ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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ilDiskQuotaChecker Class Reference

Class ilDiskQuotaChecker. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilDiskQuotaChecker:

Public Member Functions

 ilDiskQuotaChecker ()

Static Public Member Functions

static _lookupDiskQuota ($a_user_id)
 Gets the disk quota info for the specified user account.
static _lookupDiskUsage ($a_user_id)
 Gets the disk usage info for the specified user account.
static _fetchDiskQuotaReport ($a_usage_filter=3, $a_access_filter=1, $a_order_column='disk_usage', $a_order_by='desc')
 Reads disk quota/disk usage report of the user accounts.
static _updateDiskUsageReport ()
 Updates the disk usage info of all user accounts.
static _sendSummaryMails ()
static _sendReminderMails ()
 Sends reminder e-mails to all users who have access and who have exceeded their disk quota and who haven't received a reminder mail in the past 7 days.
static _lookupDiskUsageReportLastUpdate ()
 Returns the SQL datetime of the last update of the disk usage report.

Static Private Member Functions

static __updateDiskUsageReportOfType ($a_access_obj, $a_type)
 Updates the disk usage report of the specified object type for all user accounts.
static __updateDiskUsageReportOfUsers ($a_access_obj, $a_type)
 Updates the disk usage report of the specified object type for all user accounts.

Detailed Description

Class ilDiskQuotaChecker.

Werner Randelshofer, Hochschule Luzern,
class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php 25692 2010-09-15 09:44:16Z mwarkus

Definition at line 33 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

Member Function Documentation

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::__updateDiskUsageReportOfType (   $a_access_obj,

Updates the disk usage report of the specified object type for all user accounts.

The results are stored in table usr_pref. For each user which owns files the following rows are inserted:

$a_access_objObject A access object, such as ilObjFileAccess.
$a_typestring The type of the access object, such as 'file'.

Keyword Value Description 'disk_usage.file.count' integer The number of files owned by the user 'disk_usage.file.usage' integer The disk usage of the files

Definition at line 384 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

Referenced by _updateDiskUsageReport().

global $ilDB;
// get all objects of the desired type which are in the repository
// ordered by owner
$res = $ilDB->query("SELECT DISTINCT d.obj_id, d.owner ".
"FROM object_data d ".
"JOIN object_reference r ON d.obj_id=r.obj_id ".
"JOIN tree t ON t.child=r.ref_id ".
"WHERE d.type = ".$ilDB->quote($a_type, "text")." ".
"AND t.tree=1 ".
"ORDER BY d.owner"
// for each objects of an owner, count the number of objects and sum up
// the size
$count = null;
$size = null;
$owner = null;
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
if ($row->owner != $owner) {
if ($owner != null) {
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($owner,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.size').", ".
$ilDB->quote($size, 'integer').")");
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($owner,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.count').", ".
$ilDB->quote($count, 'integer').")"
$owner = $row->owner;
$size = 0;
$count = 0;
$size += $a_access_obj->_lookupDiskUsage($row->obj_id);
if ($owner != null) {
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($owner,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.size').", ".
$ilDB->quote($size, 'integer').")");
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($owner,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.count').", ".
$ilDB->quote($count, 'integer').")");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::__updateDiskUsageReportOfUsers (   $a_access_obj,

Updates the disk usage report of the specified object type for all user accounts.

The results are stored in table usr_pref. For each user which owns files the following rows are inserted:

$a_access_objObject A access object, such as ilObjFileAccess.
$a_typestring The type of the access object, such as 'file'.

Keyword Value Description 'disk_usage.file.count' integer The number of files owned by the user 'disk_usage.file.usage' integer The disk usage of the files

Definition at line 461 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $data, $ilDB, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

Referenced by _updateDiskUsageReport().

global $ilDB;
// get all users
$res = $ilDB->query("SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data");
// for each user count the number of objects and sum up the size
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
$data = $a_access_obj->_lookupDiskUsageOfUser($row->usr_id);
if ($data['size'] != null && $data['count'] != null)
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($row->usr_id,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.size').", ".
$ilDB->quote($data['size'], 'integer').")");
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"(".$ilDB->quote($row->usr_id,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote('disk_usage.'.$a_type.'.count').", ".
$ilDB->quote($data['count'], 'integer').")");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_fetchDiskQuotaReport (   $a_usage_filter = 3,
  $a_access_filter = 1,
  $a_order_column = 'disk_usage',
  $a_order_by = 'desc' 

Reads disk quota/disk usage report of the user accounts.

Returns an array or associative arrays with information about the disk usage of each user account.

stringusage filter values: 1 = all users 2 = only users who don't use disk space 3 = only users who use disk space 4 = only users who have exceeded their quota
stringaccess filter values: 1 = all users 2 = only users who have access 4 = only users who have no access
array { array { 'usr_id'=>integer, // the user id 'login'=>string, // the login '...'=>..., // all other fields of table usr_data

'disk_usage'=>integer, // the disk usage in bytes 'disk_quota'=>integer, // the disk quota in bytes } }

Definition at line 219 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $data, $ilDB, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI\viewDiskQuotaReport().

$data = array();
global $ilDB;
if (! $a_order_column) {
$a_order_column = 'disk_usage';
switch ($a_usage_filter) {
case 1: // all users
$where_clause = '';
case 2: // only users who don't use disk space
$where_clause = 'WHERE (p2.value IS NULL) ';
case 3: // only users who use disk space
$where_clause = 'WHERE (p2.value > 0) ';
case 4: // only users who have exceeded their disk quota
$where_clause = 'WHERE (p2.value > p1.value AND p2.value > rq.role_disk_quota) ';
switch ($a_access_filter) {
case 1: // all users
$where_clause .= '';
case 2: // only users who have access
$where_clause .= ($where_clause == '' ? 'WHERE ' : ' AND ' ).
'( AND (u.time_limit_unlimited = 1 OR '.$ilDB->unixTimestamp().' BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until)) ';
case 3: // only users who don't have access
$where_clause .= ($where_clause == '' ? 'WHERE ' : ' AND ' ).
'( OR (u.time_limit_unlimited IS NULL AND '.$ilDB->unixTimestamp().' NOT BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until)) ';
$res = $ilDB->queryf(
"SELECT u.usr_id,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.login,,u.last_login,,".
"u.time_limit_unlimited, ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_from").", ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until").",".
// Inactive users get the date 0001-01-01 so that they appear
// first when the list is sorted by this field. Users with
// unlimited access get the date 9999-12-31 so that they appear
// last.
"CASE WHEN = 0 THEN '0001-01-01' ELSE CASE WHEN u.time_limit_unlimited=1 THEN '9999-12-31' ELSE ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until")." END END access_until,".
"CASE WHEN ".$ilDB->unixTimestamp()." BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until THEN 0 ELSE 1 END expired,".
"rq.role_disk_quota, system_role.rol_id role_id, ".
"p1.value+0 user_disk_quota,".
"p2.value+0 disk_usage, ".
"p3.value last_update, ".
"p4.value last_reminder, ".
// We add 0 to some of the values to convert them into a number.
// This is needed for correct sorting.
"CASE WHEN rq.role_disk_quota+0>p1.value+0 OR p1.value IS NULL THEN rq.role_disk_quota+0 ELSE p1.value+0 END disk_quota ".
"FROM usr_data u ".
// Fetch the role with the highest disk quota value.
"JOIN (SELECT u.usr_id usr_id,MAX(rd.disk_quota) role_disk_quota ".
"FROM usr_data u ".
"JOIN rbac_ua ua ON ua.usr_id=u.usr_id ".
"JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id=ua.rol_id AND fa.parent=%s ".
"JOIN role_data rd ON rd.role_id=ua.rol_id WHERE u.usr_id=ua.usr_id GROUP BY u.usr_id) rq ON rq.usr_id=u.usr_id ".
// Fetch the system role in order to determine whether the user has unlimited disk quota
"LEFT JOIN rbac_ua system_role ON system_role.usr_id=u.usr_id AND system_role.rol_id = %s ".
// Fetch the user disk quota from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p1 ON p1.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p1.keyword = 'disk_quota' ".
// Fetch the disk usage from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p2 ON p2.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p2.keyword = 'disk_usage' ".
// Fetch the last update from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p3 ON p3.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p3.keyword = 'disk_usage.last_update' ".
// Fetch the date when the last disk quota reminder was sent from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p4 ON p4.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p4.keyword = 'disk_quota_last_reminder' ".
"ORDER BY ".$a_order_column." ".($a_order_by=='asc'?' ASC':' DESC').", ".
"lastname, firstname, login"
$previous_usr_id = null;
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
if ($previous_usr_id != $row['usr_id'])
$data[] = $row;
$previous_usr_id = $row['usr_id'];
return $data;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_lookupDiskQuota (   $a_user_id)

Gets the disk quota info for the specified user account.

Returns an associative array with information about the disk quota of this user account.

integeruser id
array { "role"=>role_id, // the id of the role which defines the highest // quota for the specified user account "role_title"=>string, // the title of the role

"role_disk_quota"=>integer or positive infinity, // the disk quota specified by the role in bytes. // the disk quota is positive infinity if // the user has the system administrator role

"user_disk_quota"=>integer // the disk quota specified on the user account // form.

"disk_quota"=>integer or positive infinity // the disk quota which is in effect. This is // either role_quota or user_quota whichever // is higher.

"last_reminder"=>string or null // the SQL datetime the last time a disk quota // reminder was sent to the user }

Definition at line 70 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

Referenced by ilObjUserGUI\initForm().

$info = array();
global $ilDB;
$res = $ilDB->queryf("SELECT keyword, value ".
"FROM usr_pref ".
"WHERE usr_id = %s ".
"AND keyword IN ('disk_quota', 'disk_quota_last_reminder')",
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
switch ($row->keyword)
case 'disk_quota' :
$info['user_disk_quota'] = $row->value;
case 'disk_quota_last_reminder' :
$info['last_reminder'] = $row->value;
// Note: we order by role_id ASC here, in the assumption that
// the system role has the lowest ID of all roles.
// this way, if a user has the system role, this role
// will always returned first.
$res = $ilDB->queryf("SELECT rd.role_id, rd.disk_quota, od.title ".
"FROM rbac_ua ua ".
"JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id=ua.rol_id AND fa.parent = %s ".
"JOIN role_data rd ON ua.rol_id=rd.role_id ".
"JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id=rd.role_id ".
"WHERE ua.usr_id = %s ".
"ORDER BY disk_quota DESC, role_id ASC",
array(ROLE_FOLDER_ID, $a_user_id));
$info['role_id'] = $row->role_id;
$info['role_title'] = $row->title;
// Note: Users with the system role have an infinite disk quota
// We calculate positive infinity by negating the logarithm of 0.
$info['role_disk_quota'] = ($row->role_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID) ? -log(0) : $row->disk_quota;
$info['disk_quota'] = max($info['user_disk_quota'], $info['role_disk_quota']);
return $info;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_lookupDiskUsage (   $a_user_id)

Gets the disk usage info for the specified user account.

Returns an associative array with information about the disk usage of this user account.

integeruser id
array { 'last_update'=>datetime, // SQL datetime of the last update // if this is null, the disk usage is unkown

'disk_usage'=>integer, // the disk usage in bytes

'details' array(array('type'=>string,'count'=>integer,'size'=>integer),...) // an associative array with the disk // usage in bytes for each object type

Definition at line 140 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, $res, $row, $type, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

Referenced by _sendReminderMails(), ilObjUserGUI\initForm(), and ilDiskQuotaSummaryNotification\send().

$info = array();
$details = array();
global $ilDB;
$res = $ilDB->query("SELECT keyword, value ".
"FROM usr_pref ".
"WHERE usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer')." ".
"AND ".$ilDB->like("keyword", "text", 'disk\\_usage%')
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
switch ($row->keyword)
case 'disk_usage.last_update' :
$info['last_update'] = $row->value;
case 'disk_usage' :
$info['disk_usage'] = $row->value;
default :
// The following preg_match is used to extract the type
// and the keys 'count' and 'size' from the keywords:
// disk_usage.type.count
// disk_usage.type.size
$matches = array();
preg_match('/^disk_usage\\.([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)/', $row->keyword, $matches);
$type = $matches[1];
$key = $matches[2];
if ($type)
$detail_data = $details[$type];
if ($detail_data == null)
$detail_data = array('type'=>$type);
$detail_data[$key] = $row->value;
$details[$type] = $detail_data;
$info['details'] = $details;
return $info;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_lookupDiskUsageReportLastUpdate ( )

Returns the SQL datetime of the last update of the disk usage report.

Returns null, if the disk usage report has never been made.

Definition at line 610 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI\viewDiskQuotaReport().

global $ilDB;
require_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaReminderMail.php';
$mail = new ilDiskQuotaReminderMail();
$res = $ilDB->query("SELECT MAX(value) last_update ".
"FROM usr_pref WHERE keyword='disk_usage.last_update'");
return ($row != null) ? $row['last_update'] : null;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_sendReminderMails ( )

Sends reminder e-mails to all users who have access and who have exceeded their disk quota and who haven't received a reminder mail in the past 7 days.

Definition at line 510 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, $res, $row, _lookupDiskUsage(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilCronDiskQuotaCheck\sendReminderMails().

global $ilDB;
require_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaReminderMail.php';
$mail = new ilDiskQuotaReminderMail();
$res = $ilDB->queryf(
"SELECT u.usr_id,u.gender,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.login,,u.last_login,,".
"u.time_limit_unlimited, ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_from").", ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until").",".
// Inactive users get the date 0001-01-01 so that they appear
// first when the list is sorted by this field. Users with
// unlimited access get the date 9999-12-31 so that they appear
// last.
"CASE WHEN = 0 THEN '0001-01-01' ELSE CASE WHEN u.time_limit_unlimited=1 THEN '9999-12-31' ELSE ".$ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until")." END END access_until,".
" CASE WHEN ".$ilDB->unixTimestamp()." BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until THEN 0 ELSE 1 END expired,".
"rq.role_disk_quota, system_role.rol_id role_id, ".
"p1.value+0 user_disk_quota,".
"p2.value+0 disk_usage, ".
"p3.value last_update, ".
"p4.value last_reminder, ".
"p5.value language, ".
// We add 0 to some of the values to convert them into a number.
// This is needed for correct sorting.
"CASE WHEN rq.role_disk_quota+0>p1.value+0 OR p1.value IS NULL THEN rq.role_disk_quota+0 ELSE p1.value+0 END disk_quota ".
"FROM usr_data u ".
// Fetch the role with the highest disk quota value.
"JOIN (SELECT u.usr_id usr_id,MAX(rd.disk_quota) role_disk_quota ".
"FROM usr_data u ".
"JOIN rbac_ua ua ON ua.usr_id=u.usr_id ".
"JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id=ua.rol_id AND fa.parent=%s ".
"JOIN role_data rd ON rd.role_id=ua.rol_id WHERE u.usr_id=ua.usr_id GROUP BY u.usr_id) rq ON rq.usr_id=u.usr_id ".
// Fetch the system role in order to determine whether the user has unlimited disk quota
"LEFT JOIN rbac_ua system_role ON system_role.usr_id=u.usr_id AND system_role.rol_id = %s ".
// Fetch the user disk quota from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p1 ON p1.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p1.keyword = 'disk_quota' ".
// Fetch the disk usage from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p2 ON p2.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p2.keyword = 'disk_usage' ".
// Fetch the last update from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p3 ON p3.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p3.keyword = 'disk_usage.last_update' ".
// Fetch the date when the last disk quota reminder was sent from table usr_pref
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p4 ON p4.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p4.keyword = 'disk_quota_last_reminder' ".
// Fetch the language of the user
"LEFT JOIN usr_pref p5 ON p5.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p5.keyword = 'language' ".
// Fetch only users who have exceeded their quota, and who have
// access, and who have not received a reminder in the past seven days
'WHERE (p2.value > p1.value AND p2.value > rq.role_disk_quota) '.
'AND ( AND (u.time_limit_unlimited = 1 OR '.$ilDB->unixTimestamp().' BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until)) '.
'AND (p4.value IS NULL OR p4.value < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)) '
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$details = self::_lookupDiskUsage($row['usr_id']);
$row['disk_usage_details'] = $details['details'];
// Send reminder e-mail
// Store the date the last reminder was sent in the table usr_pref.
if ($row['last_reminder'] != null)
$ilDB->manipulatef("UPDATE usr_pref SET value= ".$ilDB->now()." ".
"WHERE usr_id=%s AND keyword = 'disk_quota_last_reminder'"
$ilDB->manipulatef("INSERT INTO usr_pref (usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"VALUES (%s, 'disk_quota_last_reminder', ".$ilDB->now().")"

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_sendSummaryMails ( )

Definition at line 490 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilSetting.

Referenced by ilCronDiskQuotaCheck\sendSummaryMails().

global $ilSetting;
$lastStart = $ilSetting->get('last_cronjob_disk_quota_sum_start_ts', 0);
if( !$lastStart || date('dmY', $lastStart) != date('dmY') )
$ilSetting->set('last_cronjob_disk_quota_sum_start_ts', time());
include_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaSummaryNotification.php';

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilDiskQuotaChecker::_updateDiskUsageReport ( )

Updates the disk usage info of all user accounts.

The result is stored in usr_pref of each user. The following keywords are used:

'disk_usage_last_update' - the unix timestamp of the last update. 'disk_usage.file' - the disk usage of file objects owned by the user.

Definition at line 330 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.

References $ilDB, __updateDiskUsageReportOfType(), and __updateDiskUsageReportOfUsers().

Referenced by ilCronDiskQuotaCheck\updateDiskUsageStatistics().

global $ilDB;
// delete old values
$ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM usr_pref ".
"WHERE ".$ilDB->like("keyword", "text", 'disk_usage%'));
require_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php';
require_once 'Modules/HTMLLearningModule/classes/class.ilObjFileBasedLMAccess.php';
require_once 'Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php';
require_once 'Modules/ScormAicc/classes/class.ilObjSAHSLearningModuleAccess.php';
require_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilObjMailAccess.php';
// insert the sum of the disk usage of each user
// note: second % is needed to not fail on oracle char field
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"SELECT usr_id, 'disk_usage', SUM(value) ".
"FROM usr_pref ".
"WHERE ".$ilDB->like("keyword", "text", 'disk_usage.%.size%').
"GROUP BY usr_id"
// insert last update
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO usr_pref ".
"(usr_id, keyword, value) ".
"SELECT usr_id, 'disk_usage.last_update', ".$ilDB->now()." ".
"FROM usr_data");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilDiskQuotaChecker::ilDiskQuotaChecker ( )

Definition at line 35 of file class.ilDiskQuotaChecker.php.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: