id );
if ( $threshold > 0 ) {
$size = $s->page_len;
if ( $s->page_is_redirect || $s->page_namespace != 0 || $size >= $threshold ) {
$colours[$pdbk] = 1;
} else {
$colours[$pdbk] = 2;
} else {
$colours[$pdbk] = 1;
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-check' );
# Do a second query for different language variants of links and categories
$linkBatch = new LinkBatch();
$variantMap = array(); // maps $pdbkey_Variant => $keys (of link holders)
$categoryMap = array(); // maps $category_variant => $category (dbkeys)
$varCategories = array(); // category replacements oldDBkey => newDBkey
$categories = $this->mOutput->getCategoryLinks();
// Add variants of links to link batch
foreach ( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'] as $key => $ns ) {
$title = $this->mLinkHolders['titles'][$key];
if ( is_null( $title ) )
$pdbk = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
$titleText = $title->getText();
// generate all variants of the link title text
$allTextVariants = $wgContLang->convertLinkToAllVariants($titleText);
// if link was not found (in first query), add all variants to query
if ( !isset($colours[$pdbk]) ){
foreach($allTextVariants as $textVariant){
if($textVariant != $titleText){
$variantTitle = Title::makeTitle( $ns, $textVariant );
if(is_null($variantTitle)) continue;
$linkBatch->addObj( $variantTitle );
$variantMap[$variantTitle->getPrefixedDBkey()][] = $key;
// process categories, check if a category exists in some variant
foreach( $categories as $category){
$variants = $wgContLang->convertLinkToAllVariants($category);
foreach($variants as $variant){
if($variant != $category){
$variantTitle = Title::newFromDBkey( Title::makeName(NS_CATEGORY,$variant) );
if(is_null($variantTitle)) continue;
$linkBatch->addObj( $variantTitle );
$categoryMap[$variant] = $category;
// construct query
$titleClause = $linkBatch->constructSet('page', $dbr);
$variantQuery = "SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title";
if ( $threshold > 0 ) {
$variantQuery .= ', page_len, page_is_redirect';
$variantQuery .= " FROM $page WHERE $titleClause";
if ( $options & RLH_FOR_UPDATE ) {
$variantQuery .= ' FOR UPDATE';
$varRes = $dbr->query( $variantQuery, $fname );
// for each found variants, figure out link holders and replace
while ( $s = $dbr->fetchObject($varRes) ) {
$variantTitle = Title::makeTitle( $s->page_namespace, $s->page_title );
$varPdbk = $variantTitle->getPrefixedDBkey();
$vardbk = $variantTitle->getDBkey();
$holderKeys = array();
$holderKeys = $variantMap[$varPdbk];
$linkCache->addGoodLinkObj( $s->page_id, $variantTitle );
$this->mOutput->addLink( $variantTitle, $s->page_id );
// loop over link holders
foreach($holderKeys as $key){
$title = $this->mLinkHolders['titles'][$key];
if ( is_null( $title ) ) continue;
$pdbk = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
// found link in some of the variants, replace the link holder data
$this->mLinkHolders['titles'][$key] = $variantTitle;
$this->mLinkHolders['dbkeys'][$key] = $variantTitle->getDBkey();
// set pdbk and colour
$pdbks[$key] = $varPdbk;
if ( $threshold > 0 ) {
$size = $s->page_len;
if ( $s->page_is_redirect || $s->page_namespace != 0 || $size >= $threshold ) {
$colours[$varPdbk] = 1;
} else {
$colours[$varPdbk] = 2;
else {
$colours[$varPdbk] = 1;
// check if the object is a variant of a category
$oldkey = $categoryMap[$vardbk];
if($oldkey != $vardbk)
// rebuild the categories in original order (if there are replacements)
$newCats = array();
$originalCats = $this->mOutput->getCategories();
foreach($originalCats as $cat => $sortkey){
// make the replacement
if( array_key_exists($cat,$varCategories) )
$newCats[$varCategories[$cat]] = $sortkey;
else $newCats[$cat] = $sortkey;
# Construct search and replace arrays
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-construct' );
$replacePairs = array();
foreach ( $this->mLinkHolders['namespaces'] as $key => $ns ) {
$pdbk = $pdbks[$key];
$searchkey = "<!--LINK $key-->";
$title = $this->mLinkHolders['titles'][$key];
if ( empty( $colours[$pdbk] ) ) {
$linkCache->addBadLinkObj( $title );
$colours[$pdbk] = 0;
$this->mOutput->addLink( $title, 0 );
$replacePairs[$searchkey] = $sk->makeBrokenLinkObj( $title,
$this->mLinkHolders['queries'][$key] );
} elseif ( $colours[$pdbk] == 1 ) {
$replacePairs[$searchkey] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $title,
$this->mLinkHolders['queries'][$key] );
} elseif ( $colours[$pdbk] == 2 ) {
$replacePairs[$searchkey] = $sk->makeStubLinkObj( $title,
$this->mLinkHolders['queries'][$key] );
$replacer = new HashtableReplacer( $replacePairs, 1 );
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-construct' );
# Do the thing
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-replace' );
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'/(<!--LINK .*?-->)/',
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-replace' );
# Now process interwiki link holders
# This is quite a bit simpler than internal links
if ( !empty( $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['texts'] ) ) {
wfProfileIn( $fname.'-interwiki' );
# Make interwiki link HTML
$replacePairs = array();
foreach( $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['texts'] as $key => $link ) {
$title = $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['titles'][$key];
$replacePairs[$key] = $sk->makeLinkObj( $title, $link );
$replacer = new HashtableReplacer( $replacePairs, 1 );
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'/<!--IWLINK (.*?)-->/',
$text );
wfProfileOut( $fname.'-interwiki' );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $colours;
Parser::replaceLinkHoldersText (   $text)

Replace link placeholders with plain text of links (not HTML-formatted).


Definition at line 4268 of file Parser.php.

$fname = 'Parser::replaceLinkHoldersText';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'/<!--(LINK|IWLINK) (.*?)-->/',
array( &$this, 'replaceLinkHoldersTextCallback' ),
$text );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
Parser::replaceLinkHoldersTextCallback (   $matches)

Definition at line 4286 of file Parser.php.

$type = $matches[1];
$key = $matches[2];
if( $type == 'LINK' ) {
if( isset( $this->mLinkHolders['texts'][$key] ) ) {
return $this->mLinkHolders['texts'][$key];
} elseif( $type == 'IWLINK' ) {
if( isset( $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['texts'][$key] ) ) {
return $this->mInterwikiLinkHolders['texts'][$key];
return $matches[0];
Parser::replaceSection (   $oldtext,

Definition at line 4662 of file Parser.php.

return $this->extractSections( $oldtext, $section, "replace", $text );
static Parser::replaceUnusualEscapes (   $url)

Replace unusual URL escape codes with their equivalent characters.

This can merge genuinely required bits in the path or query string, breaking legit URLs. A proper fix would treat the various parts of the URL differently; as a workaround, just use the output for statistical records, not for actual linking/output.

Definition at line 1479 of file Parser.php.

return preg_replace_callback( '/%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/',
array( 'Parser', 'replaceUnusualEscapesCallback' ), $url );
static Parser::replaceUnusualEscapesCallback (   $matches)

Callback function used in replaceUnusualEscapes().

Replaces unusual URL escape codes with their equivalent character

Definition at line 1490 of file Parser.php.

$char = urldecode( $matches[0] );
$ord = ord( $char );
// Is it an unsafe or HTTP reserved character according to RFC 1738?
if ( $ord > 32 && $ord < 127 && strpos( '<>"#{}|\^~[]`;/?', $char ) === false ) {
// No, shouldn't be escaped
return $char;
} else {
// Yes, leave it escaped
return $matches[0];
Parser::replaceVariables (   $text,
  $args = array(),
  $argsOnly = false 

Replace magic variables, templates, and template arguments with the appropriate text.

Templates are substituted recursively, taking care to avoid infinite loops.

Note that the substitution depends on value of $mOutputType: OT_WIKI: only {{subst:}} templates OT_MSG: only magic variables OT_HTML: all templates and magic variables

string$texThe text to transform
array$argsKey-value pairs representing template parameters to substitute
bool$argsOnlyOnly do argument (triple-brace) expansion, not double-brace expansion

Definition at line 2784 of file Parser.php.

# Prevent too big inclusions
if( strlen( $text ) > $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize() ) {
return $text;
$fname = __METHOD__ /*. '-L' . count( $this->mArgStack )*/;
wfProfileIn( $fname );
# This function is called recursively. To keep track of arguments we need a stack:
array_push( $this->mArgStack, $args );
$braceCallbacks = array();
if ( !$argsOnly ) {
$braceCallbacks[2] = array( &$this, 'braceSubstitution' );
if ( $this->mOutputType != OT_MSG ) {
$braceCallbacks[3] = array( &$this, 'argSubstitution' );
if ( $braceCallbacks ) {
$callbacks = array(
'{' => array(
'end' => '}',
'cb' => $braceCallbacks,
'min' => $argsOnly ? 3 : 2,
'max' => isset( $braceCallbacks[3] ) ? 3 : 2,
'[' => array(
'end' => ']',
'cb' => array(2=>null),
'min' => 2,
'max' => 2,
$text = $this->replace_callback ($text, $callbacks);
array_pop( $this->mArgStack );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
Parser::setDefaultSort (   $sort)

Mutator for $mDefaultSort.

$sortNew value

Definition at line 4702 of file Parser.php.

$this->mDefaultSort = $sort;
Parser::setFunctionHook (   $id,
  $flags = 0 

Create a function, e.g.

{{sum:1|2|3}} The callback function should have the form: function myParserFunction( &$parser, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) { ... }

The callback may either return the text result of the function, or an array with the text in element 0, and a number of flags in the other elements. The names of the flags are specified in the keys. Valid flags are: found The text returned is valid, stop processing the template. This is on by default. nowiki Wiki markup in the return value should be escaped noparse Unsafe HTML tags should not be stripped, etc. noargs Don't replace triple-brace arguments in the return value isHTML The returned text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation

string$idThe magic word ID
mixed$callbackThe callback function (and object) to use
integer$flagsa combination of the following flags: SFH_NO_HASH No leading hash, i.e. {{plural:...}} instead of {{if:...}}
The old callback function for this name, if any

Definition at line 3931 of file Parser.php.

$oldVal = isset( $this->mFunctionHooks[$id] ) ? $this->mFunctionHooks[$id] : null;
$this->mFunctionHooks[$id] = $callback;
# Add to function cache
$mw = MagicWord::get( $id );
if( !$mw )
throw new MWException( 'Parser::setFunctionHook() expecting a magic word identifier.' );
$synonyms = $mw->getSynonyms();
$sensitive = intval( $mw->isCaseSensitive() );
foreach ( $synonyms as $syn ) {
# Case
if ( !$sensitive ) {
$syn = strtolower( $syn );
# Add leading hash
if ( !( $flags & SFH_NO_HASH ) ) {
$syn = '#' . $syn;
# Remove trailing colon
if ( substr( $syn, -1, 1 ) == ':' ) {
$syn = substr( $syn, 0, -1 );
$this->mFunctionSynonyms[$sensitive][$syn] = $id;
return $oldVal;
Parser::setHook (   $tag,

Create an HTML-style tag, e.g.

<yourtag>special text</yourtag> The callback should have the following form: function myParserHook( $text, $params, &$parser ) { ... }

Transform and return $text. Use $parser for any required context, e.g. use $parser->getTitle() and $parser->getOptions() not $wgTitle or $wgOut->mParserOptions

mixed$tagThe tag to use, e.g. 'hook' for <hook>
mixed$callbackThe callback function (and object) to use for the tag
The old value of the mTagHooks array associated with the hook

Definition at line 3899 of file Parser.php.

$tag = strtolower( $tag );
$oldVal = isset( $this->mTagHooks[$tag] ) ? $this->mTagHooks[$tag] : null;
$this->mTagHooks[$tag] = $callback;
return $oldVal;
Parser::setOutputType (   $ot)

Definition at line 242 of file Parser.php.

References $ot, OT_HTML, OT_MSG, OT_PREPROCESS, and OT_WIKI.

$this->mOutputType = $ot;
// Shortcut alias
$this->ot = array(
'html' => $ot == OT_HTML,
'wiki' => $ot == OT_WIKI,
'msg' => $ot == OT_MSG,
'pre' => $ot == OT_PREPROCESS,
Parser::startExternalParse ( $title,
  $clearState = true 

Set up some variables which are usually set up in parse() so that an external function can call some class members with confidence.

Definition at line 3838 of file Parser.php.

$this->mTitle =& $title;
$this->mOptions = $options;
$this->setOutputType( $outputType );
if ( $clearState ) {
Parser::strip (   $text,
  $stripcomments = false,
  $dontstrip = array () 

Strips and renders nowiki, pre, math, hiero If $render is set, performs necessary rendering operations on plugins Returns the text, and fills an array with data needed in unstrip()

bool$stripcommentswhen set, HTML comments will be stripped in addition to other tags. This is important for section editing, where these comments cause confusion when counting the sections in the wikisource
arraydontstrip contains tags which should not be stripped; used to prevent stipping of <gallery> when saving (fixes bug 2700)

Definition at line 533 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$render = ($this->mOutputType == OT_HTML);
$uniq_prefix = $this->mUniqPrefix;
$commentState = new ReplacementArray;
$nowikiItems = array();
$generalItems = array();
$elements = array_merge(
array( 'nowiki', 'gallery' ),
array_keys( $this->mTagHooks ) );
global $wgRawHtml;
if( $wgRawHtml ) {
$elements[] = 'html';
if( $this->mOptions->getUseTeX() ) {
$elements[] = 'math';
# Removing $dontstrip tags from $elements list (currently only 'gallery', fixing bug 2700)
foreach ( $elements AS $k => $v ) {
if ( !in_array ( $v , $dontstrip ) ) continue;
unset ( $elements[$k] );
$matches = array();
$text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams( $elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix );
foreach( $matches as $marker => $data ) {
list( $element, $content, $params, $tag ) = $data;
if( $render ) {
$tagName = strtolower( $element );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__."-render-$tagName" );
switch( $tagName ) {
case '!--':
// Comment
if( substr( $tag, -3 ) == '-->' ) {
$output = $tag;
} else {
// Unclosed comment in input.
// Close it so later stripping can remove it
$output = "$tag-->";
case 'html':
if( $wgRawHtml ) {
$output = $content;
// Shouldn't happen otherwise. :)
case 'nowiki':
$output = Xml::escapeTagsOnly( $content );
case 'math':
$output = $wgContLang->armourMath( MathRenderer::renderMath( $content ) );
case 'gallery':
$output = $this->renderImageGallery( $content, $params );
if( isset( $this->mTagHooks[$tagName] ) ) {
$output = call_user_func_array( $this->mTagHooks[$tagName],
array( $content, $params, $this ) );
} else {
throw new MWException( "Invalid call hook $element" );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__."-render-$tagName" );
} else {
// Just stripping tags; keep the source
$output = $tag;
// Unstrip the output, to support recursive strip() calls
$output = $state->unstripBoth( $output );
if( !$stripcomments && $element == '!--' ) {
$commentState->setPair( $marker, $output );
} elseif ( $element == 'html' || $element == 'nowiki' ) {
$nowikiItems[$marker] = $output;
} else {
$generalItems[$marker] = $output;
# Add the new items to the state
# We do this after the loop instead of during it to avoid slowing
# down the recursive unstrip
$state->nowiki->mergeArray( $nowikiItems );
$state->general->mergeArray( $generalItems );
# Unstrip comments unless explicitly told otherwise.
# (The comments are always stripped prior to this point, so as to
# not invoke any extension tags / parser hooks contained within
# a comment.)
if ( !$stripcomments ) {
// Put them all back and forget them
$text = $commentState->replace( $text );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $text;
Parser::stripNoGallery ( $text)

Detect NOGALLERY magic word and set a placeholder.

Definition at line 3371 of file Parser.php.

# if the string __NOGALLERY__ (not case-sensitive) occurs in the HTML,
# do not add TOC
$mw = MagicWord::get( 'nogallery' );
$this->mOutput->mNoGallery = $mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ;
Parser::stripToc (   $text)

Detect TOC magic word and set a placeholder.

Definition at line 3381 of file Parser.php.

# if the string __NOTOC__ (not case-sensitive) occurs in the HTML,
# do not add TOC
$mw = MagicWord::get( 'notoc' );
if( $mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
$this->mShowToc = false;
$mw = MagicWord::get( 'toc' );
if( $mw->match( $text ) ) {
$this->mShowToc = true;
$this->mForceTocPosition = true;
// Set a placeholder. At the end we'll fill it in with the TOC.
$text = $mw->replace( '<!--MWTOC-->', $text, 1 );
// Only keep the first one.
$text = $mw->replace( '', $text );
return $text;
Parser::tidy (   $text)

Interface with html tidy, used if $wgUseTidy = true.

If tidy isn't able to correct the markup, the original will be returned in all its glory with a warning comment appended.

Either the external tidy program or the in-process tidy extension will be used depending on availability. Override the default $wgTidyInternal setting to disable the internal if it's not working.

string$textHideous HTML input
string Corrected HTML output

Definition at line 693 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTidyInternal;
$wrappedtext = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'.
' ""><html>'.
if( $wgTidyInternal ) {
$correctedtext = Parser::internalTidy( $wrappedtext );
} else {
$correctedtext = Parser::externalTidy( $wrappedtext );
if( is_null( $correctedtext ) ) {
wfDebug( "Tidy error detected!\n" );
return $text . "\n<!-- Tidy found serious XHTML errors -->\n";
return $correctedtext;
Parser::Title (   $x = NULL)


#@+ Accessor/mutator

Definition at line 4513 of file Parser.php.

{ return wfSetVar( $this->mTitle, $x ); }
Parser::transformMsg (   $text,

Transform a MediaWiki message by replacing magic variables.

string$textthe text to transform
string the text with variables substituted

Definition at line 3855 of file Parser.php.

global $wgTitle;
static $executing = false;
$fname = "Parser::transformMsg";
# Guard against infinite recursion
if ( $executing ) {
return $text;
$executing = true;
if ( $wgTitle && !( $wgTitle instanceof FakeTitle ) ) {
$this->mTitle = $wgTitle;
} else {
$this->mTitle = Title::newFromText('msg');
$this->mOptions = $options;
$this->setOutputType( OT_MSG );
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text );
$executing = false;
return $text;
Parser::uniqPrefix ( )

Accessor for mUniqPrefix.

Definition at line 258 of file Parser.php.

Parser::unstrip (   $text,

Restores pre, math, and other extensions removed by strip()

always call unstripNoWiki() after this one

use $this->mStripState->unstrip()

Definition at line 645 of file Parser.php.

return $state->unstripGeneral( $text );
Parser::unstripForHTML (   $text)
use $this->mStripState->unstripBoth()

Definition at line 662 of file Parser.php.

return $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $text );
Parser::unstripNoWiki (   $text,

Always call this after unstrip() to preserve the order.

use $this->mStripState->unstrip()

Definition at line 655 of file Parser.php.

return $state->unstripNoWiki( $text );
Parser::validateSig (   $text)

Check that the user's signature contains no bad XML.

mixed An expanded string, or false if invalid.

Definition at line 3793 of file Parser.php.

return( wfIsWellFormedXmlFragment( $text ) ? $text : false );
Parser::variableSubstitution (   $matches)

Replace magic variables.

Definition at line 2830 of file Parser.php.

global $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::variableSubstitution';
$varname = $wgContLang->lc($matches[1]);
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$skip = false;
if ( $this->mOutputType == OT_WIKI ) {
# Do only magic variables prefixed by SUBST
$mwSubst =& MagicWord::get( 'subst' );
if (!$mwSubst->matchStartAndRemove( $varname ))
$skip = true;
# Note that if we don't substitute the variable below,
# we don't remove the {{subst:}} magic word, in case
# it is a template rather than a magic variable.
if ( !$skip && array_key_exists( $varname, $this->mVariables ) ) {
$id = $this->mVariables[$varname];
# Now check if we did really match, case sensitive or not
$mw =& MagicWord::get( $id );
if ($mw->match($matches[1])) {
$text = $this->getVariableValue( $id );
$this->mOutput->mContainsOldMagic = true;
} else {
$text = $matches[0];
} else {
$text = $matches[0];
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;

Field Documentation


Definition at line 101 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 100 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 103 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 100 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 97 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 97 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 101 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 103 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 101 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 102 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 101 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 102 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 100 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 100 of file Parser.php.



Definition at line 97 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 104 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 104 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 102 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 97 of file Parser.php.


Definition at line 111 of file Parser.php.

Referenced by setOutputType().


Definition at line 92 of file Parser.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: